Man Rusty you wasting well thought out posts on phony Tariq.

I applaud your patience in the face of overwhelming ignorance and stupidity tho.

If bruh wants to believe that further dividing black people and waiting around for someone to drop a sack of cash in his lap is the answer let him.
another immigrant of color levying the charge of me being dismissive by encouraging my brethren to hold unto your vote and only cast it for a candidate with a specific agenda for ados. also take notice of terms and insults that have become common(ignorance, stupidity) when we express exercising political savviness
i find it hilarious , and I use that word loosely. That people would actually tell Black people not to worry about a paycheck. Dr Martin Luther King was coming for the check and thats why they killed him...

reparations have been paid out to most people around the world beside ADOS... these are just examples of other countries paying reparations, not he US

Reparations Paid by Other Countries
Some illustrative examples.

The payments from 1952-1990 are taken from the booklet Black Reparations Now! 40 Acres, $50 Dollars, and a Mule, + Interest by Dorothy Benton-Lewis.

1952: Germany: $822 million to Holocaust survivors: German Jewish Settlement ("West Germany Signs 822 Million Dollar Reparations Pacts with Israel Govt. and Jewish Material Claims," JTA Daily News Bulletin, September 11, 1952).

1988: Canada: 250,000 sq. miles of land: First Nations and Inuit ("Canada to Give Indigenous People An Arctic Area the Size of Texas" by John F. Burns, The New York Times, September 6, 1988).

1988: Canada: $230 million: Japanese Canadians ("Ottawa Will Pay Compensation To Uprooted Japanese-Canadians" by John F. Burns, The New York Times, September 23, 1988).

1990: Austria: $25 million: Holocaust Survivors ("Austria to Pay $25 Million More in Support of Holocaust Survivors" by Reinhard Engel, JTA Daily News Bulletin, February 13, 1990).

2014: France: More than 700 claims have been filed under an agreement between U.S. and France in which French officials have agreed to pay out $60 million for the deportations carried out by SNCF, the France’s railway system. In exchange, the U.S. government agreed to ask courts to dismiss any lawsuits against SNCF or the French government ("U.S. Begins Paying Out Reparations from France to Holocaust Survivors and Their Heirs" by Katherine Shaver, Washington Post, September 15, 2016).

2015: Japan: $8.3 million to provide old-age care to Korean "Comfort Women" survivors plus a new apology ("Japan and South Korea Settle Dispute Over Wartime 'Comfort Women'" by Choe Sang-hung, The New York Times, December 28, 2015).

2016: France: The State Department has paid or approved 90 claims for a total of $11 million in reparations by France to former WWII prisoners who were carried to Nazi Death Camps in French trains—the first French reparations paid to Holocaust survivors in the U.S. ("U.S. Begins Paying Out Reparations from France to Holocaust Survivors and Their Heirs" by Katherine Shaver, Washington Post, September 15, 2016).
another immigrant of color levying the charge of me being dismissive by encouraging my brethren to hold unto your vote and only cast it for a candidate with a specific agenda for ados. also take notice of terms and insults that have become common(ignorance, stupidity) when we express exercising political savviness

I'm not an immigrant you ignorant bastard

I’m just not stupid enough to tell black people to hold out their say in government while waiting on a big bag of money to get dropped in their lap

Meanwhile white supremacists are doing everything they can to keep blacks from voting while sprinting to the ballot themselves and here you are advising blacks to lend in helping hand in that effort like a damn fool.
a black immigrant such as yourself and rusty have passports different from native born American citizens
I didn't know they made that distinction when they issued US passports.

I also didn't know that all of the taxes collected out of my US income go to my or Rusty's country of origin.

Rusty, does Nevada determine your fines according to St Lucia's laws?

At the end of the day most of these “no tangibles no vote” individuals are just waiting for a big bag of money to be dropped off to them. They don’t care what the amount is, they don’t care how big the bag is, and they damn sure don’t care where the bag is dropped off at. In other words as stated earlier they are looking for white mommy and white daddy to figure that out for them. Just like just about everything else in their lives.

