Ugh this is so simple.

All you gotta do is say "yes black folks deserve reparations. As president I'm willing to explore possible avenues of structural compensation for those who are descended from American slaves".

Maybe I should run for ******* president
More black people were killed by police under the Obama Administration. The polices that were put in place does nothing for black people because cops still get off. IDC about trumps rhetoric fck him. If politicians aren't going to offer tangibles for ADOS. They wont get my vote. Who should i vote for? Kamala or Corey Booker?
It is always surprising to see Black folks rob GOP politicians and sympathizers of their agency when it's time to blame Democrats. It's almost as if they think that when Democrats hold the majority, they suddenly turn into super politicians who can just dream up a bill and pass it the next day. Magically, Republicans no longer exist in Congress. Every police chief has immediately been replaced by a clone of Eric Holder, and every mayor of every city in America is suddenly a clone of Obama.

Y'all too much.
ADOS's platform has restoring the Voting Rights Act on it because conservatives worked for decades to roll it back to attack the black vote.

Let them get power and watch ADOS's demands expand to "restore fair housing act" , "Restore Article two and seven of civil rights act".

They play around and they're gonna find themselves applying for citizenship for their children when the GOP voids the 14th amendment.

And if you think this is a joke, do your Googles (because Trump wants to get rid of that).

The fact is, you don't engage in transactional politics if you do not have leverage. What leverage does the ADOS movement propose to make the GOP go their way? None. Prove me wrong.

Even the leverage they have on the Democratic party is temporary. Once the party knows they can't rely on Black folks, it will be easier for them to rebrand into a workers party and bring back white blue collar folks: all they'll have to do is remove civil rights policies from their platform and talk about economic justice only.
I was not talking about you. I was talking about the Largo dude.

And I meant ADOS needs boots on the ground activism. It doesn't matter who you want to include in the platform, you have to do the work of convincing other members of the Dem voting coalition to support it. At a minimum, for there not to be a backlash if it was included in the party platform.

We keep bringing up Jewish people, immigrants, and the LBGTQ community, but it is weird to me that dudes don't ignore those groups political tactics.


but its okay for black immigrants and their descendants, who have at most 40 years invested in this country to 400+ of blood, sweat and tears, to tell us
- free education is more than enough as a payment for americas sins
-we're divisive for making demands in exchange for our vote
-stop looking for handouts from the white man
-youre idiots for not voting
-that ours view are in alignment with problematic GOP talking heads
-you're not entitled to anything
- 4 more years of trump is going to be bad for you, read up on the 14th and stop being politically unsavvy

makes me wonder why they are so adamant for us to vote against our own self-interest, instead of simply advocating for reparations specifically for the descendants of slaves. I think they are aware that a second trump term effects their ilk more than ours, thats why these shaming tactics are being deployed because they need our votes to keep trump out of office. don't want 45 to win in 2020, support our cause, as we have en masse supported yours
I think they are aware that a second trump term effects their ilk more than ours, thats why these shaming tactics are being deployed because they need our votes to keep trump out of office. don't want 45 to win in 2020, support our cause, as we have en masse supported yours


but its okay for black immigrants and their descendants, who have at most 40 years invested in this country to 400+ of blood, sweat and tears, to tell us
- free education is more than enough as a payment for americas sins
-we're divisive for making demands in exchange for our vote
-stop looking for handouts from the white man
-youre idiots for not voting
-that ours view are in alignment with problematic GOP talking heads
-you're not entitled to anything
- 4 more years of trump is going to be bad for you, read up on the 14th and stop being politically unsavvy

makes me wonder why they are so adamant for us to vote against our own self-interest, instead of simply advocating for reparations specifically for the descendants of slaves. I think they are aware that a second trump term affects their ilk more than ours, thats why these shaming tactics are being deployed because they need our votes to keep trump out of office. don't want 45 to win in 2020, support our cause, as we have en masse supported yours
It is not even your goals people are taking major issue with, it is the tactics. The tactics are being criticized because they are bad, and the arguments to employ them are bad. You will not get your desired result and it makes it harder for your goals to be achieved

And buddy, a 7-2 Supreme Court pretty much ensures that pretty much none of ADOS's agenda happens for a generation. So if you think Trump is gonna hurt others more than you, so that is why you are cool to roll the dice, that is a mistake. You are pretty much ending the movement with four more years of Trump.
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It is not even your goal people are taking major with, it is the tactics.

