ADIDAS x YEEZY COLLAB OFFICIAL THREAD *2016 thread link 1st page*

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you have to realize that he doesn't control adidas. He's going off of what Adidas are telling him. At first he said they told him "adidas can make it happen, they promised me that". Then he goes to say that the yeezy 1 collection is not as available and affordable as he wants it to be. 
Again trying to understand what he means.  He wants it to be available for EVERYBODY, we knew that wasn't gonna happen.  But limited to 9,000 is the polar opposite.
Check page 505 brah
Thanks for pointing me there.  Sounds like Adidas doesn't even know what they are doing lol

Anyway listen, Im not arguing with anyone in here.  Its possible that these are done at 10,000 pairs.  Its also possible there will be more.  What Im saying is don't try to figure things out by reading into what Ye is saying. 
This is so funny to see how Adidas is doing nothing different than Nike besides letting him put out some clothes. Until I get proven wrong by seeing the market flooded with Kanye gear like he wants, this is the exact same situation he was in with Nike if not worse. How long until Ye is like **** Adidas I'm going to Reebok.
This is so funny to see how Adidas is doing nothing different than Nike besides letting him put out some clothes. Until I get proven wrong by seeing the market flooded with Kanye gear like he wants, this is the exact same situation he was in with Nike if not worse. How long until Ye is like **** Adidas I'm going to Reebok.
Small difference.  Adidas is giving him royalties lol.  What good are royalties if you are only going to move 10,000 units!?
This is so funny to see how Adidas is doing nothing different than Nike besides letting him put out some clothes. Until I get proven wrong by seeing the market flooded with Kanye gear like he wants, this is the exact same situation he was in with Nike if not worse. How long until Ye is like **** Adidas I'm going to Reebok.
Small difference.  Adidas is giving him royalties lol.  What good are royalties if you are only going to move 10,000 units!?
Exactly. What royalties are to be made when there's no product to buy.
Lines will be long, tensions will be high, and supplies will be low when Kanye's new shoes hit stores this Saturday. That's why Undefeated is choosing not to sell a single pair of the 11 adidas Yeezy Boosts we have been allocated. Instead, we are giving all 11 pairs away to Undefeated customers who focus their energy on a cause other than themselves. This might mean organizing for social justice, generating joy through random acts of kindness, or simply making someone else's dreams come true. *Starting Sunday, March 1st, Undefeated will gift one pair of Yeezy Boosts a day. To be considered for each day's prize, all you have to do is post an Instagram video of your social contribution and tag it #UndefeatedSelfessAct. *For more complete details and rules please visit UNDEFEATEDSELFLESSACT.COM
Adidas could have did all this exclusive stuff and let everyone eat on the 750 with one simple trick.. multiple colorways, get that color that makes the beast wild and make it ultra limited, Still limit the grey ones but not like they are doing now. Its kind of absurd.
Lines will be long, tensions will be high, and supplies will be low when Kanye's new shoes hit stores this Saturday. That's why Undefeated is choosing not to sell a single pair of the 11 adidas Yeezy Boosts we have been allocated. Instead, we are giving all 11 pairs away to Undefeated customers who focus their energy on a cause other than themselves. This might mean organizing for social justice, generating joy through random acts of kindness, or simply making someone else's dreams come true. *Starting Sunday, March 1st, Undefeated will gift one pair of Yeezy Boosts a day. To be considered for each day's prize, all you have to do is post an Instagram video of your social contribution and tag it #UndefeatedSelfessAct. *For more complete details and rules please visit UNDEFEATEDSELFLESSACT.COM
Backdoor robbery
And that's my point!! What's the point of having the most wanted shoe of the year and your potential customers can not buy it? Not even given a remote chance to buy it. They're aren't even at any Adidas store? Really? Makes no bloody sense
Lines will be long, tensions will be high, and supplies will be low when Kanye's new shoes hit stores this Saturday. That's why Undefeated is choosing not to sell a single pair of the 11 adidas Yeezy Boosts we have been allocated. Instead, we are giving all 11 pairs away to Undefeated customers who focus their energy on a cause other than themselves. This might mean organizing for social justice, generating joy through random acts of kindness, or simply making someone else's dreams come true. *Starting Sunday, March 1st, Undefeated will gift one pair of Yeezy Boosts a day. To be considered for each day's prize, all you have to do is post an Instagram video of your social contribution and tag it #UndefeatedSelfessAct. *For more complete details and rules please visit UNDEFEATEDSELFLESSACT.COM
Oh the irony. If you're doing it for the yeezys, thats not a selfless act. 
Lines will be long, tensions will be high, and supplies will be low when Kanye's new shoes hit stores this Saturday. That's why Undefeated is choosing not to sell a single pair of the 11 adidas Yeezy Boosts we have been allocated. Instead, we are giving all 11 pairs away to Undefeated customers who focus their energy on a cause other than themselves. This might mean organizing for social justice, generating joy through random acts of kindness, or simply making someone else's dreams come true. *Starting Sunday, March 1st, Undefeated will gift one pair of Yeezy Boosts a day. To be considered for each day's prize, all you have to do is post an Instagram video of your social contribution and tag it #UndefeatedSelfessAct. *For more complete details and rules please visit UNDEFEATEDSELFLESSACT.COM
Backdoor robbery
if it was id have a pair. 
This is so funny to see how Adidas is doing nothing different than Nike besides letting him put out some clothes. Until I get proven wrong by seeing the market flooded with Kanye gear like he wants, this is the exact same situation he was in with Nike if not worse. How long until Ye is like **** Adidas I'm going to Reebok.
kanye is doing more in one year with adidas than he did in 6 years with nike so you're already wrong by default
I get all the hype and all ******** but how does that equate to more money in the long run? Adidas wants people to know about their brand by signing kanye and letting him design a shoe. Cool. I get it, but what if most people only go to adidas just for the kanye shoe and not for anything else? What's the point of alluring all traffic just for a one release? When I say make more shoes, I don't mean 7000 pairs per store. Just more than ******* 12 pairs. Knowing these are a hype release. Knowing the Kanye brand and how he influences anything he is seen with, why not make the shoe more available and watch them still sell out. This is his first shoe with your company. People are going to be interested and curious especially after his rants. But to limit this and that I don't see profit. Yea you get traffic and brand awareness but most people just gonna want the Kanye shoe that's it.
Because adidas has bigger things going on than Kanye whether it seems that way to us or not. You have to look at the bigger picture. adidas, like every major company, has a board of investors who are probably a bunch of old dudes who couldn't name one of Kanye's albums. adidas can say "Hey, look at these traffic numbers. Look at this coverage. Look at the increased demand for our brand (more specifically the casual footwear category)" All of this to investors' eyes is a good thing. Now adidas can put themselves in a position to receive more money for other ventures. This ultimately increases adidas' value as a company. More so than increased sales from Yeezys had they just made more pairs. Basically, hype/allure/demand is more important than a few extra million in sales. Kanye is just a pawn in adidas' game. Yes, probably their most valuable cultural pawn at this point in time, but a pawn nonetheless. 

