African Descendants ✊🏿 Black People - Americas, Africa, Caribbean Culture Discussion

Too woke?

Nah - I don't even know what "woke" means, nor do I trust folks that use the term.

Basically I'm not the target demographic.

Too respectful of the truth / facts and exhausted with all the narratives that are an afront to my traditional values.

I aint about to invest in this Hollywood propaganda.

The truth is good enough for me.

Words are important and I know a money grab when I see it.

BTW in fairness I wouldn't go see the "The Man Queen" either...


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Nah - I don't even know what "woke" means, nor do I trust folks that use the term.

Basically I'm not the target demographic.

Too respectful of the truth / facts and exhausted with all the narratives that are an afront to my traditional values.

I aint about to invest in this Hollywood propaganda.

The truth is good enough for me.

Words are important and I know a money grab when I see it.

BTW in fairness I wouldn't go see the "The Man Queen" either...


Dumbest sh** ive read this young week.
Sigh, you cant please everyone. No matter what

Exactly Fam.

I wish them the best of luck and hope the folks that want to see it enjoy themselves.

Not hating at all or trying to act like I'm better than anyone else for lacking interest - so hopefully I didn't give that impression.

Its just a movie after all.

We Black...not monolithic / homogenous :lol:
P Present - I get what youre saying bro, its not the most historically accurate thing but its all black female cast and a black director. Is it something in particular that you are against?
P Present - I get what youre saying bro, its not the most historically accurate thing but its all black female cast and a black director. Is it something in particular that you are against?

Yeah - I'd be Ok if it was a Marvel Movie...that's the kind of Hollywood propaganda that gets me to reach for my wallet (Black Panther etc)

The difference is everyone knows Wakanda doesn't exist IRL.

The fact that they even say in the trailer "based on real events" = some purple haired 5'2" misandrist goofball gonna think she can hip toss me 28 feet because I didn't say "thanks for your service" :lol:

I'm joking of course but still...

Even the title is problematic as it was meant to be.
If I didn't know the name of the movie and it was on TV I would probably watch because it's a predominantly black cast

But once I get whiff of the name I'm probably changing the channel and watching bull riding or a skate boarding competition
Even the title is problematic as it was meant to be.
There were monarchies in which only someone with the title of king could lead, so when succession circumstances allowed a woman to inherit the royal throne, guess what she was gonna be called: king.

It's rare, but it is not as far-fetched a concept as you make it sound. We shouldn't automatically apply today's language conventions and connotations to societies that existed within a linguistic construct foreign to us.
There are several examples of women being military commander/leaders through out history from Germanic tribes to the Caliphates.

I don't know where all this disdain for women are coming from these days. It's pretty damn rampant on NT too.

Type of people who love to talk about "traditonal values" like all cultures have the patriachal judeochristian influenced traditions.

We aint a monolith. :lol:
Type of people who love to talk about "traditonal values" like all cultures have the patriachal judeochristian influenced traditions.

We aint a monolith. :lol:
Right. It's even worst when they try to bring biology into it as if it isn't some culturally(religious) man-made construct. That's an archiac way of thinking and will go like the dodo, that's why these guys feel more threatened by women in power.
Africa still exists and African royalty still exists

Are their any current "Woman Kings" in Africa?
When was the last "Woman King" anywhere on the continent of Africa?
Nah - I don't even know what "woke" means, nor do I trust folks that use the term.

Basically I'm not the target demographic.

Too respectful of the truth / facts and exhausted with all the narratives that are an afront to my traditional values.

I aint about to invest in this Hollywood propaganda.

The truth is good enough for me.

Words are important and I know a money grab when I see it.

BTW in fairness I wouldn't go see the "The Man Queen" either...


Yeah, It piqued my interest cause I saw a brief clip of the trailer a few months back and was wondering if it was about Queen Nzinga or if it was about the Dahomey kingdom. If the latter, then I want to see their spin on it. If they are going to show the real truth(which is unlikely) or do some spin to show them in a different light and further confuse our people.
Africa still exists and African royalty still exists

Are their any current "Woman Kings" in Africa?
When was the last "Woman King" anywhere on the continent of Africa?

Lol a lot of traditions in Africa werw bastardized by European colonialism. Africa today is not like Africa during the events of Woman King.

Matriachal female led societies were fairly come on the precolonial world. And some still do.
Pre-capitalist, matriarchal civilisations in Africa included the Nigerian Zazzau, Sudanese Kandake, Angolan Nzinga, and Ashanti of Ghana, to name but a few. The quintessential African matriarchal system was most evident and most enduring in black Ancient Egypt.

There are thousands of tribes in Africa, many of them are led by women.
Pre-capitalist, matriarchal civilisations in Africa included the Nigerian Zazzau, Sudanese Kandake, Angolan Nzinga, and Ashanti of Ghana, to name but a few. The quintessential African matriarchal system was most evident and most enduring in black Ancient Egypt.

There are thousands of tribes in Africa, many of them are led by women.
And Ancient Nubians.
She said being King gave her more power and if she was queen she would just report to the king and take care of the kids, but if she's not married and doesn't have kids how would any of that apply to her as the Queen?

And here's the $100,000 question
Can a man become the Queen of a country?


Nana Amuah-Afenyi VI is Bartels' new title, but she is better known as King Peggy. This straight-talking, 57-year-old is the first woman in her fishing community of 7,000 people in Ghana's Central Region to be anointed a king, or "nana."

"King" Petty is an INFORMAL TITLE.

Nana simply means "your highness"...


Mans trying to maximize the minimum.

We talking about a village of 7K people...not a country, a village.

Also Nana ≠ King

What does Nana mean in Ghanaian?

Your Highness

In Ghana, one can respectfully refer to a King or Queen as Nana without mentioning their full name; much like using "Your Highness". In India, nana means father in Telugu language.
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