After digesting MCHG, I'm saying Nas > Jay as an artist

Illmatic is a classic but it isn't even my favorite Nas album..... It was written is one of my fav albums ever so it's easily my fav Nas album.

Yes I'd take BP over Illmatic, it's not gospel but it's my preference... Illmatic has been put on a bulletproof pedalstool but I'm in the minority who likes IWW better because the production and lyrics together are a thing of beauty.

I couldn't even sit thru an entire session of Illmatic right now, it sounds dated and depressing.... I'd be skipping songs left and right :lol:

But I could easily sit thru an entire session of IWW and BP, both are nearly flawless from beginning to end...BP gets a slight edge IMO.
Nas has thrown away verses for more then half of his collaborations and still raps better than jay
Illmatic is a classic but it isn't even my favorite Nas album..... It was written is one of my fav albums ever so it's easily my fav Nas album.

Yes I'd take BP over Illmatic, it's not gospel but it's my preference... Illmatic has been put on a bulletproof pedalstool but I'm in the minority who likes IWW better because the production and lyrics together are a thing of beauty.

I couldn't even sit thru an entire session of Illmatic right now, it sounds dated and depressing.... I'd be skipping songs left and right :lol:

But I could easily sit thru an entire session of IWW and BP, both are nearly flawless from beginning to end...BP gets a slight edge IMO.
Wow.. I've honestly never met any hip hop fan who has that opinion.

It's hard for me to see Illmatic as "dated" when it was the crown jewel of the Golden age of hip hop. Saying Illmatic is dated is basically like saying hip hop itself is dated and you prefer today's overproduced techno beats and whatnot to actual hip hop.

The context of Illmatic makes it timeless... a young poetic wunderkind breaking down his perspective on life in the hood over classic sampled beats. If someone doesn't understand the context of that album and what it means to hip hop, man.. I don't know

Blueprint is a great album but it has an obvious commercial bent to it like all of Jay-Z's projects. Illmatic was just some raw **** straight from the streets. Like that literally is what hip hop is. I've listened to Illmatic front to back so many times I can't even count, me and most of my close friends have bonded over our love for Illmatic and knowing all the lyrics. Even my younger brother is always playing it on his ipod and he was born in 1997.

I know it's just my opinion, but I'm gonna go ahead and say that if you think Illmatic sounds dated and depressing you do not understand hip hop. Just my opinion. :lol:
The fact you'd attempt to tell someone they don't understand hip hop is hilarious and just shows how elitist you keyboard warriors are, talking as if you're some authority on who understands hip hop and who doesn't :smh:

Please oh enlightened hip hop savant please tell me how this mythical word of urban music works and all about the chosen one they call Escobar.

Just because I think Illmatic sounds dated I don't understand hip hop ? U realize how snooty that sounds , I hope that was a knee jerk response and not something you truly believe.
Yo I didn't even know Jay had an album coming out :lol: Nothing I've seen/heard in media even hinted to me he had a new one since the joint with Ye.

I thought I was slipping with not noticing Born Sinner.

Nas is better than Jay though, no argument there and I can also agree with the gems from Jay albums become less and less with each release. I got like 3 from BP3 and 2 from the joint with Ye.
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Wow.. I've honestly never met any hip hop fan who has that opinion.

It's hard for me to see Illmatic as "dated" when it was the crown jewel of the Golden age of hip hop. Saying Illmatic is dated is basically like saying hip hop itself is dated and you prefer today's overproduced techno beats and whatnot to actual hip hop.

The context of Illmatic makes it timeless... a young poetic wunderkind breaking down his perspective on life in the hood over classic sampled beats. If someone doesn't understand the context of that album and what it means to hip hop, man.. I don't know

Blueprint is a great album but it has an obvious commercial bent to it like all of Jay-Z's projects. Illmatic was just some raw **** straight from the streets. Like that literally is what hip hop is. I've listened to Illmatic front to back so many times I can't even count, me and most of my close friends have bonded over our love for Illmatic and knowing all the lyrics. Even my younger brother is always playing it on his ipod and he was born in 1997.

I know it's just my opinion, but I'm gonna go ahead and say that if you think Illmatic sounds dated and depressing you do not understand hip hop. Just my opinion.
Thank you man...

Illmatic is raw as it gets from a hip hop standpoint...

Nothing fake or forced about it...

When people were criticizing Nas back in the day for switching it up I was too young to see it....around 12 when IWW dropped, but it was still lyrically sharp despite what some said about the overall direction. 