Let's play with the 9k number. If those sell out, adidas makes roughly 3.2 million in sales off Yeezy 750 Boosts. According to Forbes, adidas is worth 22.76 BILLION DOLLARS as of May 2014. The sales from Yeezys is relatively nothing to them. But the new MARKET Yeezys create, the hype, the NEW CUSTOMERS (read: resellers) Yeezys create is where the true VALUE is in adidas' eyes.

I'm with you though. I agree with making more pairs and I honestly think we will see more Yeezy 750 Boosts down the road. I just feel like we all take this very selfish stance with product. We want their product. They made it, but we didn't get it because there wasn't enough to go around. Now we have to either move on or pay resale if we really want the shoes that bad. That's it. But we choose to complain and throw fits and bash the company. It's not written anywhere that adidas or any company for that matter owes us anything and has to please us. We just feel so entitled. So maybe these brands use our poor mindsets for their benefit. Bravo.
Th moving feet mistake Adidas made if they were keeping them this limited is doing the ny release. They basically did a htm Nike release. Only one city in the world really had a chance. Nike doesn't even advertise and make a big deal of htm stuff though. Adidas on the other hand actually tried to market this stuff.
Because adidas has bigger things going on than Kanye whether it seems that way to us or not. You have to look at the bigger picture. adidas, like every major company, has a board of investors who are probably a bunch of old dudes who couldn't name one of Kanye's albums. adidas can say "Hey, look at these traffic numbers. Look at this coverage. Look at the increased demand for our brand (more specifically the casual footwear category)" All of this to investors' eyes is a good thing. Now adidas can put themselves in a position to receive more money for other ventures. This ultimately increases adidas' value as a company. More so than increased sales from Yeezys had they just made more pairs. Basically, hype/allure/demand is more important than a few extra million in sales. Kanye is just a pawn in adidas' game. Yes, probably their most valuable cultural pawn at this point in time, but a pawn nonetheless. 

Let's play with the 9k number. If those sell out, adidas makes roughly 3.2 million in sales off Yeezy 750 Boosts. According to Forbes, adidas is worth 22.76 BILLION DOLLARS as of May 2014. The sales from Yeezys is relatively nothing to them. But the new MARKET Yeezys create, the hype, the NEW CUSTOMERS (read: resellers) Yeezys create is where the true VALUE is in adidas' eyes.

I'm with you though. I agree with making more pairs and I honestly think we will see more Yeezy 750 Boosts down the road. I just feel like we all take this very selfish stance with product. We want their product. They made it, but we didn't get it because there wasn't enough to go around. Now we have to either move on or pay resale if we really want the shoes that bad. That's it. But we choose to complain and throw fits and bash the company. It's not written anywhere that adidas or any company for that matter owes us anything and has to please us. We just feel so entitled. So maybe these brands use our poor mindsets for their benefit. Bravo.

That would make sense if they actually had stuff to sell to the new customers. What's,really that exciting and new that people are picking up as an alternative or what's new found?
am I the only one that thinks there are a lot less pairs than 9k.

I think I've seen 10 people maybe 15 tops in here with pairs.

and def not as many on IG as you would see for another limited hyped shoe.
And that's my point!! What's the point of having the most wanted shoe of the year and your potential customers can not buy it? Not even given a remote chance to buy it. They're aren't even at any Adidas store? Really? Makes no bloody sense

1.) adidas couldn't come through based on what was said on pg. 505... made 9,000 out of a planned 60,000 if I'm reading correctly. Basically they don't know what they're doing.

2.) They decide to release what they do have anyway because it still generates the hype, attention, allure, interest in the future of the line whenever they do get their **** together.

It all circles back to adidas not knowing what they're doing or knowing their own capabilities. But they have some pairs and they have the pressure of them getting revealed publicly, so they release them.

All the attention and hype over a limited release (even if it's because they botched it) will still pay off... IF they eventually get their **** together for subsequent releases.
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