African-American over reliance upon public assistance, section 8, foodstamps and medicaid?

^^ Looks like a bunch of kids in that pic. If they did save their money to buy nice things, at their age, why not?
^^ Looks like a bunch of kids in that pic. If they did save their money to buy nice things, at their age, why not?
I mean get a job, though. There is no excuse for anyone to be on government assistance unless you have a LEGIT medical condition (cancer, etc.)
I mean get a job, though. There is no excuse for anyone to be on government assistance unless you have a LEGIT medical condition (cancer, etc.)
Originally Posted by blacklion23

Originally Posted by lostsoulswander

Originally Posted by blacklion23

 If it was up to me we'd all be on foodstamps. Food is a necessity. We shouldn't have to pay for anything we need to live.

lulz wut? so my tax dollars should pay for your lobster and shrimp dinner while im struggling to get bus fare and you stylin on me in your pradas and gucci?

You shouldn't have to pay taxes. are the roads gonna get fixed? how would public schools exist? how would people not pay for their own food?
i is conufsed
Originally Posted by blacklion23

Originally Posted by lostsoulswander

Originally Posted by blacklion23

 If it was up to me we'd all be on foodstamps. Food is a necessity. We shouldn't have to pay for anything we need to live.

lulz wut? so my tax dollars should pay for your lobster and shrimp dinner while im struggling to get bus fare and you stylin on me in your pradas and gucci?

You shouldn't have to pay taxes. are the roads gonna get fixed? how would public schools exist? how would people not pay for their own food?
i is conufsed
Originally Posted by Diego

Originally Posted by mondaynightraw

Kennedy Fried Chicken at 2AM SWAG.

That looks like the Kennedy fried off used to BANG on Friday and Saturday

Originally Posted by blacklion23

 If it was up to me we'd all be on foodstamps. Food is a necessity. We shouldn't have to pay for anything we need to live.
So farmers that 17hours a day to only make 20K to 30K a season shouldn't charge yo for the food THEY produced and slaughtered, then cut up for you?
Have you volunteered to work at the water treatment plant? Or the coast guard? Or in any of the three branches of government that make the freedoms you take
for granted possible?

I commend my neighbor, Hindu...he grows his own food all summer, even though my hallway REEKS of @+$! and pungent curry
he's completely self reliant as the 21st century allows him to be
Originally Posted by Diego

Originally Posted by mondaynightraw

Kennedy Fried Chicken at 2AM SWAG.

That looks like the Kennedy fried off used to BANG on Friday and Saturday

Originally Posted by blacklion23

 If it was up to me we'd all be on foodstamps. Food is a necessity. We shouldn't have to pay for anything we need to live.
So farmers that 17hours a day to only make 20K to 30K a season shouldn't charge yo for the food THEY produced and slaughtered, then cut up for you?
Have you volunteered to work at the water treatment plant? Or the coast guard? Or in any of the three branches of government that make the freedoms you take
for granted possible?

I commend my neighbor, Hindu...he grows his own food all summer, even though my hallway REEKS of @+$! and pungent curry
he's completely self reliant as the 21st century allows him to be
look, a single mother of three cannot be forced to leave her kids alone daily for labor...thats regardless if she leaves them alone to go clubbing or can't IMPOSE that on someone...

now, granted, i agree, there needs to be reform...i.e. amounts people get;items that can be purchased;etc.

but yall are talking silly....

as far as dudes in jordans but on food stamps.......really? that's your big worry, guys?

"i work my butt off and cant afford jordans....he's over here in jordans eating foodstamp food"

dude, he is poor.....yes, his jordan money could have bought him food....but im sure those jordans are prolly the only nice thing in his life.....and if not for food stamps he probably wouldnt eat...PERIOD...

so just relax on that....its messed up, but you're acting jealous of people so poor they qualify for government assistance...

not to mention the environment for the typical jordan-wearing-foodstamp-eating-kid is alot triller than anything you've fathomed...

so fall back on that one...
look, a single mother of three cannot be forced to leave her kids alone daily for labor...thats regardless if she leaves them alone to go clubbing or can't IMPOSE that on someone...

now, granted, i agree, there needs to be reform...i.e. amounts people get;items that can be purchased;etc.

but yall are talking silly....

as far as dudes in jordans but on food stamps.......really? that's your big worry, guys?

