How many 3.0s have you copped this year?

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its obvious that you like the shoes so much that you're ignoring the #facts

which is cool with me tho.  whatever floats your boat.  but just for pointless arguments sake, its a female shoe
Nah I'm just secure enough with myself that I don't need anyone to tell me what shoes I should and shouldn't wear. And another guy wearing women's shoes doesn't threaten me or offend my sensibilities.

"Men should act like men" is the kind of thing closeted gay dudes usually say. Not saying that's you, just saying that's a pretty common occurrence.
not really man.  there's just guys out there that want men to act like men.  nothing "closeted gay" about it.

like, if i'm in a fist fight with you, please punch me - don't bite me - don't scratch me!
KD 4's had straps. Plenty of shoes had straps.

But the whites definitely look feminine to me, but I'm still cool with any man who wants them. You get to keep your man card for sure.
not really man.  there's just guys out there that want men to act like men.  nothing "closeted gay" about it.
Nah it's actually been scientifically proven that a large portion of homophobic men and people who spew hate speech about gays are actually secretly attracted to men.
Nah I'm just secure enough with myself that I don't need anyone to tell me what shoes I should and shouldn't wear. And another guy wearing women's shoes doesn't threaten me or offend my sensibilities.

"Men should act like men" is the kind of thing closeted gay dudes usually say. Not saying that's you, just saying that's a pretty common occurrence.

Repped. _stephen.p_ _stephen.p_ usually on point on the forums and i respect your opinion, but wholeheartedly disagree.

tankdayglo tankdayglo not even a fan of the whites if im not mistaken, but myself and plenty other "manly" dudes are secure enough with their masculine dudes to look past labels. Especially on a white shoe. Dudes all over reddit loving the is just one of many ay threads:

Kicks on fire author comment:
View media item 1931216
I might assume your perspective is skewed because you come from the Carolinas vs Miami, NYC, or LA...but then id be stereotyping just the same! [emoji]128514[/emoji]
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You seem to care about that they are LABELED women's shoes. I dont care about that, if it were dope enough id cop em for myself. Its just the actually DESIGN, color, texture of the shoe IMO is too feminine (obviously cause it was meant for women.)
would you wear dope panties?  PM if needed

This is the politically correct answer to everything.

If it were as simple as that then whats the point of opinions and having a forum?
What? i don't get it. You just proved my point.
Yes the white are womens shoe. It doesnt matter. Others will buy it. Let them be. Its like saying girls cant buy mens shirt however we still see lots of women purchasing them.
would you wear dope panties?  PM if needed

Yo bro,

  We live in a world of gender fluidity. I can identify myself as a Panda and that will be socially accepted.

It's 2016. Men wear women's shoes. Go find the pic with Kanye tryna be Prince with the Black heels.
Nah I'm just secure enough with myself that I don't need anyone to tell me what shoes I should and shouldn't wear. And another guy wearing women's shoes doesn't threaten me or offend my sensibilities.

"Men should act like men" is the kind of thing closeted gay dudes usually say. Not saying that's you, just saying that's a pretty common occurrence.
Repped. @riceNeggs usually on point on the forums and i respect your opinion, but wholeheartedly disagree.

@tankdayglo not even a fan of the whites if im not mistaken, but myself and plenty other "manly" dudes are secure enough with their masculine dudes to look past labels. Especially on a white shoe. Dudes all over reddit loving the is just one of many ay threads:

Kicks on fire author comment:

I might assume your perspective is skewed because you come from the Carolinas vs Miami, NYC, or LA...but then id be stereotyping just the same! [emoji]128514[/emoji]

not sure what being from North Carolina has to do with not wearing female shoes, but ok
Dude you really comparing sneakers to panties?[emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji]

So i guess a woman cant wear kicks labeled for men either? Me and the wifey breaking all the "rules" then!!

View media item 1931219
no point in continuing this discussion fellas. Its one persons opinion. We should all just move on before someone says something offensive.
i don't care if it was 2039.  IMO, men shouldn't wear women's shoes
cool man, there's quite a few people that would agree with you, however you ain't gonna convince a shoe "community" that is so far gone that they'll  wear dope panties if it came in a Don C set.
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no point in continuing this discussion fellas. Its one persons opinion. We should all just move on before someone says something offensive.
Pretty much this, don't let someones opinion you don't agree with get to you even if you don't agree. With that said, I will be rocking my white WW when I get them in
no point in continuing this discussion fellas. Its one persons opinion. We should all just move on before someone says something offensive.
its a slow sunday.  discussion is fine.  no1 is going to offend anyone because none of us know each other.

opinion vs opinion is cool
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I think the fact that they manufactured the women's WW's up to a size 14, while the men's were up to a size 13, kinda shows that they intended them to be worn by both genders, if you were so inclined.

Usually the biggest size in Adidas women's UB is 11 if I'm not mistaken. That means they intentionally raised the biggest size for this release specifically.

Just my 2 cents.
I think the fact that they manufactured the women's WW's up to a size 14, while the men's were up to a size 13, kinda shows that they intended them to be worn by both genders, if you were so inclined.

Usually the biggest size in Adidas women's UB is 11 if I'm not mistaken. That means they intentionally raised the biggest size for this release specifically.

Just my 2 cents.
I agree with your sentiment but women's UBs usually go up that high, those sizes just sell out quick CAUSE DUDES BUY THEM so you don't see them around as often.
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