Dudes talking about “we need land”....but nobody has said where at and how much when it comes to that even. Even if we do get land (which I hope we do) I doubt its going to be some beachfront property in Florida for all the East Coast brothas and sistas or some beachfront property in California for all the West Coast brothas and sistas. It will probably be some small piece of land out in the middle of the state of Montana somewhere. They’ll give 1 acre to 100 black people and say “you *****s divide this land among yourselves and have a nice day” Reparations paid. Negros will rejoice and be glad it is. That is what happens when you don’t have a SPECIFIC and DEFINITIVE agenda.
I didn't know they made that distinction when they issued US passports.

I also didn't know that all of the taxes collected out of my US income go to my or Rusty's country of origin.

Rusty, does Nevada determine your fines according to St Lucia's laws?

You and rusty were born in different countries. Let’s stop pretending that you can’t obtain a passport from your county of origin and I somehow can.
ADOS = Misnomer
DOEA = Descendants of Enslaved Africans

Words are important.

My ancestors were human beings.
While I agree with the last part... I wholeheartedly disagree with you changing the narrative on the acronym. ADOS is a movement for descendants of african slaves in this country to gain reparations. Again if you're a black immagrant or decendant of black immagrants from a previous enslaved country in South America or the Caribbean islands and are seeking reparations then I'd suggest going at that European country that enslaved your ancestors and never compensated for those years of free labor... France, Spain, Portugal, Britain, etc.

I feel like it would be more affective if all black people from different countries were in on this logic imo
I'm not an immigrant you ignorant bastard

I’m just not stupid enough to tell black people to hold out their say in government while waiting on a big bag of money to get dropped in their lap

Meanwhile white supremacists are doing everything they can to keep blacks from voting while sprinting to the ballot themselves and here you are advising blacks to lend in helping hand in that effort like a damn fool.
Ignorant bastard, stupid, fool? More vitriol from our allies from the diaspora y’all.

White supremacists, Democrats and republicans alike,are doing everything they can to not address concerns specific to ados in order to maintain a system of injustice

No tangibles, no vote
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French speaking African countries still pay colonial tax to France and so is the same for other countries.

When Guinea demanded independence from French colonial rule in 1958, the French unleashed their fury with more than 3,000 leaving the country taking their enteire property. In addition, they destroyed anything that couldn't be taken – destroying schools, nurseries, public administration buildings, cars, books, medicine, research institute instruments, tractors were crushed and sabotaged, animals killed and food in warehouses were burned or poisoned. In effect they were sending a message to all other colonies that the consqueences for jrejecting France would be high.

Colonialism as an enduring stain in Africa’s history, and economic oppression continue to exist. An article by Mawuna Remarque Koutonin, peace activist and editor of addressed this practice.

The article called attention to an ongoing practice by which former African countries are forced to pay a colonial tax to France – even today. In fact, France continues to thrive on the practice, which extracts approximately 500 billion dollars from African countries each year.

Colonial Tax in Billions

As of January 2014, 14 african countries are obliged by France, through a colonial pact, to put 85% of their foreign reserve into France central bank under French minister of Finance control.They are effectively putting in 500 Billion dollars every year to the French treasury. African leaders who refuse are killed or victim of coup. Those who obey are supported and rewarded by France with lavish lifestyle while their people endure extreme poverty, and desperation.

There are a number of components of the colonisation pact that has been in effect since the 1950's. The main points being that the African countries should deposit their national monetary reserves in the France Central Bank. France has been holding the national reserves of fourteen african countries since 1961: Benin, Burkina Faso, Guinea-Bissau, Ivory Coast, Mali, Niger, Senegal, Togo, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo-Brazzaville, Equatorial Guinea and Gabon.

Despite the two main African banks having African names, they have no monetary policies of their own. In fact France allows them to access only 15% of the money in any given year. If there is need for any more, they need to borrow the extra money from their own 65% from the French Treasury at commercial rates.

