A thread dedicated to small but emotionally devastating social fails

somebody walks into the gym, gives everybody on the bench daps and you stick your hand out too, not really knowing the person

almost signaling hello to someone that kinda looks like one of your friends from afar
How bout you go to shake somebodies hand but they're the (I don't shake hands type) and you just feel stupid but at the same time u wana punch them inthe face.
I stay takin' L's...

The biggest thing is tripping up stairs... that +!#! is the worst even if you don't fall you end up hitting your shin or something...

Like somebody else mentioned: "the from behind 'excuse me'"where people don't realize you're trying to get by and you say excuse mebut for whatever reason they can't hear you... you say "excuse me" louder and they act like your a douche cuz you just basically yelled at themto stop blocking the exit...

The one I hate the most is when I get to the movies late and it's already started at some dark, night scene or something... so it's dark as hell andyou're trying to find a seat so you have to wait for it to get to like a daytime scene so you can see where seats are... to go along with that, when youfinally do find some seats they're always smack dab in the middle so you have to ask the whole row to stand up so you can get by... lol... annoying...

If you're at a food place and you spill something on your shirt but you're the last to notice (this is ALWAYS the case) so then everybody's beenlaughing for like 15 minutes and you just noticed you got half of a chicken taco on your shirt...

Last but not least, this is by far the worst... i was at Chick-Fil-A once and the lady accidentally dropped my change, so i bent down to pick it up and when icame back up, i knocked over this kid's ice cream who was beside me... she started crying her eyes out and there was like 40 people in line so EVERYBODYsaw it... she was too close to me but everybody just looked at me like i was the biggest loser ever.... so i bought the kid and her brother two more cones buti was still getting evil looks...

Nobody catches more L's than the kid...
Oh what about when everybody is laughing and tellin jokes or just adding they funny replies in and you decide to add yours and it's a straight dud.Everybody gets quiet and you just feel awkward and embarrassed cuz your joke was lame.

I do stupid stuff at my work all the time because of habit

1 person walks into the store i say "Hi Guys" theres 1 person @*$#%%@.

when your talking about how fine a girl is in store and the music goes quiet and EVERYBODY hears you. (this anywhere sucks)

When i come back from a lunch break thinking the store is empty and i start shouting all sorts of stuff to my co workers, not realizing there's someone inthe changing room.

One day a dude came into the store in a wheelchair he was part of our national wheelchair basketball team, real cool guy. He wanted to try on some Jordan'sso i got them for him he put them on and i started to say stuff like, how do the fit? whats the size like? they're comfortable aren't they? he cantfeel them you idiot. dude just kept laughing. it was constant facepalms. my co workers were in the back ground like "For !@$&sake" "shut up" i felt like an idiot.
I remember in middle school the girl who I had the biggest crush on was sitting across from me and she waved so I smiled and waved back...Then she looked at melike ummmm... not you, and I turned around and her friend was behind me. That was like 10 or 11 years ago, it scarred me so much I still get a cramping feelingin my stomach to this day when I think about it.
Originally Posted by Face82

Oh what about when everybody is laughing and tellin jokes or just adding they funny replies in and you decide to add yours and it's a straight dud. Everybody gets quiet and you just feel awkward and embarrassed cuz your joke was lame.

i hate when this #$%* happens... it's soembarrassing... everybody just looks down at their feet and gives you that "yeah, that was funny"
Originally Posted by potus2028

How bout you think sumbody talkin 2 you, you start talkin back, and she got a bluetooth in her ear on the phone.

Delayed facepalm moment.

Or, how bout a slight stumble in public? Not a total faceplant or nothin, one of the jawns where you catch yaself, but you def know your diddybop failed.

Or hell, what about you on a elevator, and its like 3 people on that mafuh, and you get 2 a floor and yall can't decide who gets out 1st. Have me bout 2 suggest a game of rock, paper, scissors 2 decide.

Wait wait...what about you walkin towards sumbody on the sidewalk, and yall can't seem 2 get the *#+# out of each othas way. Yall just standin there jukin right and left and smilin awkwardly...

