African-American over reliance upon public assistance, section 8, foodstamps and medicaid?

Dude is worried about the next man while he struggles.

Look homie. There are things in society few of us agree with but you have to get over it.

With all the complaining you're doing... are you going to stop working and providing for your family or are you going to work harder? You tell me.
3 threads about black people on the first page...
I know one story does not make for an all encompassing picture, but I love this...

My cousin owns a moving company. He was moving some folks who had section 8 from "the hood" to an apartment in the burbs. This couple was getting free housing and guess what was in their driveway? A lime green escalade on 20's.

inside? the dude had his pistol on his coffee table and laying next to some powder. let's guess it was baby powder.

Section 8 is bogus. Instead of putting the poor together into neighborhoods or spreading them out into the "burbs" they should let these people find their way in life. Instead of section 8 why not give them more money to do with as they please. This would force them to care about where they live and what they're living in.

My friend owns a building that has section 8 tenants and you would not believe what the property looks like, while said people are living in it let alone after they've left.

Moral of the story? Both black and white abuse the system. You probably just "notice" it more when a minority does it. White people just probably waste their public aid on Meth and truck tires.
I know one story does not make for an all encompassing picture, but I love this...

My cousin owns a moving company. He was moving some folks who had section 8 from "the hood" to an apartment in the burbs. This couple was getting free housing and guess what was in their driveway? A lime green escalade on 20's.

inside? the dude had his pistol on his coffee table and laying next to some powder. let's guess it was baby powder.

Section 8 is bogus. Instead of putting the poor together into neighborhoods or spreading them out into the "burbs" they should let these people find their way in life. Instead of section 8 why not give them more money to do with as they please. This would force them to care about where they live and what they're living in.

My friend owns a building that has section 8 tenants and you would not believe what the property looks like, while said people are living in it let alone after they've left.

Moral of the story? Both black and white abuse the system. You probably just "notice" it more when a minority does it. White people just probably waste their public aid on Meth and truck tires.
I'm black & have NEVER taken a government "handout" my entire life, wouldn't even collect unemployment after my contractor jobs expired. I guess I was just raised differently than most young black men/women today. My father joined the military right after HS & I always had a job since I was 14. He always taught me that if you can't afford something, work & save until you could. I have a credit card & I never even use it lol.

I'd rather struggle week by week like a man than ask for a handout on my knees like a boy.
I'm black & have NEVER taken a government "handout" my entire life, wouldn't even collect unemployment after my contractor jobs expired. I guess I was just raised differently than most young black men/women today. My father joined the military right after HS & I always had a job since I was 14. He always taught me that if you can't afford something, work & save until you could. I have a credit card & I never even use it lol.

I'd rather struggle week by week like a man than ask for a handout on my knees like a boy.
Originally Posted by Prostaffer

I know one story does not make for an all encompassing picture, but I love this...

My cousin owns a moving company. He was moving some folks who had section 8 from "the hood" to an apartment in the burbs. This couple was getting free housing and guess what was in their driveway? A lime green escalade on 20's.

inside? the dude had his pistol on his coffee table and laying next to some powder. let's guess it was baby powder.

Section 8 is bogus. Instead of putting the poor together into neighborhoods or spreading them out into the "burbs" they should let these people find their way in life. Instead of section 8 why not give them more money to do with as they please. This would force them to care about where they live and what they're living in.

My friend owns a building that has section 8 tenants and you would not believe what the property looks like, while said people are living in it let alone after they've left.

Moral of the story? Both black and white abuse the system. You probably just "notice" it more when a minority does it. White people just probably waste their public aid on Meth and truck tires.
Originally Posted by Prostaffer

I know one story does not make for an all encompassing picture, but I love this...

My cousin owns a moving company. He was moving some folks who had section 8 from "the hood" to an apartment in the burbs. This couple was getting free housing and guess what was in their driveway? A lime green escalade on 20's.

inside? the dude had his pistol on his coffee table and laying next to some powder. let's guess it was baby powder.

Section 8 is bogus. Instead of putting the poor together into neighborhoods or spreading them out into the "burbs" they should let these people find their way in life. Instead of section 8 why not give them more money to do with as they please. This would force them to care about where they live and what they're living in.

My friend owns a building that has section 8 tenants and you would not believe what the property looks like, while said people are living in it let alone after they've left.