"i work my butt off and cant afford jordans....he's over here in jordans eating foodstamp food"

dude, he is poor.....yes, his jordan money could have bought him food....but im sure those jordans are prolly the only nice thing in his life.....and if not for food stamps he probably wouldnt eat...PERIOD...

so just relax on that....its messed up, but you're acting jealous of people so poor they qualify for government assistance...

not to mention the environment for the typical jordan-wearing-foodstamp-eating-kid is alot triller than anything you've fathomed...

so fall back on that one...
Originally Posted by Stockholm Patriot

Originally Posted by Diego

Originally Posted by mondaynightraw

Kennedy Fried Chicken at 2AM SWAG.

That looks like the Kennedy fried off used to BANG on Friday and Saturday

Nah, that's the Kennedy on 163rd & Morris

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

look, a single mother of three cannot be forced to leave her kids alone daily for labor...thats regardless if she leaves them alone to go clubbing or can't IMPOSE that on someone...

now, granted, i agree, there needs to be reform...i.e. amounts people get;items that can be purchased;etc.

but yall are talking silly....

as far as dudes in jordans but on food stamps.......really? that's your big worry, guys?

"i work my butt off and cant afford jordans....he's over here in jordans eating foodstamp food"

dude, he is poor.....yes, his jordan money could have bought him food....but im sure those jordans are prolly the only nice thing in his life.....and if not for food stamps he probably wouldnt eat...PERIOD...

so just relax on that....its messed up, but you're acting jealous of people so poor they qualify for government assistance...

not to mention the environment for the typical jordan-wearing-foodstamp-eating-kid is alot triller than anything you've fathomed...

so fall back on that one...
They're not in jordans, though

Them pelles are 800-900 a pop..and they need food stamps?
Originally Posted by Stockholm Patriot

Originally Posted by Diego

Originally Posted by mondaynightraw

Kennedy Fried Chicken at 2AM SWAG.

That looks like the Kennedy fried off used to BANG on Friday and Saturday

Nah, that's the Kennedy on 163rd & Morris

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

look, a single mother of three cannot be forced to leave her kids alone daily for labor...thats regardless if she leaves them alone to go clubbing or can't IMPOSE that on someone...

now, granted, i agree, there needs to be reform...i.e. amounts people get;items that can be purchased;etc.

but yall are talking silly....

as far as dudes in jordans but on food stamps.......really? that's your big worry, guys?

"i work my butt off and cant afford jordans....he's over here in jordans eating foodstamp food"

dude, he is poor.....yes, his jordan money could have bought him food....but im sure those jordans are prolly the only nice thing in his life.....and if not for food stamps he probably wouldnt eat...PERIOD...

so just relax on that....its messed up, but you're acting jealous of people so poor they qualify for government assistance...

not to mention the environment for the typical jordan-wearing-foodstamp-eating-kid is alot triller than anything you've fathomed...

so fall back on that one...
They're not in jordans, though

Them pelles are 800-900 a pop..and they need food stamps?
dude, he is poor.....yes, his jordan money could have bought him food....but im sure those jordans are prolly the only nice thing in his life.....[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]and if not for food stamps he probably wouldnt eat...PERIOD...[/color]

Originally Posted by mondaynightraw

Originally Posted by blacklion23

Originally Posted by mondaynightraw

Originally Posted by Ruxxx


Not mad at all sir.
I will say that i see all kinds of people there

I was there a couple weeks ago at an unemployment office and you see people with blackberrys, lv, gucci, prada, foams..etc

Talkin bout...i got no money for food

If i worked at one of these offices, i'd be denying this people like crazy

Material things have nothing to do with this. There is chance that those material things are not authentic, straight from the flea market. And if they are it's a chance that they copped it from someone who may have stolen these things and came back to the hood with the deal. No broke person in the hood is going to a LV store and spending thousands they don't have unless they just came up. And why can't people who are less fortunate spend there money on what they want, whether they can afford it or not? It's ok to treat yourself sometimes. If it was up to me we'd all be on foodstamps. Food is a necessity. We shouldn't have to pay for anything we need to live.
You'd be surprised..i got a lot of cats from the hood that save up their little paychecks to cop stuff.

