but are they drawing a line in the sand with ppl like layziegunts layziegunts who are american born to immigrant parents?

its like saying acl ppl in america gotta go to britain for reparations right?

um, I am born in Jamaica and come here as a youth, I just became an American citizen last year....since I'm sooo popular around here
How far you can go back to tracing your lineage within this country seems to be the default method as of now. That's what distinguishes us. What other ways would there be?
To be honest, I do not think there is a perfect system. If ADOS folk got a hang up about government policy, even when it comes to black people, being too inclusionary then it would have top support one the errors on the side of being exclusionary. So if everyone black person needs to provide ancestry black to slavery, do those records exist to check every black person? Some might be left out because records were destroyed.

Secondly how do we deal with biracial people. What is the cut off there?

It is easily to section people off in theory, but in practice it is harder because you have to make a decision about folk on the margin.
Unrelated sidenote: After thinking about it, If all of ADOS's demands got passed and signed into law, the SCOTUS we have now is definitely striking most of it down. :lol: :lol:
Not showing up in 2020 might seal the fate of their agenda. Just saying.
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Cliffs on the origins of "famb"?

I see some people type this and figured it was some kind of joke but also figured it had to have stopped being funny at some point too.

basically just a misspelling of damn or whatever word he spelled wrong first

but back to the topic I’m proud of Antonio Moore cause his biggest knock by most people was he never has solutions

he now has helped to create something that is solution based
To be honest, I do not think there is a perfect system. If ADOS folk got a hang up about government policy, even when it comes to black people, being too inclusionary then it would have top support one the errors on the side of being exclusionary. So if everyone black person needs to provide ancestry black to slavery, do those records exist to check every black person? Some might be left out because records were destroyed.

Secondly how do we deal with biracial people. What is the cut off there?

It is easily to section people off in theory, but in practice it is harder because you have to make a decision about folk on the margin.

Providing ancestry back to slavery for all black isn't possible because of destroyed records like you said and overall difficulty of doing so, so there's no need to do that. That's why the cut off date is essential. Last slave ship was brought in 1860. Last known survivor of the middle passage died around 1935. Playing around with those dates can be a cutoff point
First gen American from Ghanaian born parents. Way too divisive of a tool that would essentially destroy the black community from the inside out. I’m in full support of reparations to African Americans who are descendants of slaves in America but not this overt. Free college education should be the extent. Gives us a chance to truly invest in the future.

Lol @ the Dems picking the perfect time to self implode. 2nd term Trump is inevitable at this point :smh:
>Dbecause slavery was a convert institution. we want what we are entitled to as descendants of the people who weren't compensated properly for the wealth of this country , not what a first gen immigrant deems appropriate
>Dbecause slavery was a convert institution. we want what we are entitled to as descendants of the people who weren't compensated properly for the wealth of this country , not what a first gen immigrant deems appropriate

Even the discussion of what the best form of reparation should be has you trying to come at your brother who has your best interest at heart. For someone who boisterously upholds what your decendents did in this country, you use the word “entitled” like you’re on the other side of the food chain. You aren’t. Stop trying to look for a lump some hand out and build with your brothers. Knowledge is the way out, not some check from the white man.
Even the discussion of what the best form of reparation should be has you trying to come at your brother who has your best interest at heart. For someone who boisterously upholds what your decendents did in this country, you use the word “entitled” like you’re on the other side of the food chain. You aren’t. Stop trying to look for a lump some hand out and build with your brothers. Knowledge is the way out, not some check from the white man.

Stop trying to look for whats rightfully owed to us? Sure. **** like this sure wouldn't fly with Jewish people. They recieve reparations till this day.
Even the discussion of what the best form of reparation should be has you trying to come at your brother who has your best interest at heart. For someone who boisterously upholds what your decendents did in this country, you use the word “entitled” like you’re on the other side of the food chain. You aren’t. Stop trying to look for a lump some hand out and build with your brothers. Knowledge is the way out, not some check from the white man.
come for you? I simply chastised your suggestion that "peanuts" are sufficient enough for a segment of the population whose descendant's blood was shed for 400+ yrs to line the oppressors pockets with gold. i'm not quite certain how my use of the word entitled regulated you to lobbing accusations of me being on the other side of the food chain so I will bypass that nonsensical point, brother, and advocate that you take your own advice by arming yourself with the knowledge you believe I lack. maybe then you wouldn't insinuate that demanding whats owned is seeking a check from the white man
Caribbean wins reparations payments

In what is being represented as a major victory in the fight to make Europe pay reparations to the Caribbean for the brutal transatlantic slave trade, the umbrella University of the West Indies is reporting that the University of Glasgow in the United Kingdom has agreed to begin making reparations payments in the near future after talks with a regional commission.

Dr. Hilary Beckles, the UWI vice chancellor, this week reported that agreement had been reached with the U.K. school to pay the value of Sterling 200 million for its part in the English slave trade to the Caribbean.

The announcement comes as regional governments continue to press governments in England, France, Spain, the Netherlands, Portugal, Denmark and others to attend a summit to discuss reparation payments to the 15-nation Caribbean Community and to decide whether the region should take the case to court to force those who benefited from the slave trade to compensate today’s descendants.

