I am a black immigrant, I support reparations, I am willing to pay extra in taxes to support it, I don't think it should benefit me. I support many other things I see no direct benefit from.

My objections are not the goals, they are the tactics.

But even me pointing out how government works gets dudes upset, or cause them assert that my intentions are nefarious or they should be completely disregarded. How is this any better than how the garden variety Trump supporter thinks?

Also I thought one of the principles of ADOS was not have ill will toward other black folk.
you accuse ados of being hostile when challenging the asinie statements of black immigrants but when made privy to black immigrants disrespectful views, you conveniently don't have to answer for them
These politicians getting real upset having to answer questions about a black american agenda. Kamala sounding real frustrated, just seen a clip of Bernie sounded annoyed. :lol: Speaks volumes.

He tiptoed but hes for dealing with institutional racism. Seems like he's open to it instead of a flat out no.
you accuse ados of being hostile when challenging the statements of black immigrants but when made privy to black immigrants disrespectful views, you conveniently don't have to answer for them
I accused you of being hostile because you said you hoped Trump deported immigrants. Those words go against the supposed ADOS movement because I thought the movement didn't wish harm on other black folk. Or was I wrong on that?

So spare me your strawman. In the comment you hand waved I addressed your objections
not voting is stupid, it's not like they call the election off because you didn't vote

The democratic party in america is not perfect by any stretch but cutting off your nose to spite your face is just dumb

you can demand more from democratic political leaders without handing leadership of the country over to a group of people who actively work against your best interest

black people absolutely should demand more for their vote but that doesn't mean you sit out elections until that happens

Exactly. We have some politically naive and uniformed individuals in this thread. I don’t think people really understand how much time it will take to get these “tangibles” people keep talking about. In order to get something you have to know the ins and outs on how to get it and the process behind it.
im well aware of the powers and roles of the the 3 branches of govt
I also am aware that the system has been corrupt, and the judges racist
so trying to scare me into thinking that 5-4 or 7-2 is consequently worse than 4-5 or 3-6 is an exercise in futility
being lectured by a black immigrant to vote against my own peoples self interest is hilarious
If you think that a progressive Supreme Court and a Conservative one will the same rulings, you are mistake.

You also are not paying attention because a point on the ADOS agenda regarding voting rights clearly points that out.

I really don't think you want to see positive results for the ADOS movement; you want to voice you distaste for black immigrants, and this provides you a vehicle to do so.
I accused you of being hostile because you said you hoped Trump deported immigrants. Those words go against the supposed ADOS movement because I thought the movement didn't wish harm on other black folk. Or was I wrong on that?

So spare me your strawman. In the comment you hand waved I addressed your objections
I said that blacks en massed supported democrats that allowed for your people to be here. I have no issue with trump deporting immigrants who aren't fully in support of the ados agenda. why would I want non natives in this country that enjoy the resources that my ancestors made possible through free labor, only for them to turn their nose up at the demands we are making
There is nothing to win for the immigrant while siding with the struggle, there is no tangible reward. The only reason people come to the United States, is for the opportunity to make money. They are not going to let you get in the way of that paper.

Because immigrants are not racially profiled?

Because they aren't passed over for jobs/job promotions/salary increases commensurate with their job performance?

Because they are not victims of police brutality?

Because they are not victims of hate crimes?

Do we really need to post examples of immigrant victims of each of the instances above?

If all they wanted was money and didn't care about stability, respect, or safety, they would have stayed and engaged in the multiple illicit trades or the corruption that flourish in many of the places they come from.
Let’s get to the meat of the matter, what type of reparations would we consider proper restitution for hundreds and thousands of years of disenfranchisement?
I said that blacks en massed supported democrats that allowed for your people to be here. I have no issue with trump deporting immigrants who aren't fully in support of the ados agenda. why would I want non natives in this country that enjoy the resources that my ancestors made possible through free labor, only for them to turn their nose up at the demands we are making