You mean to tell me all this if fake?

They got bang bang iphones and blackberries? You're not entitled to "treat" yourself if you need a welfare handout from the government

 What do you mean? Why do you think these kids are on welfare yall kill me man.
Originally Posted by mondaynightraw

Originally Posted by blacklion23

Originally Posted by mondaynightraw

Originally Posted by Ruxxx


Not mad at all sir.
I will say that i see all kinds of people there

I was there a couple weeks ago at an unemployment office and you see people with blackberrys, lv, gucci, prada, foams..etc

Talkin bout...i got no money for food

If i worked at one of these offices, i'd be denying this people like crazy

Material things have nothing to do with this. There is chance that those material things are not authentic, straight from the flea market. And if they are it's a chance that they copped it from someone who may have stolen these things and came back to the hood with the deal. No broke person in the hood is going to a LV store and spending thousands they don't have unless they just came up. And why can't people who are less fortunate spend there money on what they want, whether they can afford it or not? It's ok to treat yourself sometimes. If it was up to me we'd all be on foodstamps. Food is a necessity. We shouldn't have to pay for anything we need to live.
You'd be surprised..i got a lot of cats from the hood that save up their little paychecks to cop stuff.

You mean to tell me all this if fake?

They got bang bang iphones and blackberries? You're not entitled to "treat" yourself if you need a welfare handout from the government

 What do you mean? Why do you think these kids are on welfare yall kill me man.
dude, he is poor.....yes, his jordan money could have bought him food....but im sure those jordans are prolly the only nice thing in his life.....[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]and if not for food stamps he probably wouldnt eat...PERIOD...[/color]

Originally Posted by mondaynightraw

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

look, a single mother of three cannot be forced to leave her kids alone daily for labor...thats regardless if she leaves them alone to go clubbing or can't IMPOSE that on someone...

now, granted, i agree, there needs to be reform...i.e. amounts people get;items that can be purchased;etc.

but yall are talking silly....

as far as dudes in jordans but on food stamps.......really? that's your big worry, guys?

"i work my butt off and cant afford jordans....he's over here in jordans eating foodstamp food"

dude, he is poor.....yes, his jordan money could have bought him food....but im sure those jordans are prolly the only nice thing in his life.....and if not for food stamps he probably wouldnt eat...PERIOD...

so just relax on that....its messed up, but you're acting jealous of people so poor they qualify for government assistance...

not to mention the environment for the typical jordan-wearing-foodstamp-eating-kid is alot triller than anything you've fathomed...

so fall back on that one...
They're not in jordans, though

Them pelles are 800-900 a pop..and they need food stamps?
okay, you jeally?

that's prolly the only nice thing dude has in his life and he prolly had to risk his freedom to buy it...

he lives in a %+##$@ section 8 house in a violent, run down, unkempt neighborhood with crackheads as neighbors

prolly gonna have the pelle well into adulthood

im not condoning this $@+! at all, but good lord, fall back...

yall sounding jealous of people so poor they qualify for government assistance....

would i like an 800 dollar coat? sure

would i like free food? sure

am i poor enough to qualify? no.

does my situation call for government assistance? no.

and im fine with that.

yes, there are abusers, yes, the system needs reform

i understand yalls feelings toward it....all that...

but its just not that big of a deal to me...

like i said, that's prolly the nicest thing dudes ever had.....and he prolly had to risk his freedom to afford it...

not saying its good, not saying its even right....

just saying, have some empathy....

Originally Posted by mondaynightraw

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

look, a single mother of three cannot be forced to leave her kids alone daily for labor...thats regardless if she leaves them alone to go clubbing or can't IMPOSE that on someone...

now, granted, i agree, there needs to be reform...i.e. amounts people get;items that can be purchased;etc.

but yall are talking silly....

as far as dudes in jordans but on food stamps.......really? that's your big worry, guys?