“The University of Glasgow has recognized that Jamaican slave owners had adopted the University of Glasgow as their university of choice and that £200 million of value was extracted from Jamaica and the Caribbean,” Beckles said in an announcement on Jamaica News Network program, “Insight,” as the workweek began. Beckles is the chairperson of the umbrella Caribbean Reparations Commission, which has been mandated by regional governments to force Britain and other European slave traders to own up and pay up for their role in genocide.

Governments had sent demand letters to European governments in the past year, urging them to sit down and talk about the past. Britain and France were among the most strident in their refusal to cooperate in any meaningful way with the commission. Critics say the move by the university will certainly undermine its position because the school is now acknowledging its role in the slave trade.

Beckles said the school had recently delved into its records only to find that there was “a massive influx of grants and endowments from Jamaica.” The two schools are now drafting a memorandum of understanding that will govern the reparation payments and relations going forward. The term “reparatory justice” is expected to be included.

“We are not on the street corners asking for handouts,” said Beckles. “We are looking for partnerships and development.”

The money will come in cash and kind, scholarships, exchange programs and other activities. “They are looking at the possibility of partnering with us and having a massive institute for chronic disease research that is going to prevent the proliferation of these diseases in the future,” said Beckles.

In browsing through its records, researchers found that the university had benefited directly from the Caribbean slave trade in the 18th and 19th centuries, equivalent to Sterling 200 million at today’s value. Researchers had worked for approximately two years on the project.

In a previous discussion on universities and the slave trade, Beckles named North Carolina and Georgetown University in the Washington, D.C. area as those whose trails lead back to the Caribbean.

“The people who owned Dukes plantation in Barbados had split their money between Barbados and North Carolina and founded Duke University, the owners of which recently donated land to UWI for a major agricultural project,” said Beckles. “Meanwhile, when Georgetown University was going through bankruptcy in the 19th century, it sold 200 of the more than 400 slaves it owned in order to get back on its feet.”

He added, “A slave trader who originally lived in Antigua fled after a slave revolt there and moved to Boston and provided the initial funding for the Harvard Law School
Stop trying to look for whats rightfully owed to us? Sure. **** like this sure wouldn't fly with Jewish people. They recieve reparations till this day.

Jewish people nor any other oppressed race has endured the systematic abuse that blacks have. There is nothing that anyone can GIVE us that is going to alleviate 2000 years of oppression. What I suggested was the means for black people to gain mental health and open the doors of prosperity amongst our own. This isn’t something that’s going to be fixed in your kids generation, your grand kids generation or even your great grand kids generation but it’s an actual foundation. Before we can assess what’s rightfully owed to us, there’s a sense of self that needs to be discovered. That means learning about what the whites stole from us to build their civilization that we so desperately want to thrive in. Heru, Auset, Ausar....knowledge is the key. An encouragement for knowledge in our community. Mother****as is lost out here. I’m not just for throwing black people some paper with slave owners on it and thinking that levels the playing field.

come for you? I simply chastised your suggestion that "peanuts" are sufficient enough for a segment of the population whose descendant's blood was shed for 400+ yrs to line the oppressors pockets with gold. i'm not quite certain how my use of the word entitled regulated you to lobbing accusations of me being on the other side of the food chain so I will bypass that nonsensical point, brother, and advocate that you take your own advice by arming yourself with the knowledge you believe I lack. maybe then you wouldn't insinuate that demanding whats owned is seeking a check from the white man

Lol @ thinking education is “peanuts”. How do we encourage the next generation to read so that our history doesn’t have to be hidden in a plain sight object like a book? How do we invest in black owned business when it’s owners are financially illiterate?

There is nothing you’re “entitled” to in the white man’s game. Remember that.
This is precisely why team ADOS is comfortable with likely hood of 4 more yrs of trump if the Democratic Party doesn’t embrace a agenda for foundational black Americans ..... hopefully he implements a immigration policy to stop and possibly send back those with this know it all mindset
hopefully he implements a immigration policy to stop and possibly send back those with this know it all mindset

da immigration restrictionist wing of da Republicans/conservatives party are a small minority, he ain't gonna do nada in that respect.
This is precisely why team ADOS is comfortable with likely hood of 4 more yrs of trump if the Democratic Party doesn’t embrace a agenda for foundational black Americans ..... hopefully he implements a immigration policy to stop and possibly send back those with this know it all mindset
I thought team ADOS wasn't on that hate ****?
And you can't be serious right now talking about " being comfortable" with a man in power who doesn't mind insulting any prominent black figure that speaks out but finds a way to find nice things to say about racists and pedophiles.

We don't believe you, you need more people.
is ados asking anything of republicans?

Hopefully not

This is precisely why team ADOS is comfortable with likely hood of 4 more yrs of trump if the Democratic Party doesn’t embrace a agenda for foundational black Americans ..... hopefully he implements a immigration policy to stop and possibly send back those with this know it all mindset

I hope this person is trolling
I thought team ADOS wasn't on that hate ****?
And you can't be serious right now talking about " being comfortable" with a man in power who doesn't mind insulting any prominent black figure that speaks out but finds a way to find nice things to say about racists and pedophiles.

We don't believe you, you need more people.
Who’s hating... I prefer my racists open and question immigrants of color who reap the benefits of our ancestors blood while saying we should remain complacent and not demand America to right it’s wrongs
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