But now I see why they crucified him...
So Eric Dickerson is the best RB in NFL history because he has the most single season yards?

Count each album as a season, for ones not intelligent enough to get the analogy.
In terms of raising Rap's profile into the big leagues and doing stuff never done before and representing the culture best to 'outsiders' its Jay > Nas

In terms of pure spitting and all that other stuff not mentioned above: Nas > Jay-Z
But Life is Good does not knock in the whip..and it's borderline boring...I think this dude honestly looks for the weakest beats to rhyme on...

Nas must like saving money on production...but dog that **** might cut corners in the scheme of budgeting for an album...but you need beats.

What the **** this is dude smoking in the studio?

You can't tell me he listens to those beats and thinks that **** is way bruh. 
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As an artist you want your work to be viewed, discussed and or listened to.  In the case of these two rappers Jay and Nas, as of today and as it appears to be in the future, Jay's work will be talked about more often and listened to more than Nas's.  If you got outside right now and get away from behind your computer, your most likely going to hear a Jay song before a Nas song, if you hear a Nas song at all  I like Nas myself, but as an artist which encompasses EVERYTHING, which includes the culture that they are in, the clear cut winner is Jay Z and it's not even close.     

Also, I hear the argument from Nas fans that Nas created Illmatic and no Jay album touches Illmatic.  Illmatic is a great album and some even consider it to the greatest hip hop album of all-time, but that was damn near 20 years ago, that's almost 2 decades.  What has he done since then in comparison, has he lead the charge since then, did he create another Illmatic since then, what ways has he lead or has he lead from that point at all??  Again, just to bring this back to the original point, as an artist or an artist that is in business which these two rappers are you want your work listened to as much as possible as that is one of the ways you will be remembered long after you are gone.  Jay is currently ahead of Nas in that regard.  
As an artist you want your work to be viewed, discussed and or listened to.  In the case of these two rappers Jay and Nas, as of today and as it appears to be in the future, Jay's work will be talked about more often and listened to more than Nas's.  If you got outside right now and get away from behind your computer, your most likely going to hear a Jay song before a Nas song, if you hear a Nas song at all  I like Nas myself, but as an artist which encompasses EVERYTHING, which includes the culture that they are in, the clear cut winner is Jay Z and it's not even close.     

Also, I hear the argument from Nas fans that Nas created Illmatic and no Jay album touches Illmatic.  Illmatic is a great album and some even consider it to the greatest hip hop album of all-time, but that was damn near 20 years ago, that's almost 2 decades.  What has he done since then in comparison, has he lead the charge since then, did he create another Illmatic since then, what ways has he lead or has he lead from that point at all??  Again, just to bring this back to the original point, as an artist or an artist that is in business which these two rappers are you want your work listened to as much as possible as that is one of the ways you will be remembered long after you are gone.  Jay is currently ahead of Nas in that regard.  

But is he supposed to create an Illmatic type album every time? Can't have perfection every time.
As an artist you want your work to be viewed, discussed and or listened to.  In the case of these two rappers Jay and Nas, as of today and as it appears to be in the future, Jay's work will be talked about more often and listened to more than Nas's.  If you got outside right now and get away from behind your computer, your most likely going to hear a Jay song before a Nas song, if you hear a Nas song at all  I like Nas myself, but as an artist which encompasses EVERYTHING, which includes the culture that they are in, the clear cut winner is Jay Z and it's not even close.     

Also, I hear the argument from Nas fans that Nas created Illmatic and no Jay album touches Illmatic.  Illmatic is a great album and some even consider it to the greatest hip hop album of all-time, but that was damn near 20 years ago, that's almost 2 decades.  What has he done since then in comparison, has he lead the charge since then, did he create another Illmatic since then, what ways has he lead or has he lead from that point at all??   Again, just to bring this back to the original point, as an artist or an artist that is in business which these two rappers are you want your work listened to as much as possible as that is one of the ways you will be remembered long after you are gone.  Jay is currently ahead of Nas in that regard.  
But is he supposed to create an Illmatic type album every time? Can't have perfection every time.
My point was not to expect Nas to create perfection every time, but more so to say Illmatic was almost 20 years ago, and that's mostly what Nas fans point to. It's almost like saying "yeah we know he hasn't done much in almost 20 years but at least he has Illmatic"
the way i see it, these dudes have taken turns @ being better than each other throughout the course of their careers.

