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Shiekh need to stop sending emails. Aint ever won Yeezys (or any other shoe from there) ever. Def not giving them my biz lol 
Is that the jig?
if you need em zyzz ill send you a code

Nah don't need it just find it out Nike hasn't sent me a single thing in over 3 months. Didn't even get the 30% off outlet coupon and I think I've gotten those everytime they sent em out

Appreciate it though G
NT fam I need some help I posted two pairs of belugas in the LC thread can someone help me out with a LC before I start my offering process thanks in advance
  Same here.   My wife actually called me out for this last release (bred) because she woke up and I was no longer in bed.   I feel like I'm cheating, slipping away quietly to go open up 3 computers and phones to try to buy a pair of shoes.  
guilty of this myself 
Any idea how bad resale will be? Trying to decide if I should pay solestrike the $375 or just try myself on Saturday and pay resale if I strike out.
the raffle lines get longer and longer every release... bruhhh

roll my eyes everytime some random asks someone "whats the line for"

if you don't know don't ask!
:lol:   Same here.   My wife actually called me out for this last release (bred) because she woke up and I was no longer in bed.   I feel like I'm cheating, slipping away quietly to go open up 3 computers and phones to try to buy a pair of shoes.  :smh:

Wife almost killed me when I was in line for about 5 hours for oreo release at 34th St. Funny thing is I invited her to come with me so we could get brunch later thinking it would be a quick cop... Good thing she didn't come. I would have been shoeless and headless.
They got apps for practicing confirmed now? Why are they still in love with this method? It serves no purpose.
Wife almost killed me when I was in line for about 5 hours for oreo release at 34th St. Funny thing is I invited her to come with me so we could get brunch later thinking it would be a quick cop... Good thing she didn't come. I would have been shoeless and headless.

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