African Descendants ✊🏿 Black People - Americas, Africa, Caribbean Culture Discussion

Just to give you an idea of the scope you're asking me to cover, a country like mine (about the size of California) has 25 million people who collectively speak more than 200 languages and dialects; the political structures run the gamut from absolute monarchies to Athens-style democracies; and the role and status of women are not uniform across cultures and ethnic groups. Granted, my country is one of the most diverse in Africa, but there are 52 countries on the continent, and each one of them has at least two official languages and three or four specifically local languages (and the ethnic societies that go with them). In short, you need to direct your question to an distinguished anthropologist, and that's not me.

But I'll argue that the extent is not important. What matters is that the title of the movie (and its story) should be seen within the context of this social and political diversity. And if you survey discussions that Africans themselves are having about this movie, much of the criticism centers around the accuracy of the costumes, the architecture, the weaponry, and the motivations of the Agoodjie. The fact that you don't find many discussions by Africans on the question of female leadership should tell how inconsequential it is to us because some of us are used to female leaders.

true, it’s prolly not a fair question…i don’t necessarily think it is controversial to have female leadership but i think the context, which to your point is perhaps unknowable to us layfolk, of how pervasive it was is to the ‘maximizing the minimum’ argument; which is to say yes it occurred & may have even been inconsequential to most but it may not have been the norm or even extended beyond the nobility/titled into general pop.

😂 this is all kinda an aside & irrelevant to the argument as to why the movie exists or it’s utility in terms of what impact it could have, offhand i just think the title is kinda funny
I can love black women and I can also want them to not continue falling for the divide and conquer trick of the enemy, that's being fed to them in the guise of a feminist movement, thats telling them to detach from black men because we're low value and not worthy of her love, affection, and intellect
I can love black women and I can also want them to not continue falling for the divide and conquer trick of the enemy, that's being fed to them in the guise of a feminist movement, thats telling them to detach from black men because we're low value and not worthy of her love, affection, and intellect

let me guess you didnt get vaccinated either because the illuminati and Bill Gates wanted to put metal in your arm?
let me guess you didnt get vaccinated either because the illuminati and Bill Gates wanted to put metal in your arm?
Naw I didn't get vaccinated because my mother taught me cleanliness and health and wellness growing up, so I didn't feel I needed the vaccine to protect me from a virus

The fact you asked me that in a condescending tone lets me know who I'm communicating with

I'm on another level homie

I aint on this elitist internet blackness that folks out here pushing to put money in their pockets

I'm outside with my people making a difference in the lives of black youth and being a role model to black males that aspire to have a strong black family
Naw I didn't get vaccinated because my mother taught me cleanliness and health and wellness growing up, so I didn't feel I needed the vaccine to protect me from a virus

The fact you asked me that in a condescending tone lets me know who I'm communicating with

I'm on another level homie

I aint on this elitist internet blackness that folks out here pushing to put money in their pockets

I'm outside with my people making a difference in the lives of black youth and being a role model to black males that aspire to have a strong black family

I can love black women and I can also want them to not continue falling for the divide and conquer trick of the enemy, that's being fed to them in the guise of a feminist movement, thats telling them to detach from black men because we're low value and not worthy of her love, affection, and intellect

How is equal rights and opportunities for women "divide and conquer"?

You sound like those rednecks who think black people asking for equality is divisive. :lol: :rofl: :smh:
Low value males like myself didn't get vaccinated

Asking me about being vaccinated as if that will change the color of my skin and I'll be accepted into the high value male club
Low value males like myself didn't get vaccinated

Asking me about being vaccinated as if that will change the color of my skin and I'll be accepted into the high value male club

Actually uneducated low socioeconomic people susceptible to magical thinking are less likely to get vaccinated. So yes, LOW VALUE aka spreadnecks.
Past cannot watch shows like this

Just to give you an idea of the scope you're asking me to cover, a country like mine (about the size of California) has 25 million people who collectively speak more than 200 languages and dialects; the political structures run the gamut from absolute monarchies to Athens-style democracies; and the role and status of women are not uniform across cultures and ethnic groups. Granted, my country is one of the most diverse in Africa, but there are 52 countries on the continent, and each one of them has at least two official languages and three or four specifically local languages (and the ethnic societies that go with them). In short, you need to direct your question to an distinguished anthropologist, and that's not me.

But I'll argue that the extent is not important. What matters is that the title of the movie (and its story) should be seen within the context of this social and political diversity. And if you survey discussions that Africans themselves are having about this movie, much of the criticism centers around the accuracy of the costumes, the architecture, the weaponry, and the motivations of the Agoodjie. The fact that you don't find many discussions by Africans on the question of female leadership should tell how inconsequential it is to us because some of us are used to female leaders.

Cote D’Ivoire?
Actually uneducated low socioeconomic people susceptible to magical thinking are less likely to get vaccinated. So yes, LOW VALUE aka spreadnecks.
You're worse off than I thought

I'm married so I'm not a high value male out here tongue kissing random women I met on a dating app, that just got through tongue kissing some dude she met on a dating app

So my chances of catching covid were significantly lower than individuals within your high value male society
You're worse off than I thought

I'm married so I'm not a high value male out here tongue kissing random women I met on a dating app, that just got through tongue kissing some dude she met on a dating app

So my chances of catching covid were significantly lower than individuals within your high value male society

Lol pretty sure you dont have to tongue kiss people to get dangerous air and fomite borne diseases. :rofl:

Countless stories of people mourning their spouses but Doctor. "King" thinks being married renders you imnune.
You're worse off than I thought

I'm married so I'm not a high value male out here tongue kissing random women I met on a dating app, that just got through tongue kissing some dude she met on a dating app

So my chances of catching covid were significantly lower than individuals within your high value male society

Lol statistics dont lie. Aside from the obvious risk of being a medical professional it runs rampant in poverty stricken societies including amongst black people. Youre probably one of those dodos who thought black people were immune. The highest mortality and morbidity associated with covid were amongst black people because of Kings spreading misinformation.
Lol statistics dont lie. Aside from the obvious risk of being a medical professional it runs rampant in poverty stricken societies including amongst black people. Youre probably one of those dodos who thought black people were immune. The highest mortality and morbidity associated with covid were amongst black people because of Kings spreading misinformation.
Covid was killing everybody in this country

Blacks were most likely to receive inadequate treatment at a hospital and I'm sure that led to more deaths than it should

I guess I'm a "dodo" for not getting the flu shot too

Lol pretty sure you dont have to tongue kiss people to get dangerous air and fomite borne diseases. :rofl:

Countless stories of people mourning their spouses but Doctor. "King" thinks being married renders you imnune.
Like I stated before... cleanliness, mask, keeping my distance from people and a strong immune system worked for me and my family

Funny how yall tout education as being paramount in the black community, but you and layziegunts layziegunts were quick to talk down and mock me when I mentioned my mother educated me on health and wellness as a child :smh:
Still waiting on HVD deusavertat deusavertat to show where I said black women haven't done anything to help themselves? Also need some statistics to show how black men have held back black women from getting an education and being successful.?

Still waiting on layziegunts layziegunts to show me something I posted that led him to ask me if I love black women? That 💩 was so over the top and disrespectful :stoneface:
Still waiting on HVD deusavertat deusavertat to show where I said black women haven't done anything to help themselves? Also need some statistics to show how black men have held back black women from getting an education and being successful.?

Still waiting on layziegunts layziegunts to show me something I posted that led him to ask me if I love black women? That 💩 was so over the top and disrespectful :stoneface:

Just leave black women being successful out your mouth boo

Your original comment about them was attributing their success to white men. Stop it.
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