Moral of the story? Both black and white abuse the system. You probably just "notice" it more when a minority does it. White people just probably waste their public aid on Meth and truck tires.
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

why not?

okay, the government can require people to labor for section 8, wic and foodstamps....meanwhile all the children these programs were designed to protect now have no guardian during "work" hours, right?

or nah, they should sub. babysitting too, now....

its a tricky situation.....a very contradictory one....

i have empathy for the population....and while it may be wrong to cop an 800 dollar leather when you're on foodstamps

you dunno what they did for that coat....NOR what that coat REALLY means to them....


there's absolutely no reason a  person recieving that kind of assistance should be buying a 800 coat...they need to go down to burlington and catch something on sale...

800 !$$#@*% dollars...there's no way to justify that parents don't own an 800 anything other than house/car of course and they make decent money...

- are you really that clueless to think they actually paid $800 for the coat? jesus.  i mean you really can tell who came up in/around the hood and who didnt.....
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

why not?

okay, the government can require people to labor for section 8, wic and foodstamps....meanwhile all the children these programs were designed to protect now have no guardian during "work" hours, right?

or nah, they should sub. babysitting too, now....

its a tricky situation.....a very contradictory one....

i have empathy for the population....and while it may be wrong to cop an 800 dollar leather when you're on foodstamps

you dunno what they did for that coat....NOR what that coat REALLY means to them....


there's absolutely no reason a  person recieving that kind of assistance should be buying a 800 coat...they need to go down to burlington and catch something on sale...

800 !$$#@*% dollars...there's no way to justify that parents don't own an 800 anything other than house/car of course and they make decent money...

- are you really that clueless to think they actually paid $800 for the coat? jesus.  i mean you really can tell who came up in/around the hood and who didnt.....
Originally Posted by Stockholm Patriot

Originally Posted by Napoleon

Seems like people are mad that people on welfare don't "stay in their lane" fiscally.

You're never going to be able to control what others purchase so why try?


I'm a student, father, husband and self-employed ...if I don't work my family will feel the effects directly. Even now, I'm  in an a little economic hot water.
Do you know how
I get? My car is down, I'm spending almost $90 a day on cabs it's FREEZING and I see these low-lifes bending corners in scrapers with Auto-Zone spinners
banging Gucci Man "I'm the %@%@" mean mugging me smelling like weed 8am then 6:30pm doing the same thing? ...That's where my tax dollars go, I'm not
being judgmental
...but sometimes Republicans have some validity in their claims. Although whites have their own hangups too, some people just rub in your face by showing blatant
lack of respect or motivation.
- that = "you just jealous"
- i agree with eNPHAN. please understand, i see it too. and im a working man. but i also understand that that attitude and demanor they have about the stuff they are able to flaunt doesnt last so it really doesnt move me like that. ill take my car i can afford/good credit/nice home/no roaches or rats/bills paid/401K/etc.  over having to look over my back/boarding up my windows cause they raping erbody out here/spinner hubcaps trying to show off/fake jordans/fake gucci/fake pelle/no heat in the winter/only bologna in the frige/etc. anyday

Originally Posted by Stockholm Patriot

Originally Posted by Napoleon

Seems like people are mad that people on welfare don't "stay in their lane" fiscally.

You're never going to be able to control what others purchase so why try?


I'm a student, father, husband and self-employed ...if I don't work my family will feel the effects directly. Even now, I'm  in an a little economic hot water.
Do you know how
I get? My car is down, I'm spending almost $90 a day on cabs it's FREEZING and I see these low-lifes bending corners in scrapers with Auto-Zone spinners
banging Gucci Man "I'm the %@%@" mean mugging me smelling like weed 8am then 6:30pm doing the same thing? ...That's where my tax dollars go, I'm not
being judgmental
...but sometimes Republicans have some validity in their claims. Although whites have their own hangups too, some people just rub in your face by showing blatant
lack of respect or motivation.
- that = "you just jealous"
- i agree with eNPHAN. please understand, i see it too. and im a working man. but i also understand that that attitude and demanor they have about the stuff they are able to flaunt doesnt last so it really doesnt move me like that. ill take my car i can afford/good credit/nice home/no roaches or rats/bills paid/401K/etc.  over having to look over my back/boarding up my windows cause they raping erbody out here/spinner hubcaps trying to show off/fake jordans/fake gucci/fake pelle/no heat in the winter/only bologna in the frige/etc. anyday

