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We still talking about that fraud consignment shop? 
 Good to know I started a good discussion today 
some of y'all act like there no rich people in the world :lol:

$1700 is nothing to some people (not me). I used to work at a hotel where people regularly dropped $2k plus a night not including food/drinks etc. some people just have money to burn

This. Seriously, who the **** cares who paid for the shoes anyways? It doesn't affect the outcome that the shoes are fake and the store should've LC'd their own pairs ahead of time.

Its a tough position to be put in for kolorblind. But at the end of the day....did they sell the kid fakes? Yes or No. From the stock pictures posted it looks like on day one the kid walked out of the store with fake shoes. If this was the case then the store should take them back and issue a full refund regardless of the condition.

If its a bait and switch and can be proven as such then there should be no refund given (obviously).
IMO the kid wasn't smart, and that's not surprising because he is a kid and all of us made mistakes at that age, but that doesn't matter when Instagram proves he was sold fake shoes. Open and shut case and the image deletions and $1000 settlement money speak to that.

The money offer was really what sealed it for me. You follow the money and you follow the truth. Kid didn't accept the offer because he knew he was in the right. Store made the offer because they knew they were in the wrong but didn't do the full refund because they assumed they had leverage. That was a bad miscalculation on their part in the social media age.

Consignment stores have been lazy about legit checks so this is one of those things that sets the global shoe community into motion. If flight club isn't more stringent after this article I would be shocked.
KB with that damage control reply.

It's a he said she said case, so no one wins.

Actually, the winner is KB and the kid. Any publicity, good or bad... is good publicity. I've never heard of KB. And im sure the kid got new followers... :smh:
KB with that damage control reply.

It's a he said she said case, so no one wins.

Actually, the winner is KB and the kid. Any publicity, good or bad... is good publicity. I've never heard of KB. And im sure the kid got new followers...
usually true, but not the kind of publicity that KB would want. As someone mentioned earlier they might as well call themselves legitblind
usually true, but not the kind of publicity that KB would want. As someone mentioned earlier they might as well call themselves legitblind

No doubt, this is not the publicity you want. Just like a restaurant getting people sick, a la Chipotle. Hard to come back from that...
Just saw the shoe that they sold him upclose, from their deleted IG post.


They tried to pull the OKEY doke on the buyer. KB had to know those were fake.

I've held fakes before. Once you get them in hand, they feel a Something just doesn't feel right. Sucks that they would be an actual shop that people trust and takes advantage of that. 
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