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Crazy day yesterday. After not receiving any raffle calls throughout the week, I was debating whether to try online since I can never get past splash. Woke up a lil early so I thought **** it. Half an hour in queue and made it past splash and to my shock there was a full size run. Had a lil bit of trouble checking out but I made it work. :pimp: :pimp: First time copping from ADC.

Then while I was at work I get a phone call while I was with a customer. I go in the back to check something for my customer and I check my text and I WON THE LIKELIHOOD RAFFLE!!!!!!! Was not expecting that on the day of release.

Ended up with 2 pairs. :pimp: :pimp: Ooping the extra pair to a friend for retail.
Again, It's their product. They can do whatever they want with it. Nobody is forcing you to buy it there. I only care about the shoes so I'd have no issue buying there.
Next time they should sell without laces or insoles, that will really stop resellers 
It's pointless arguing about boxes or not. Resellers will still buy it without boxes. They just won't get the full margin they're expecting, but I'm sure if its not a big hassle or they got other places to go, 10/10 would sign up to get a pair.
Again, It's their product. They can do whatever they want with it. Nobody is forcing you to buy it there. I only care about the shoes so I'd have no issue buying there.

It's actually not really their product. If you have an account with any brand, contracts carry stipulations like when and how the product can be released, Retail pricing, how much it can be discounted and when they can discount them.
Id take em with out the box if i could just walk in and buy

Nobody is saying you have to buy there. For someone like me that buys to wear and couldn't care less about a box, I love it. They can have my business. If you're buying to flip or have a weird obsession with cardboard, shop elsewhere
i knew that pic would  start something 

Nobody is saying you have to buy there. For someone like me that buys to wear and couldn't care less about a box, I love it. They can have my business. If you're buying to flip or have a weird obsession with cardboard, shop elsewhere
And thats your opinion, not saying you're wrong. I just don't like a store telling me what I can or can't do (without actually knowing my intentions) when I spend hundreds of dollars with them. That doesn't fly in any other industry/shop.

But to each their own. 
It's actually not really their product. If you have an account with any brand, contracts carry stipulations like when and how the product can be released, Retail pricing, how much it can be discounted and when they can discount them.
No, once he buys he can do whatever he wants with it. Adidas can cut him off after that but they can't stop him from doing something once he owns the product.

How do you know Adidas give him permission to do it? Nike gave Sneaker Politics permission to make people wear their OVOs out of his store. Same thing could have happened here.
And thats your opinion, not saying you're wrong. I just don't like a store telling me what I can or can't do (without actually knowing my intentions) when I spend hundreds of dollars with them. That doesn't fly in any other industry/shop.

But to each their own. 
Just don't shop there. Problem solved. Gives someone like me a better chance to get a shoe I want to wear.
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