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If he's a good friend. Just let him cop for retail.

everyone's so bloody greedy these days.
I usually do but he's cutting into the personal collection. I always hook up my friends locally but when it comes to the "personals" it's a different story. I'd rather not sell to be honest but the wife hounding me for saving up for this Euro cruise [emoji]128674[/emoji] lol
If you need money for vacation, just don't eat for a month. Just eat ramen. That'll cost like $30 and you'll be saving bread from your paycheck 

Also I still haven't gotten my shipping confirmation. Anyone with size 13 shoe got their YS email yet?
I can't prove this but I'm almost positive that before they changed the storefront to what it is currently, that there was a page that said orders get shipped the next business day.  I saw this like, the night of the release on the Help page or something like that, but now it's just an email address.  Of course, they don't normally get the volume of orders that they do with 350/750 releases.  But I swear it was there.
It was there I was talking in my slack group about that a couple days ago. It did say in their policy they ship out the next business day. But they updated their policy with the change of the website when they uploaded Szn 5. They were probably getting blown up with screenshots and quotes of their policy stating they ship out next day and obviously weren't abiding by that. They should have at least shipped everything 2 day air or 3 day select at the least. But as I've said before. As long as mine ships idgaf.
that policy was probably in place for the yeezy szn clothes and or boots.. im sure it doesnt apply to when they drop 7k pairs of yeezys and have mass amount of orders to ship out at once versus sparse orders for clothes and boots.
Tell them to put it in writing (email or something) that they reversed them and call your credit card company with that information and they will do it manually. It's actually being held by the card company because all adidas did was release the hold
 Thank you, I'm going to try that. They're kind of just going back and forth, apparently the only way to fix it is to communicate with each other but Adidas said they won't contact Amex and Amex won't contact Adidas 
. They're all clowns... 
that policy was probably in place for the yeezy szn clothes and or boots.. im sure it doesnt apply to when they drop 7k pairs of yeezys and have mass amount of orders to ship out at once versus sparse orders for clothes and boots.
Exactly, they don't normally handle orders like this- when boosts release its a madhouse over there, and I wonder if they're using their normal staff or adding people to help on big releases like this. I can only imagine how many "am I good" "will I get cancelled" "where is my shipping" emails they've had to deal with on top of the orders.
I'd like to know
Basically when you try to check out it just said Sorry theres been a problem please re enter your payment information. These being Yeezys, you frantically re enter your info trying to get your pair and it happens repeatedly until you give up. What you don't realize is each time you do that, they're putting an authorization hold on your card for a pair and eventually your card is maxed out on holds if you go at it long enough. 
Imagine what this thread is going to look like in a week 

Anyone want to pull an all nighter waiting for YS to go live with me? 
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