And buddy, a 7-2 Supreme Court pretty much insures that pretty much none of ADOS's agenda doesn't happen for a generation. So if you think Trump is gonna hurt others more than you, so that is why you are cool to roll the dice, that is a mistake. You are pretty much ending the movement with four more years of Trump.

funny how you accused me of being hostile towards black immigrants, but countered none of the points I made of the insulting pov's displayed by these same black immigrants. where your parents from?
And expound on how the Supreme Court affects legislatives Ados are advocating for. btw, reparations have been discussed but not granted since the end of the civil war. we are prepared to wait it out a few more years. meanwhile immigrants are shaking in there boosts at the prospect of 4 more years of trump. so yes, im confident that if he is reelected it would have more negative repercussions on their community vs the Ados

but its okay for black immigrants and their descendants, who have at most 40 years invested in this country to 400+ of blood, sweat and tears, to tell us
- free education is more than enough as a payment for americas sins
-we're divisive for making demands in exchange for our vote
-stop looking for handouts from the white man
-youre idiots for not voting
-that ours view are in alignment with problematic GOP talking heads
-you're not entitled to anything
- 4 more years of trump is going to be bad for you, read up on the 14th and stop being politically unsavvy

makes me wonder why they are so adamant for us to vote against our own self-interest, instead of simply advocating for reparations specifically for the descendants of slaves. I think they are aware that a second trump term effects their ilk more than ours, thats why these shaming tactics are being deployed because they need our votes to keep trump out of office. don't want 45 to win in 2020, support our cause, as we have en masse supported yours

Financial Reparations - Mathematics, Logistics & Common Sense


I'm going to be objective. I have questions. I've NEVER been a proponent of financial reparations. I've ALWAYS been a proponent of reparations in the form of services, subsidies, improved institutions & environmental changes in the communities that make up a large number of descendants of those who were enslaved & subject to Jim Crow laws(South) & Redlining(North).

However, brehs are hellbent on the "Either support the #AADOS position of financial reparations or fukk your **** ***" type of stance.


I need to know that the push for financial reparations aren't just an attempt at creating a goal that ensures the black community are forever angry about not obtaining.

So, I need clarity in order to support.

The Numbers -
  • Total U.S GDP - $15 trillion(+/-) as of 2010. Source: Google Public Data
  • Total U.S Federal budget - 3.55 trillion(+/-) as of 2010. Source: GovInfo
  • Total U.S Population - 308 million(+/-) as of 2010. Source: U.S Census Bureau FactFinder
  • Percentage of U.S Population that identified as Black - 14%(+/-), which, in 2010, would total 43.1 million. Source: U.S Census Bureau
  • Estimated Number of Americans who identified as having ancestry from Caribbean immigration as of 2010 - 2,672,753(+/-). Source: U.S Census Factfinder
  • Estimated Number of Americans who identified as having ancestry from Subsaharan African immigration as of 2010 - 2,847,194(+/-). Source U.S Census Factfinder
That would mean, the estimate of Black Americans who are direct descendants of Africans brought to the U.S as slaves - [(Total Black Population)-(Total Blacks Americans w/ Caribbean or African Immigrant Ancestry)] - 43 million - 5.51 million =

37.5 million African Americans who would have a claim to U.S reparations for its role in the Transatlantic Slave Trade if going by AADOS requirements.

Okay, so, if my math is correct, if U.S reparations for slavery were given in 2010, the U.S would be required to divvy up a total compensation package among that 37 million. much is this amount that we are talking about? The total GDP in 2010 was estimated at $15 Trillion.

The Federal spending budget was around 2.3 Trillion in 2010. Source: GovInfo (page 7).

What is the U.S Dollar worth if the Economy is crippled? I say that because, unless people are seriously considering a nuclear option of dedicating the U.S's entire GDP value to reparations, the compensation amount will be an amount that would probably make the actual individual reparations package meaningless in the grand scheme of having a goal of realignment of African American descendants of slaves.

Would $60,000 per AADOS be enough for the U.S to be able to say it's washed its hands clean of the blood of slaves? Would $60,000 per AADOS be enough for there to be a renaissance in the black communities of America leading to a big blow to the current instances of institutional racism that exists in the U.S? Would $60,000 per AADOS be enough to justify a hostile break in the nexus of unity between African Americans and other members of the African Diaspora?