The pact also included claused that Africa had an obligation to make French the official language of the country and the language for education and an obligation to use France colonial money FCFA (the Nordic countries tried unsuccessfully to get rid of this system when they discovered this).Also, they were obliged to send France an annual balance and reserve report. If they refused to send it, they would not be entitled to any money .

Obligation to ally with France in situation of war or global crisis

Over one million Africans soldiers fought for the defeat of nazism and fascism during the second world war. With their contribution ignored or minimised, the French know that Africans could be useful for fighting, which in effect shows that France is psychopathic when it comes to Africa.

The only question that remains unanswered however is when people first reaction when they learn about the french colonial tax is often a question: “Until when?”

Christof Lehmann wrote for in 2012, “France is indebting and enslaving Africans by means of Africa’s own wealth; for example: 12.0000 billion invested at three percent creates 360 billion in interests which France grants as credits to Africa at an interest rate of five to six percent or more. The allegory of ‘Bleeding Africa and Feeding France’ is no exaggeration, not alarmist, and not revolutionary.”

So colonial reparations okay??
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nothing in that post was anti immigrant or remotely xenophobic as you love to accuse.
if we would be foolish to let our oppressors dictate the terms of the repayment owned to us as you agreed with, eff we look like letting immigrants of color pontificating the best course of action for us, as if we don't know whats best for our own. Your "well meaning" guidance on our affairs is best kept to yourself, thx

they want us to repeat the last 400 years

asking us for solutions when in reality they have none whatsoever

I refuse to believe half the people in this thread are even black

then the other half don’t even identify as black
You and rusty were born in different countries. Let’s stop pretending that you can’t obtain a passport from your county of origin and I somehow can.
You missed my point, which was that whether we are native born or immigrant, we are all under US jurisdiction. You threw shade at a legal immigrant, a naturalized American, and a second generation American in this very thread. All Blacks, all subjects to the shenanigans American society loves to throw at Black folks, whether we are talking about jobs, education, healthcare, or social life.

On the subject of passports, not all countries allow dual citizenship. Keep that in mind before you generalize.
I'm confused on the issue of "no tangibles no vote". Is it not voting or not voting democrat that has many perturbed?
they want us to repeat the last 400 years

asking us for solutions when in reality they have none whatsoever

I refuse to believe half the people in this thread are even black

then the other half don’t even identify as black
This entire post is hyperbolic nonsense.

You guys rather be dismissive of points based on where someone was born instead of discuss a point.

You guys want to shake your fist at the sky, then get pissed off when someone points out that is not how you get rain.
You missed my point, which was that whether we are native born or immigrant, we are all under US jurisdiction. You threw shade at a legal immigrant, a naturalized American, and a second generation American in this very thread. All Blacks, all subjects to the shenanigans American society loves to throw at Black folks, whether we are talking about jobs, education, healthcare, or social life.

On the subject of passports, not all countries allow dual citizenship. Keep that in mind before you generalize.
I missed the point because it was poorly made. You asserted that our passports, borders and institutions are no different, ignoring the fact that those of your homeland are inaccessible to ados. I’m a male sir, I don’t throw shade, I make statements. All blacks are living in a system of white supremacy, that has never been denied.
Son is creating a divide just from the thought of a check :lol:

First gen American from Ghanaian born parents. Way too divisive of a tool that would essentially destroy the black community from the inside out. I’m in full support of reparations to African Americans who are descendants of slaves in America but not this overt. Free college education should be the extent. Gives us a chance to truly invest in the future.

Lol @ the Dems picking the perfect time to self implode. 2nd term Trump is inevitable at this point :smh:

Exactly. You can’t even discuss a proper form of reparation with your brothers without playing some weird *** you don’t have a say card. You’re more invested in a handout from the white man then investment in a community finding its sense of self. Keep waiting for that lump some
For the “No tangibles No Vote” long are you intending to hold your vote out??
I didn't know they made that distinction when they issued US passports.

I also didn't know that all of the taxes collected out of my US income go to my or Rusty's country of origin.

Rusty, does Nevada determine your fines according to St Lucia's laws?

