My God. You are completely taking words out of context to make a massive reach.

Being critical of opinions and thoughts from those from other countries somehow make one a xenophobe

WTF man.
Cute, but it doesn't work

We already have you on record hoping Trump's bigoted *** kicks black immigrants out the country. Whenever a point is raised you want it dismissed on the grounds that the person making it is a immigrant.

You have a resume of flagrant comments. You need to chill. No one is sinking to the level you have.
More patronizing behavior. Black immigrant enters thread titled ados and wants to police the posting, thoughts, and behavior of ados while telling them what they deserve to receive for America’s greatest sin and the best way to receive it all while crying xenophobia and telling you you’re stupid for valuing your vote....
How much?

Who gets it?

Where does the land come from?
Answering these questions is why HR 40 was created, but it keeps dying in committee, and some of the cats who would benefit from this the most are out there telling folks not to vote.

We know for a fact that this economy was built on the free labor of slaves. Whether it's something negotiated and agreed on people can cross that bridge down the road.
Unless you put numbers behind it, you are not convincing anyone who has little to no connection to slavery or Jim Crow.

And you are definitely not gonna get a POTUS/Congress that will issue reparations in the dead of the night.

Last realistic step is to help yourself at the Federal Reserve.
It’s a lot of black immigrants in this post heated cause #ados have the audacity to demand tangibles from Democrats in exchange for their votes.

Ain't nobody heated.

It's just funny watching you post slogans all day with no tangible path to achieve what you want, and then getting mad at well-pointed criticism.

Like RustyShackleford RustyShackleford said up there, when someone owes you, you'd be a fool to let them decide the terms of repayment.

Hope it dawns on you sooner than later.
This is what I was talking about.

In their policy demands the pick their multipliers to come up with a specific number. That is all I meant. That the injured party, in this case, needs to be the ones determining the payout if there is ever one

Regarding your previous question.

First with a lump sum I have concerns on a macro and micro level.

-On a macro level since a payout will reach into the trillions, what effect will it have on the economy? Yes, there would be a large stimulatory effect because so many people at the bottom of the income distribution will. But if we tax more to find the pay then we will also have to tax some beneficiaries more. If we borrow then that might push interest rates up. Along with the future payments to service that debt then we are looking at dealing with forces that will contract our economy. A contraction that will still disproportionately hurt black folk

I do not want to make the argument it is too expensive, but given our current fiscal situation, these things have to be considered. If we were in the same financial situation we had in 1999-2000, then I don't have these concerns.

-Along those little early, there might also be a crowding out effect when it comes to other policies black folk need. Current social/welfare programs still need to be funded (even though in the short run funding requirements will increase). Also, there are a lot of other programs black folk would benefit a lot from. Medicate for all, universal childcare, and infrastructure program, expansion of public transportation systems. Since many of these are very expensive I fear that we end up in a situation where reparations money that was in theory intended to right a wrong and provide an economic stimulus, is practice is actually money folk gotta use to survive because of the lack of services.

-There are not enough legal and socioeconomic policies and institutions in place to protect much of this money from being sucked out of the black community. If place folk still face discrimination in the labor and lending market, then lower wages and higher interest rates will slowly siphon money out of the community and black into the hands of the rich white capitalist. Big business will find more schemes to target that money.
funny you say that since the 2 of you, black immigrants, are comfortably posted up in this thread spouting off what you think ADOS deserve as forms of reparations
This is a ******* lie.

You stay making things up to validate your nonsense toward black immigrants.

No one is doing the things you claim so why don't you just chill.
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First gen American from Ghanaian born parents. Way too divisive of a tool that would essentially destroy the black community from the inside out. I’m in full support of reparations to African Americans who are descendants of slaves in America but not this overt. Free college education should be the extent. Gives us a chance to truly invest in the future.

Lol @ the Dems picking the perfect time to self implode. 2nd term Trump is inevitable at this point :smh:

I think one thing people over look about reparations is that since the payout will be made to a much larger pool of people than when slavery first ended, a cash payout will be much lower than people expect. A potential cash payment could be driven down a lot based on what numbers they use.

For that reason, permanent social programs and tax subsidies would be worth much more than a lump sum payment.

Not to mention lump sum payment comes with other undesirable effects.

I know that is not the goal of the founders of the movement but a lot of dudes when they hear reparations think of a lump sum payment.

I think it is worth it to discuss why people should not chase a lump sum payment.

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you said "no one"
My point when over your head. I am saying in the long run you will get MORE value in social programs and tax subsidies than lump sum payments. Partly because people don't realize how small potential payments will be. I addressed with further with Maximus that if you let the government decide they can manipulate the numbers so a payout is at the lower end. So if it is binary choice, then social programs should be way forward.