@ times jay has been superior, there have been time when NaS has had the edge and theres also been times when they've been equ@ the top of their game and choosing the better of the 2 simply boiled down to preference.

all that bein said, CURRENTLY jay > nas imo b/c MCHG > LIG.

nas was gettin off on LIG but the music just wasnt there for me.

lil too much fluff. waaaaay too much kelis...
As an artist you want your work to be viewed, discussed and or listened to.  In the case of these two rappers Jay and Nas, as of today and as it appears to be in the future, Jay's work will be talked about more often and listened to more than Nas's.  If you got outside right now and get away from behind your computer, your most likely going to hear a Jay song before a Nas song, if you hear a Nas song at all  I like Nas myself, but as an artist which encompasses EVERYTHING, which includes the culture that they are in, the clear cut winner is Jay Z and it's not even close.     

Also, I hear the argument from Nas fans that Nas created Illmatic and no Jay album touches Illmatic.  Illmatic is a great album and some even consider it to the greatest hip hop album of all-time, but that was damn near 20 years ago, that's almost 2 decades.  What has he done since then in comparison, has he lead the charge since then, did he create another Illmatic since then, what ways has he lead or has he lead from that point at all??  Again, just to bring this back to the original point, as an artist or an artist that is in business which these two rappers are you want your work listened to as much as possible as that is one of the ways you will be remembered long after you are gone.  Jay is currently ahead of Nas in that regard.  

Nas will always be remembered. For dropping an album 20 years ago that is still regarded as the greatest of all time by many. He has pushed the creativity in hip-hop like no other artist. Not just with wordplay but with concepts and stories. It's ridiculous how people downplay his career after illmatic. What other artist has made a song like Rewind, one mic, i gave you power, NY state of mind II, Nas is like, Doo Rags, No Idea's original , Drunk by myself, get down, who killed it. His verse on verbal intercourse. :x These are just a few songs of the top of the head that pushed the boundaries and creativity in Hip-hop. Why downplay him when he has pushed and led just in the creativity category alone? He is easily one of if not the most versatile rapper since 94. Nas has pushed the Art more than Jay-z. Jay-z has pushed the commercial and appeal of it.
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As an artist you want your work to be viewed, discussed and or listened to.  In the case of these two rappers Jay and Nas, as of today and as it appears to be in the future, Jay's work will be talked about more often and listened to more than Nas's.  If you got outside right now and get away from behind your computer, your most likely going to hear a Jay song before a Nas song, if you hear a Nas song at all  I like Nas myself, but as an artist which encompasses EVERYTHING, which includes the culture that they are in, the clear cut winner is Jay Z and it's not even close.     

Also, I hear the argument from Nas fans that Nas created Illmatic and no Jay album touches Illmatic.  Illmatic is a great album and some even consider it to the greatest hip hop album of all-time, but that was damn near 20 years ago, that's almost 2 decades.  What has he done since then in comparison, has he lead the charge since then, did he create another Illmatic since then, what ways has he lead or has he lead from that point at all??  Again, just to bring this back to the original point, as an artist or an artist that is in business which these two rappers are you want your work listened to as much as possible as that is one of the ways you will be remembered long after you are gone.  Jay is currently ahead of Nas in that regard.  
He is easily one of if not the most versatile rapper since 94. Nas has pushed the Art more than Jay-z. Jay-z has pushed the commercial and appeal of it.
If you want to have a debate or a conversation about Nas being one of the most versatile rappers since 94, then sure champ, I guess we can have that discussion.  He would be somewhere on the list.  If you were to say Nas is THE most versatile rapper since 94 then you my friend would be in a bit of trouble IMO.    
Nas has pushed the Art more than Jay-z. Jay-z has pushed the commercial and appeal of it.
Nas TRIED to push the commercial and appeal of it but failed.  So with that being said, some ****** do what they want (Jay Z) other ****** do what they can (Nas).  Certain Nas fans always try to play the "oh Nas cares more about the art" sympathy angle, blah blah blah.  He gets paid for his music/work just like everyone else so of course he wants to have his records sell and be spun which then helps with tours and other promotion opportunities.  He's just not able to do so in the same manner that Jay Z is able to so that leaves Nas fans to play the "Nas pushes the art more card", probably because it's the only card in the pack that they have.  
at "Blunt Ashes" in general.

:rofl: Man I am DEAD over here.

My man really let Mr. Chrome CDubbz,no timeouts left but i'm gonna call one ANYWAY get burn on his LP.

I'm still not over that one man.

I haven't purchased a Nas LP since HHID (no joke).
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