Exactly. We have some politically naive and uniformed individuals in this thread. I don’t think people really understand how much time it will take to get these “tangibles” people keep talking about. In order to get something you have to know the ins and outs on how to get it and the process behind it.
you used to be on papalace and sggdc right? where your parents from? its been 200 years since we've been promised 40 acres and a mule. are you suggesting we should wait longer for these promised tangibles. explain the ins and outs and the process behind it please.
I said that blacks en massed supported democrats that allowed for your people to be here. I have no issue with trump deporting immigrants who aren't fully in support of the ados agenda. why would I want non natives in this country that enjoy the resources that my ancestors made possible through free labor, only for them to turn their nose up at the demands we are making
So agree with you completely (even when you advocate for tactics that might hurt your policy agenda ever happening) or else I will hope a bigoted powerful white supremacist strips you of your rights and deports you.

Is that what you are saying? Just so we are clear.
If you think that a progressive Supreme Court and a Conservative one will the same rulings, you are mistake.

You also are not paying attention because a point on the ADOS agenda regarding voting rights clearly points that out.

I really don't think you want to see positive results for the ADOS movement; you want to voice you distaste for black immigrants, and this provides you a vehicle to do so.
breh my wife is born from black immigrants from T&T and my kids have dual citizenship. I have no ill will toward black immigrants. just support us like we've supported y'all
Because immigrants are not racially profiled?

Because they aren't passed over for jobs/job promotions/salary increases commensurate with their job performance?

Because they are not victims of police brutality?

Because they are not victims of hate crimes?

Do we really need to post examples of immigrant victims of each of the instances above?

If all they wanted was money and didn't care about stability, respect, or safety, they would have stayed and engaged in the multiple illicit trades or the corruption that flourish in many of the places they come from.
Yes. The issue is to awaken them to all of the above, with them no longer stating that they are not Black. Unfortunately at this point, the only thing that will motivate some, like the some of the Hispanics and Nigerians, is money.
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So agree with you completely (even when you advocate for tactics that might hurt your policy agenda ever happening) or else I will hope a bigoted powerful white supremacist strips you of your rights and deports you.

Is that what you are saying? Just so we are clear.
ados are fighting for what rightfully belongs to them. there are gonna be some casualties of war.if that means you have to go back to your homelands be it. if black immigrants support our cause, it will up the pressure for the DNC to address the needs specific to the ados community
breh my wife is a black immigrant from T&T and my kids have dual citizenship. I have no ill will toward black immigrants. just support us like we've supported y'all
I said I supported reparations specifically for African Americans, I said I don't think I should benefit. All I was pointing out is that the unintended consequences to not showing up might prevent the agenda from ever happening.

And for that, some how I am not be supportive to the point Trump should boot me out of the country?

Does not seem like you want just support. Seems like you just want to never be questioned.
Low key feeling like candidates can literally come out and say they giving out yearly lifetime checks to every person who qualifies and dudes still wouldn't be happy

And I'm sorry but the "four more years of Trump won't do no harm" talking point is flat out idiotic.
Low key feeling like candidates can literally come out and say they giving out yearly lifetime checks to every person who qualifies and dudes still wouldn't be happy

Some won't because monetary compensation isn't the only aspect of what's asked for from reparations.
ados are fighting for what rightfully belongs to them. there are gonna be some casualties of war.if that means you have to go back to your homelands be it. if black immigrants support our cause, it will up the pressure for the DNC to address the needs specific to the ados community
:lol: :lol:

Sorry but you can not be serious.

You are not asking for support. You want complete obedience to the point of being ready to sacrifice my constitutional rights and agency over my life. Luckily it seems like the founders of the movement don't believe this ****. Which is a positive for them.

Btw, are you are ready to kick your wife out the country too?
Some won't because monetary compensation isn't the only aspect of what's asked for from reparations.

My point in saying this is that a candidate could come out with any form of "tangible" right now as opposed to just paying lip service to the issue and there would be some problem with it.

Sidenote: Julian Castro has actually promised to establish a task force for reparations but I don't see it being discussed anywhere
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