How is it saying people deserve less, if my argument is that people should pursue what is worth more. You are just being dense at this point.

It is like a restaurant offers you a $1000 gift card or a free meal everyday for a year, and I tell you take the free meal, because you can get more than $1000 worth of food out of it.

But then you take that as "You're saying I don't deserve the gift card"
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My point when over your head. I am saying in the long run you will get MORE value in social programs than lump sum payments.

How is it saying people deserve less, if my argument is that people should pursue what is worth more.

you don't decide what's of value to us.....we can discern that for ourselves thank you[
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you don't decide what's of value to us.....we can discern that for ourselves thank you
You can't invoke you silly anti immigrant shtick every time someone raises a point you don't want to, or can't, address.

You clearly can't discern anything because you prefer to shoot the messenger than consider the message.

I am not deciding ****, I am raising a point your just don't want to address. So you construct a strawman instead.

The hell is wrong with you.

I could seriously say "the sky is blue" and your response would be "I'm not gonna listen to a black immigrant about the color of the sky"
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You can't invoke you silly anti immigrant shtick every time someone raises a point you don't want to address.

You clearly can't discern anything because you prefer to shoot the messenger than consider the message.

I am not deciding ****, I am raising a point your just don't want to address. So you construct a strawman instead.

The hell is wrong with you.
nothing in that post was anti immigrant or remotely xenophobic as you love to accuse.
if we would be foolish to let our oppressors dictate the terms of the repayment owned to us as you agreed with, eff we look like letting immigrants of color pontificating the best course of action for us, as if we don't know whats best for our own. Your "well meaning" guidance on our affairs is best kept to yourself, thx
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nothing in that post was anti immigrant or remotely xenophobic as you love to accuse.
if we would be foolish to let our oppressors dictate the terms of the repayment owned to us as you agreed with, eff we look like letting immigrants of color pontificating the best course of action for us, as if we don't know whats best for our own. Your "well meaning" guidance on our affairs is best kept to yourself, thx

"Your own"?

Do you have a different passport than all those Black folks who do not descend from slavery?

Do you have different institutions?

Different borders?

If this a debt to be repaid by American society, American citizens will have a say, whether you like it or not. And you won't be able to block that like you can on NT.

The questions you refuse to think about and answer here will have to be answered in real life, and you won't get to say "you [insert race] people don't get to insert yourselves in ADOS affairs."

Deal with it.
Man Rusty you wasting well thought out posts on phony Tariq.

I applaud your patience in the face of overwhelming ignorance and stupidity tho.

If bruh wants to believe that further dividing black people and waiting around for someone to drop a sack of cash in his lap is the answer let him.
At the end of the day most of these “no tangibles no vote” individuals are just waiting for a big bag of money to be dropped off to them. They don’t care what the amount is, they don’t care how big the bag is, and they damn sure don’t care where the bag is dropped off at. In other words as stated earlier they are looking for white mommy and white daddy to figure that out for them. Just like just about everything else in their lives.

Dudes talking about “we need land”....but nobody has said where at and how much when it comes to that even. Even if we do get land (which I hope we do) I doubt its going to be some beachfront property in Florida for all the East Coast brothas and sistas or some beachfront property in California for all the West Coast brothas and sistas. It will probably be some small piece of land out in the middle of the state of Montana somewhere. They’ll give 1 acre to 100 black people and say “you ****** divide this land among yourselves and have a nice day” Reparations paid. Negros will rejoice and be glad it is. That is what happens when you don’t have a SPECIFIC and DEFINITIVE agenda.
ADOS = Misnomer
DOEA = Descendants of Enslaved Africans

Words are important.

My ancestors were human beings.
words indeed are important
Descendants of Enslaved Africans are citizens of a multitude of countries
the phrase American Descendants of Slavery is not reducing our ancestors to merchandise, its just distinguishing our lot from other as we seek repayment from our govt for past and present injustices
"Your own"?

Do you have a different passport than all those Black folks who do not descend from slavery?

Do you have different institutions?

Different borders?

If this a debt to be repaid by American society, American citizens will have a say, whether you like it or not. And you won't be able to block that like you can on NT.

The questions you refuse to think about and answer here will have to be answered in real life, and you won't get to say "you [insert race] people don't get to insert yourselves in ADOS affairs."

Deal with it.
a black immigrant such as yourself and rusty have passports different from native born American citizens. You have a home country with its own borders and institutions. of course all American citizens will have a say in the matter of debts being repaid to ADOS. but they don't get to tell us what is best for us and it is especially patronizing for black immigrants to deem that we aren't entitled to a form of cash reparations and that free education is more than sufficient to atone for America's greatest sin.
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