Originally Posted by seasoned vet

- that = "you just jealous"
Jelly over some low-lifes that really don't need emergency assistance?
Nah more lie infuriated at times that members of my race are a reflection of me.
So those that WANT TO WORK, OR GET AN EDUCATION can't even be comfortable
in our own skin. Gotta feel like a sellout for wanting a better quality of life our community has to offer and sacrifice a feeling of "community"
or feel like an outcast amongst whites still holding on to racial reserves, and since I'm the only one in my neighborhood of color
I'm the scapegoat.'s frustrating and I sympathize with the President and his ability to hold it togehter while innuendos are being asserted and they're staking him to the cross
calling him a "socialist".
Originally Posted by seasoned vet

- that = "you just jealous"
Jelly over some low-lifes that really don't need emergency assistance?
Nah more lie infuriated at times that members of my race are a reflection of me.
So those that WANT TO WORK, OR GET AN EDUCATION can't even be comfortable
in our own skin. Gotta feel like a sellout for wanting a better quality of life our community has to offer and sacrifice a feeling of "community"
or feel like an outcast amongst whites still holding on to racial reserves, and since I'm the only one in my neighborhood of color
I'm the scapegoat.'s frustrating and I sympathize with the President and his ability to hold it togehter while innuendos are being asserted and they're staking him to the cross
calling him a "socialist".
lol at NT's use of stats.
When accounted for percentage of population, AA's do have a higher rate. Do I care? No. Are AA's fully to blame? Far from it. 

At one time they were giving out 40 acres and a mule. Today it's gov assistance and local/city gov jobs. 

Some may argue against this but the above is reality because the system (feds/state politicians) has chosen this (easy, for them) path in "righting" (prob has more to do with pacifying) the wrongs that were previously done instead of aiding the AA community in becoming independent and self sufficient by emulating other succesful minority communities.
lol at NT's use of stats.
When accounted for percentage of population, AA's do have a higher rate. Do I care? No. Are AA's fully to blame? Far from it. 

At one time they were giving out 40 acres and a mule. Today it's gov assistance and local/city gov jobs. 

Some may argue against this but the above is reality because the system (feds/state politicians) has chosen this (easy, for them) path in "righting" (prob has more to do with pacifying) the wrongs that were previously done instead of aiding the AA community in becoming independent and self sufficient by emulating other succesful minority communities.
Not sure what OP's angle is but it seems blanketed. Why just focus on Black people? (Considering some of his recent posts, I'm not sure he even likes Black people, but that's another conversation for another day.) I just want to throw this out there, last I checked, and y'all can check me if I'm wrong on this. Around 14% of our country's population is considered impoverished and Black people make up roughly 12-13% of our population.  According to your suggestion, 100% of Black people are impoverished, on welfare, and abuse the system. I don't subscribe to the false notion that Black people are the majority to abuse it. I would agree that Black people are the most obvious when it comes to showing the misuse of what they get though. Also, OP, what about those that do work, but they do not make enough to make ends meet? My family was in that category, it helped in a time of need and we moved on. I don't know everyone's age and I'm not underestimating anyone's level of knowledge on any level, but it seems that people on NT, no matter what the topic, rush to make quick judgments and blanketed statements. It seems that some people need to live a little more to change their perspective on certain issues. That's my take.... 
Not sure what OP's angle is but it seems blanketed. Why just focus on Black people? (Considering some of his recent posts, I'm not sure he even likes Black people, but that's another conversation for another day.) I just want to throw this out there, last I checked, and y'all can check me if I'm wrong on this. Around 14% of our country's population is considered impoverished and Black people make up roughly 12-13% of our population.  According to your suggestion, 100% of Black people are impoverished, on welfare, and abuse the system. I don't subscribe to the false notion that Black people are the majority to abuse it. I would agree that Black people are the most obvious when it comes to showing the misuse of what they get though. Also, OP, what about those that do work, but they do not make enough to make ends meet? My family was in that category, it helped in a time of need and we moved on. I don't know everyone's age and I'm not underestimating anyone's level of knowledge on any level, but it seems that people on NT, no matter what the topic, rush to make quick judgments and blanketed statements. It seems that some people need to live a little more to change their perspective on certain issues. That's my take.... 
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