How many 3.0s have you copped this year?

  • 0

    Votes: 17 22.1%
  • 1-2

    Votes: 33 42.9%
  • 3+

    Votes: 27 35.1%

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It sounds amazing but trust me, like someone just said you're living an average life at 100k because the cost of living is so high. Minimum wage is $15 there too just to put it in perspective. You'd most likely pay $2,000 for only a small room too. But in the end it all really comes down to what you want, it just sounds like you're gonna be rich when you hear 100k but it doesn't really turn out like that.

Move out of the city and 100k is life changing.
Move out of the city and 100k is life changing.

True, still don't wanna commute and be stuck in traffic for hours everyday. Looking at at least 4 hours wasted everyday in traffic. Too many hours wasted commuting, my time is more valuable than that little bit of extra money.
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Funny cause after college i landed a job making like 40k ish and my CS friends were starting at 60-70 and i was thinking the exact same thing as you mentioned.. fast forward, i stuck it out in  finance/investments  and went into sales now i'm making more than all of them 

YMMV- because sales is one of those special fields where you don't necessarily need a masters.. you need grit and they dont teach that in school...
Nah, I can't **** with sales 
 I like sitting my *** in one place with no travelling and not having to interact with different folks all the time trying to get them to buy stuff. I'm not a convincing man LOL
yup comp sci is a hot market at the moment. My little brother just moved out to SF to work at a start up and every time we talk he tries to convince me to learn to code and move out west. The salary is tempting, the free food at work is tempting, the casual nature of tech jobs is tempting, but not sure if i'm into the work life balance of tech. My brother works too much haha. Marginally depressing that he makes more than i do, but also not interested that him and his roommates are paying 7800$/month to life in japan town lol...... Currently i'm a mechanical engineer for the department of transportation and the work life balance at the moment is perfect . No real complaints . :-D
$7800 a month to split 1 bathroom? **** THAT. My work/life balance is awesome right now, but I wish I got paid more 

Move out of the city and 100k is life changing.
For real. With the transportation system in place in the Bay Area, you could move a city or two over with that salary and live good. Downside is you'd probably be 30 - 40 minutes away from work, but it ain't like you gotta drive. You just sit on the BART train and zone out to whatever. Living in the city is overrated. 
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Commuting for 2-4 hours a day to get to work is just terrible quality of life.  I know some people really have no choice and have to make ends meet.  But if given the choice, I'd never choose a job that is super far away.  
I think the ATR strip pulls the sides outwards making it look wider than it is... and with no cage to hold it in it spreads it out... on foot it definitely looks a lot better.

I saw a youtuber complaining about the way they look out of the box when he had not even put them on his foot yet. I wanted to be like "put the damn thing on your foot first... who gives a **** what they look like sitting on your shelf? " 

ah yeah i got it , i just tried them on , although i just noticed they run smaller than the ultra boost 1.0 as well ? i got them in 12.5 and they fit a little tight while my 12.5 tb ubs 1.0 are perfect 
When Bart is running smoothly it's an great option.

But when there's a problem, which often does arise, like protest or system issues or a man on the track,  that commute turns into a huge cluster*F* right away.
If you are single and don't make more than 70k in the Bay:

-you're still living with your parents

-you live with multiple roommates

-you got super lucky renting a place from friend

-you live in a dorm sized apt/condo

Combined income is key out here or you literally barley making it if you try to survive with anything below that.

Oh, and living in the boonies but commuting to the Bay for salary doesn't count.
Also depends on what hours you work in Bay Area.
Used to wake up at 4 am, catch a 5:10 train, get in Financial District at 5:30, and done by 1:30/2 pm. Market hours.
Lunch at around 9 am pst.
What a life. Bart was full at that morning hour full by time you got through Oakland. Construction guys, Finance dudes and God knows what the other people did for living.
Also depends on what hours you work in Bay Area.
Used to wake up at 4 am, catch a 5:10 train, get in Financial District at 5:30, and done by 1:30/2 pm. Market hours.
Lunch at around 9 am pst.
What a life. Bart was full at that morning hour full by time you got through Oakland. Construction guys, Finance dudes and God knows what the other people did for living.
I would love to leave work by 1:30pm.  Sounds like an awesome rest of the day.  But what time did you go to bed?
If you are single and don't make more than 70k in the Bay:

-you're still living with your parents

-you live with multiple roommates

-you got super lucky renting a place from friend

-you live in a dorm sized apt/condo

Combined income is key out here or you literally barley making it if you try to survive with anything below that.

Oh, and living in the boonies but commuting to the Bay for salary doesn't count.
Choose your bf,gf, wife, husband, partner wisely.  Make sure they make good bank.  
Choose your bf,gf, wife, husband, partner wisely.  Make sure they make good bank.  
lol the quality of life out here is horrid for folks outside of metro CA and living standards are non-existent.

I used to be in an apt complex where they would do monthly inspections to make sure a 2 bedroom apt didn't house 10+ folks.

Pretty common though out here to apply for a 1 bd as a 'couple' then have squad live with you.
I would love to leave work by 1:30pm.  Sounds like an awesome rest of the day.  But what time did you go to bed?

9-10 pm otherwise be a zombie. Some other office guys came in starting at 5 am pst (Marin, Oakland hills tribe and La-Mo-Orinda tunnel people). The most messed time difference ever experienced was on 9/11. Master of Universe, we were fleeing BofA building/Downtown and regular civilians were just coming into City from Bart.
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