African-American over reliance upon public assistance, section 8, foodstamps and medicaid?

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

i went w/800 cuz someone mentioned them saving for the expensive stuff they had...

That's what those leather jackets cost

I didn't even add in the 300 dollar bb simon belt or the true religions
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

i went w/800 cuz someone mentioned them saving for the expensive stuff they had...

That's what those leather jackets cost

I didn't even add in the 300 dollar bb simon belt or the true religions
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

lol at NT's use of stats.
When accounted for percentage of population, AA's do have a higher rate. Do I care? No. Are AA's fully to blame? Far from it. 

At one time they were giving out 40 acres and a mule. Today it's gov assistance and local/city gov jobs. 

Some may argue against this but the above is reality because the system (feds/state politicians) has chosen this (easy, for them) path in "righting" (prob has more to do with pacifying) the wrongs that were previously done instead of aiding the AA community in becoming independent and self sufficient by emulating other succesful minority communities.
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

lol at NT's use of stats.
When accounted for percentage of population, AA's do have a higher rate. Do I care? No. Are AA's fully to blame? Far from it. 

At one time they were giving out 40 acres and a mule. Today it's gov assistance and local/city gov jobs. 

Some may argue against this but the above is reality because the system (feds/state politicians) has chosen this (easy, for them) path in "righting" (prob has more to do with pacifying) the wrongs that were previously done instead of aiding the AA community in becoming independent and self sufficient by emulating other succesful minority communities.
Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by Cicero Avenue Dopeman

Still on foodstamps
im so jealous of ppl with foodstamps

how much you get a month? i heard its like 250 for an individual

thats madd protein
my moms pays someone 100 cash for their $200 worth of foodstamps.....mommy's a hustla
Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by Cicero Avenue Dopeman

Still on foodstamps
im so jealous of ppl with foodstamps

how much you get a month? i heard its like 250 for an individual

thats madd protein
my moms pays someone 100 cash for their $200 worth of foodstamps.....mommy's a hustla
I don't have a problem with assistance just he they abuse it..espcially with food stamps! I used to work at a grocery store and I swear people with food stamps didn't even get real food..basket full of chips,candy snacks, and not one real "food item" in the I work at sams club s they come in and buy baskets full of candy bars and sodas just to resell it..
I don't have a problem with assistance just he they abuse it..espcially with food stamps! I used to work at a grocery store and I swear people with food stamps didn't even get real food..basket full of chips,candy snacks, and not one real "food item" in the I work at sams club s they come in and buy baskets full of candy bars and sodas just to resell it..
EBT and food stamps are the same thing right?

Anyway, when I worked with Walgreens, majority of EBT users were Whites and Blacks...Whites more than blacks.
EBT and food stamps are the same thing right?

Anyway, when I worked with Walgreens, majority of EBT users were Whites and Blacks...Whites more than blacks.
let's put it like this.....

do really want da return of da 70's poverty? if we don't support da poor (who gonna find ways to floss regardless) da streets gonna look like mad max and FAST...

i can remember time square when it looked like a smutt summit and grindhouse films ALL over, and porn and drugs ALLLL over da place.....

ill tell you this, you start messing with entitlements and social programs, ya betta let cats hold hammers, cuz there's NO WAY im steppin out my house lookin

icy without a burner....wolves would be would be out here starving.
let's put it like this.....

do really want da return of da 70's poverty? if we don't support da poor (who gonna find ways to floss regardless) da streets gonna look like mad max and FAST...

i can remember time square when it looked like a smutt summit and grindhouse films ALL over, and porn and drugs ALLLL over da place.....

ill tell you this, you start messing with entitlements and social programs, ya betta let cats hold hammers, cuz there's NO WAY im steppin out my house lookin

icy without a burner....wolves would be would be out here starving.
People who have ill feelings towards African Americans who use food stamps are really ignorant. Do you think they choose to be in that situation where they are so poor that they need to rely on food stamps? People should really be mad at the history of past racial injustice and present racism that white people profit from. If we didn't have discrimination in employment, housing, education in the past, there would be more better off Black families today. Even today Blacks are disadvantaged in those areas, but people choose not to notice that.
People who have ill feelings towards African Americans who use food stamps are really ignorant. Do you think they choose to be in that situation where they are so poor that they need to rely on food stamps? People should really be mad at the history of past racial injustice and present racism that white people profit from. If we didn't have discrimination in employment, housing, education in the past, there would be more better off Black families today. Even today Blacks are disadvantaged in those areas, but people choose not to notice that.
Originally Posted by mondaynightraw

You'd be surprised..i got a lot of cats from the hood that save up their little paychecks to cop stuff.

You mean to tell me all this if fake?

They got bang bang iphones and blackberries? You're not entitled to "treat" yourself if you need a welfare handout from the government

How you know their on welfare, though?

usainboltisfast wrote:

Ethnicity of the CalFresh recipients: 
--Hispanic      31% 
--Mixed Race 21%  
--White 20%     
--Black 17% 
--Other 11%

Exactly, and this is just California... Let's not even get into the states where the black population is less than 5%.  
Originally Posted by mondaynightraw

You'd be surprised..i got a lot of cats from the hood that save up their little paychecks to cop stuff.

You mean to tell me all this if fake?

They got bang bang iphones and blackberries? You're not entitled to "treat" yourself if you need a welfare handout from the government

How you know their on welfare, though?

usainboltisfast wrote:

Ethnicity of the CalFresh recipients: 
--Hispanic      31% 
--Mixed Race 21%  
--White 20%     
--Black 17% 
--Other 11%

Exactly, and this is just California... Let's not even get into the states where the black population is less than 5%.  
Originally Posted by letsgetit22

Exactly, and this is just California... Let's not even get into the states where the black population is less than 5%.  
what kind of statement is that?

As i've said before, the only true way to analyze the use is as a % of total population ... saying that any race has a low assistance % as compared to other races without taking into account the population is absolutely useless ...
Originally Posted by letsgetit22

Exactly, and this is just California... Let's not even get into the states where the black population is less than 5%.  
what kind of statement is that?

As i've said before, the only true way to analyze the use is as a % of total population ... saying that any race has a low assistance % as compared to other races without taking into account the population is absolutely useless ...
You guys have to realize that African American's are still a minortiy in the population compared to whites. So in California if 20% of welfare recepients are white and 17% are black you have to look at the percentage of the population represented. I don't know about in Cali, but I think a majority of states African American's are still a minority of the population, meaning more whites than blacks.

Doesn't mean only AA's use food stamps, cause tons of white people use them.

As for the conversation about getting social assistance and having nice things like LV clothes, iPhones,cars, etc. I see it like this, if you have money to afford these "luxary" items yet need assistance to afford the "neccessary" items in life then you have your priorities backwards. You can claim all you want that well they will have the Jordans for life and it will be the only nice thing they have, that is there fault and no one elses. You put food on the table and a roof over your head over Jordans and iPhones. The money going towards Jordans and iPhones can be saved so eventually you can get out the circumstances one is in. And I know people will come back with the well the price of Jordan's is minimal and not buying those shoes will not allow someone to get of the hood, this is somewhat true, but its the pricipal. If you don't buy the Jordans and save the $200 and then you say screw it won't but the iPhone either thats another $200 plus the money saved not having the data plan, I mean it all adds up.
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