Please, someone help explain how this works?

funny how you accused me of being hostile towards black immigrants, but countered none of the points I made of the insulting pov's displayed by these same black immigrants. where your parents from?
And expound on how the Supreme Court affects legislatives Ados are advocating for. btw, reparations have been discussed but not granted since the end of the civil war. we are prepared to wait it out a few more years. meanwhile immigrants are shaking in there boosts at the prospect of 4 more years of trump. so yes, im confident that if he is reelected it would have more negative repercussions on their community vs the Ados
-I have no issue with people being hostile to bad idea, and bad arguments for those ideas. The holding the vote hostage thing is a bad idea. As far as all the stuff I listed, yes some non ADOS black folk are ****ting on this and being overly dismissive, but I don’t have to answer for those people. I will only answer for what I posted. I have no said anything on the same level as hoping Trump passes laws to hurt African Americans. So, it has not gone both ways

You said you hope Trump passed policies to hurt immigrants. You wished a bigot and a white supremacists lashes out at black people. I want realizes there a divisions and disagreements in the black community, even among people that have the same goal. But I have not said in here that I hoped Trump use his power to hurt people I disagree with.

That is the hostility I was talking about.

-The entire ADOS agenda could be passed by Congress and signed into law by the President. Then a few State Attorneys from Republican controlled states will surely sue in federal court and it will end up in the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court is 5-4 conservative now. If Trump get the normal addition two picks he will probably have the chance to make it 7-2. The Supreme Court can rule the entire ADOS package unconstitutional, and best believe they will do that.

If that happens you either must re-write the agenda and try again or pass a constitutional amendment. Amendments are hard because you will now need a large majority of state governments to ratify the amendment. There are literally not enough states in control of liberals/progressives/ADOS supporting folk, with veto proof power, for that to happen (and if African Americans don’t show up in 2020, the GOP against more power in these states btw). So, the entire agenda is dead until you get sympathetic SCOTUS.

This is how tons of poor black people living in GOP controlled states got denied free healthcare because the Supreme Court crippled the Medicaid Expansion with an asinine ruling. The restoration of the Voting Rights Act is in the ASOS platform because conservative justices on the Supreme Court argued that racism today is not a problem like it was in the 1960s, not black people voting rights are not undertreat. Today a conservative Supreme Court undermines the ADOS agenda.

It is the system of checks and balances. I am telling you to consider basic civic in perusing you mission. People are so caught up on the Presidency, they are ignoring levels are parts of government that will need to be controlled so progress can be made. I am trying to help by pointing this out, not be dismissive.

Four more years of Trump kills the ADOS agenda in practical terms.

-My parents were born in the Caribbean, same as me.
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say no more
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: like clockwork

I knew that is all it would take.

Why consider a serious objection when you can shoot the messenger.

Could someone with African American parents explain judicial power to this man so he can take it seriously.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: like clockwork

I knew that is all it would take.

Why consider a serious objection when you can shoot the messenger.

Could someone with African American parents explain judicial power to this man so he can take it seriously.
Let's just hope that there's not a lot of them out there.
I do not have all of the answers but in skin, Black is Black. Where that changes is spiritually and politically. Of course an immigrant will have a different agenda from an African American. There is nothing to win for the immigrant while siding with the struggle, there is no tangible reward. The only reason people come to the United States, is for the opportunity to make money. They are not going to let you get in the way of that paper.

But once reparations are doled out, watch how all of their ideals change.
I am a black immigrant, I support reparations, I am willing to pay extra in taxes to support it, I don't think it should benefit me. I support many other things I see no direct benefit from.

My objections are not the goals, they are the tactics.

But even me pointing out how government works gets dudes upset, or cause them assert that my intentions are nefarious or they should be completely disregarded. How is this any better than how the garden variety Trump supporter thinks?

Also I thought one of the principles of ADOS was not have ill will toward other black folk.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: like clockwork

I knew that is all it would take.

Why consider a serious objection when you can shoot the messenger.

Could someone with African American parents explain judicial power to this man so he can take it seriously.
im well aware of the powers and roles of the the 3 branches of govt
I also am aware that the system has been corrupt, and the judges racist
so trying to scare me into thinking that 5-4 or 7-2 is consequently worse than 4-5 or 3-6 is an exercise in futility
being lectured by a black immigrant to vote against my own peoples self interest is hilarious
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