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1 checkin good for all three stores selected....
You're question is .... really not a question. There's no way of knowing what you are looking for .... will be surprised if you get any useful info from this question. Of course unless you're question is what ATC service are [folks] using.
Kith partnered with another company and did the GGs (or was it chocolates) through the Frenzy app ... but they went back to the usual raffle system for BTs - I would be on the look out for a raffle from them and of course in Jers packer.
Bet cool
Aww, don't start celebrating

When them L's come people will turn Pirate in here looking for Booty!
That'll make it even better...

That's the thread we all need. 
the only thing you cant change is get platinum vip after you already signed up for a reservation. so if you started with 3min headstart, you'll never get a 6 min headstart for that release. 
A lot of knowledge being dropped for this release yet to will have the same amount of questions next release
Not sure if anyone knows the release procedure for Up NYC (fat joe's new shop in wash heights) .... if you cou share/PM me would appreciate it. I'm in Brooklyn and any insight before trekking uptown would be appreciated.
how long does each code last for? tried using the codes that hipster mike used in LA but says it doesnt work 
Ok so here in the Tacoma/Seattle area no online reservations. Footlocker and Champs at the Southcenter mall is only doing raffles in store and yesterday and today are the only days. I'll keep my eye out for anything else.
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