Oh, and let me not forget you startin 2 walk into another room...and halfway there forget why you went. Got you just standin there 4 a good 10 seconds lookin stupid. I hate that type $#!+
true story
The inapplicable "you too"

Cashier @ Burger King: "And thirteen dollars is your change. Enjoy your meal!"

Me: "You too!"


Feel free to add your own.

damn I knew I wasn't the only one...
This sh had me

I failed twice today

Residential head advisor - "Hello"
Me - " Im good and you"

five minutes later
Me- " Hey how are u doing?"
Female- "I'm doing fine how are u?"
Me- "Im doing good you?
One time in Spanish class, my teacher asked, "¿Que Pasa?" and I responded, "¿Como Estas? ¿Y tu?" Which of course is wrong because as weall know, the correct answer to that question would be, "¿Como Esta? ¿Y usted?" Since he was a teacher.

And one that seems to happen to me way too often--I keep trying to get parking spaces and thinkingthere's one available, only to find out it's already taken by either a compact car or a motorcycle. God, I hate that!

I got some. How about when you in class and a teacher asks u to read out loud and then you start to read and your voice cracks on some high pitched mess
. I hated when that happened in high school or in middle school. Mad embarrasing.

Or, when u are taking a test and it's completely quiet and then your stomach starts growling
. People are probably thinking you have some mean bubble guts and are farting. It's the worst when you got some sexy ladies sittting near you.
*@%# used to happen to me all the time.
I hate when you're posted up with your boys against the wall at the club and you see a chick in the middle of the dancefloor killing it to some Pitbull
joint by herself so you walkover. As soon as she feels you behind her she STOPS dancing and just gives you the
then you have
to take the walk of shame back to the wall you just came from, I hate when that happens
Originally Posted by rsdplaya

Originally Posted by K8be wan Kenobi

Originally Posted by philly5fan

How about when you see an old friend in public and yall start chatting for a little while, then eventually one of yall make up some excuse and say that you gotta go, yall say bye....then start walking the same way......its just so awkward

sooooooo true.
I had a convo with this random Russian girl today and after the talk we both walked the same way. So I kinda had to force another convo, but itwas a nice talk nonetheless.
Originally Posted by ballinamillion1

This sh had me

I failed twice today

Residential head advisor - "Hello"
Me - " Im good and you"

five minutes later
Me- " Hey how are u doing?"
Female- "I'm doing fine how are u?"
Me- "Im doing good you?

Originally Posted by 0cks

When someone remembers your name, and keeps on saying it and you want to remember theirs but you can't...yea
awww man. i hate that %@$@. out with ur boy and somebody he knows shakes his hand and u prep urs up for the "masculent....im a man" handshake & he acts like ur not there and start a full convo with ur boy. and sittin there lookin like
or what about when u ask a chick "how u doin?" not even tryna holla or nothing. just on some "how u doin?" type $*!+ & she replies backwith a hard "NOTHING!!!!!" & gives u the stink face and all

trying to be nice FTL
After I meet somone I may forget their name right after they tel'l me. Il'l call them a different name that sounds similar, or by how they look.
I hate it when your looking at someone through a reflection in a mirror or window then they realize it and give you the stoneface into the window.
I was at my companies headquarters and a group of us 8 new hires had a meeting with our department boss on a project we were doing. Mind you, we all met himbefore and he knows our names. As he comes around to greet us:

Boss: Hows it going OG? (shakes my hand)
Me: Nice to meet you.

-the worse is when you're about to give someone dap, and you both are expecting different styles ie. you have the 'open hand' five and he has the'closed fist' and someone's fist ends up in someone's hand
and then you both switch and the exact same thing happens again.

also when you're drinking a drink, and somehow it just misses the bridge that you've formed with your lips and the soda just ends up on your shirt
Originally Posted by OGbobbyjohnson773

I was at my companies headquarters and a group of us 8 new hires had a meeting with our department boss on a project we were doing. Mind you, we all met him before and he knows our names. As he comes around to greet us:

Boss: Hows it going OG? (shakes my hand)
Me: Nice to meet you.

lmfao @ your boss addressing you as ogbobbyjohnson
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