Pretty sure the State Department made me take an oath denouncing all loyalty to any foreign country, and pledge complete loyalty to the United States even to the point of promising to go to war for them.

I swear some dudes operate under the conservative frame that immigrants are just here to leech.

I find it the "go back to your country and demand reparations for colonialism" talk as the way to hand wave away opinions insulting too, because they are clearly being made in bad faith. The conditions in the Caribbean and Africa were also caused partly by America. How much manipulation has America done to world markets to help American corps., how many wars have they started needlessly, how many dictators have the propped up, think of how the World Bank has hurt emerging economies through terms of loans because of the guidance of America.

So I wonder if all those foreign countries the US has meddled in demanded reparations from America, and these dudes got hit with a payroll tax to cover those payments, if they wouldn't want to be part of the discussions surrounding them at a minimum. Or if they would be cool with "you are a native born America, shut up your opinion means nothing" talk.

No one is against the goals, but if you criticize the tactics your are the enemy.
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If blacks get a settlement you know how enraged and ready to attack these other groups will become.

To be safe, best for of reparations will need to be some land away from it all.

But when they won't even give you that, you realize that the systems only survives if there's a permanent underclass supporting the bottom and that spot has reserved for blacks in America. To be wronged so long ago and everyone else that has come and been wronged after blacks have been attempted to make whole or compensated shows that they will never care.

They killed Dr. King when he came for the check, then sold you an idea about his dreams and fantasies of racial harmony.

MLK legacy was more than that speech but you see what happens when you die and the enemy controls your narrative.
Exactly. You can’t even discuss a proper form of reparation with your brothers without playing some weird *** you don’t have a say card. You’re more invested in a handout from the white man then investment in a community finding its sense of self. Keep waiting for that lump some discussion he says. but when engaged and notified of the inappropriateness of (1) suggesting reparations being divisive to the black community and (2) of non-ados dictating that free college be the extent of the reparations due to ados, victim mode is activated and now he asserts that we're not entitled to anything and that demanding reparations owed, be it money, land, or otherwise, is akin to looking for a free handout from the white man. I wonder about his thoughts on his parents, relocating from the motherland to the white mans land, subjecting him to the white mans education in order to work hard for the white mans company, while being policed by the white man in a system of injustice.

First gen American from Ghanaian born parents. Way too divisive of a tool that would essentially destroy the black community from the inside out. I’m in full support of reparations to African Americans who are descendants of slaves in America but not this overt. Free college education should be the extent. Gives us a chance to truly invest in the future.

Lol @ the Dems picking the perfect time to self implode. 2nd term Trump is inevitable at this point :smh:

>Dbecause slavery was a convert institution. we want what we are entitled to as descendants of the people who weren't compensated properly for the wealth of this country , not what a first gen immigrant deems appropriate

Even the discussion of what the best form of reparation should be has you trying to come at your brother who has your best interest at heart. For someone who boisterously upholds what your decendents did in this country, you use the word “entitled” like you’re on the other side of the food chain. You aren’t. Stop trying to look for a lump some hand out and build with your brothers. Knowledge is the way out, not some check from the white man.

come for you? I simply chastised your suggestion that "peanuts" are sufficient enough for a segment of the population whose descendant's blood was shed for 400+ yrs to line the oppressors pockets with gold. i'm not quite certain how my use of the word entitled regulated you to lobbing accusations of me being on the other side of the food chain so I will bypass that nonsensical point, brother, and advocate that you take your own advice by arming yourself with the knowledge you believe I lack. maybe then you wouldn't insinuate that demanding whats owned is seeking a check from the white man


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The "check" MLK was referring too was not just a lump sum payment though

He was speaking of and extensive anti-poverty policy proposal. He was speaking of systemic changes.

In the clip he was those words, he breaks down how white wealth was built in America, as to say it is not unreasonable for other groups to demand the same.

Also, the Poor People's movement was suppose to be at its nature more inclusive that the Civil Rights Movement, which was already inclusive itself.

I wish more dudes had the socioeconomics and urgency to vote and gain political power that MLK did.
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