"i work my butt off and cant afford jordans....he's over here in jordans eating foodstamp food"

dude, he is poor.....yes, his jordan money could have bought him food....but im sure those jordans are prolly the only nice thing in his life.....and if not for food stamps he probably wouldnt eat...PERIOD...

so just relax on that....its messed up, but you're acting jealous of people so poor they qualify for government assistance...

not to mention the environment for the typical jordan-wearing-foodstamp-eating-kid is alot triller than anything you've fathomed...

so fall back on that one...
They're not in jordans, though

Them pelles are 800-900 a pop..and they need food stamps?
okay, you jeally?

that's prolly the only nice thing dude has in his life and he prolly had to risk his freedom to buy it...

he lives in a %+##$@ section 8 house in a violent, run down, unkempt neighborhood with crackheads as neighbors

prolly gonna have the pelle well into adulthood

im not condoning this $@+! at all, but good lord, fall back...

yall sounding jealous of people so poor they qualify for government assistance....

would i like an 800 dollar coat? sure

would i like free food? sure

am i poor enough to qualify? no.

does my situation call for government assistance? no.

and im fine with that.

yes, there are abusers, yes, the system needs reform

i understand yalls feelings toward it....all that...

but its just not that big of a deal to me...

like i said, that's prolly the nicest thing dudes ever had.....and he prolly had to risk his freedom to afford it...

not saying its good, not saying its even right....

just saying, have some empathy....

Originally Posted by KickHead23

Originally Posted by Dwele Farooq Al Suleed Afzul

Originally Posted by KickHead23

Originally Posted by Al Audi

OP why did you single out AA?

serious question?

cuz funny a lot of white ppl use assistance............


Your right it aint ALLL AA but don't front like its not the majority bro. OP was just asking a question and yall are strayin off
It's not, but thanks for trying.
After more research, your right and I apologize for my ignorance. Obviously times have changed with the Hispanics now playing a much larger role in the states.. Anyone have any more modern numbers? I could only find ones from the 90's. Oh and also, I would take my video down because I was wrong, but I'm not ashamed to say I was wrong for my understandings. And hopefully it will render useful to others who were seemingly just as ignorant as myself.
Mature response. Very seldom do I see this on NT. 
Nice to see on NT for once. Respect.
Originally Posted by KickHead23

Originally Posted by Dwele Farooq Al Suleed Afzul

Originally Posted by KickHead23

Originally Posted by Al Audi

OP why did you single out AA?

serious question?

cuz funny a lot of white ppl use assistance............


Your right it aint ALLL AA but don't front like its not the majority bro. OP was just asking a question and yall are strayin off
It's not, but thanks for trying.
After more research, your right and I apologize for my ignorance. Obviously times have changed with the Hispanics now playing a much larger role in the states.. Anyone have any more modern numbers? I could only find ones from the 90's. Oh and also, I would take my video down because I was wrong, but I'm not ashamed to say I was wrong for my understandings. And hopefully it will render useful to others who were seemingly just as ignorant as myself.
Mature response. Very seldom do I see this on NT. 
Nice to see on NT for once. Respect.
Originally Posted by usainboltisfast

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Why AA as if they are the only poor folks?

EXACTLY. Blacks are NOT the only people on food stamps why are we the only one getting portrayed on being on food stamps. There is a HUGE group of Blacks (mostly Caribbean/Africans) that are WAY to prideful to even accept anything like that.

Not exactly "Food Stamps" but here is California statistics for the "Calfresh" food subsidy program:

Ethnicity of the CalFresh recipients:
--Hispanic      31%
--Mixed Race 21% 
--White 20%    
--Black 17%
--Other 11%

edit: This whole thing about black people "abusing" social welfare programs is just some BS made by the media. Look at the stats they know what they are doing by making ridiculous statements about blacks and social welfare. And even if it was true what race truley needs social welfare more than blacks? Look how bad this American society has tried to disenfranchise us.  We are still waiting for our Homestead act land...
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