AGAIN? - Baltimore Man Dies From Injuries During Arrest

So someone ends up in a coma in your custody and later dies from injuries sustained while in your custody.  

And somehow not ONE person involved is responsible for the death (yes, I know there are more trials, but we all know how those will end)?

Seems legit. 

And nevermind @blco02  .  He's not concerned about justice at all.  He's just here to gloat.  
So as expected they all got off correct?

Can we blame Mosby now for charging them when she had no evidence?
So as expected they all got off correct?

Can we blame Mosby now for charging them when she had no evidence?
even with eidence th police were getting off anyway ...this was just a show to get the city to chill out n let **** die down
watching the video now

Justice over convictions? Her yelling is hard to listen too. Seems very self serving up to this point to try to clear her name. But i guess i am not sure what i expected. She is transitioning to the case now.

edit: Some shady stuff went down aye. Whelp i'm doing a 180 here seems like not investigating text messages between officers could have helped the states case. But police gonna police each other...bad idea
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watching the video now

Justice over convictions? Her yelling is hard to listen too. Seems very self serving up to this point to try to clear her name. But i guess i am not sure what i expected. She is transitioning to the case now.

edit: Some shady stuff went down aye. Whelp i'm doing a 180 here seems like not investigating text messages between officers could have helped the states case. But police gonna police each other...bad idea

I mean if she was self serving she woulda just gone along with the program from day 1. Instead she put herself out there.

She said some strong ****. Salute to her for being real.
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I love that woman.

The sad part is that I'm not surprised. It's just another example of what we've been saying for years. Examples don't matter when people don't care to listen or are more interested in maintaining the status quo and benefiting from privilege than finally acknowledging and correcting the glaring issues that we have with police in this country.

I hope she stays vocal. She had a lot to say that a lot that people need to hear.
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watching the video now

Justice over convictions? Her yelling is hard to listen too. Seems very self serving up to this point to try to clear her name. But i guess i am not sure what i expected. She is transitioning to the case now.

edit: Some shady stuff went down aye. Whelp i'm doing a 180 here seems like not investigating text messages between officers could have helped the states case. But police gonna police each other...bad idea

I mean if she was self serving she woulda just gone along with the program from day 1. Instead she put herself out there.

She said some strong ****. Salute to her for being real.

It was incredibly self serving to get her name out there to press charges on them all so fast. And her husband was running for office in MD. Get the Mosby name out there leading up to the election. She was literally a hero in bmore when all the cops were arrested. She did some saving of face with the speech but she also let the people in on some inter workings that i personally was unaware of.

And in all honesty she seemed like she did everything with the right intentions and good things did come out of it (the new cop protocals with body cams and needing to call for medics if a person claims they are hurt). And the whole time she was prosecuting the system was working against her. I do salute her at the end of the day. Seemed like she did her job to the best of her abilities and of course hindsight is 20-20
I mean if she was self serving she woulda just gone along with the program from day 1. Instead she put herself out there.

She said some strong ****. Salute to her for being real.

Did she?

She had to know they weren't going to be found guilty. There wasn't enough evidence for it to be brought to trial, because all the witnesses are cops. It's similar to what I was saying about the Department Of Justice. You say they're going to investigate knowing nothing will come of it. The union paid for their defense.

She did a good job of quelling the tension, while also helping her political reputation.

Are the cops keeping their jobs?
Pretty much anytime an attorney takes a high profile case it's for name recognition. Just comes with the game. Some do still care about the issue at hand, though.

I respect that she spoke on it with passion and I believe she actually cared. Had to know nothing would come of this, though.
watching the video now

Justice over convictions? Her yelling is hard to listen too. Seems very self serving up to this point to try to clear her name. But i guess i am not sure what i expected. She is transitioning to the case now.

edit: Some shady stuff went down aye. Whelp i'm doing a 180 here seems like not investigating text messages between officers could have helped the states case. But police gonna police each other...bad idea

I mean if she was self serving she woulda just gone along with the program from day 1. Instead she put herself out there.

She said some strong ****. Salute to her for being real.

It was incredibly self serving to get her name out there to press charges on them all so fast. And her husband was running for office in MD. Get the Mosby name out there leading up to the election. She was literally a hero in bmore when all the cops were arrested. She did some saving of face with the speech but she also let the people in on some inter workings that i personally was unaware of.

And in all honesty she seemed like she did everything with the right intentions and good things did come out of it (the new cop protocals with body cams and needing to call for medics if a person claims they are hurt). And the whole time she was prosecuting the system was working against her. I do salute her at the end of the day. Seemed like she did her job to the best of her abilities and of course hindsight is 20-20

It's nothing self serving about going against the system. She's in the system that sends the message that it's ok to kill black people and she's aggressively going against that. That does not help her. Them people have been giving her hell ever since.

If she came out talking bout

"All lives matter" "Not all cops are bad" " What about black on black crime?"

That would helped her and her husband more than being real about police brutality. That black folks in Baltimore love her but the people in charge don't.
Self serving? What are you smoking? That makes no sense at all. Yea we knew nothing would come of this but she still tried to take it on. It wouldn't even make sense to go the route she has gone if she was tryna make a bigger name for herself.
Making it look like you really tried to convict these cops is more helpful to the sysyem than making it look like you didnt and were on the side of the system all along. If the intent was to calm the public down and give them a sense that someone was fighting for them in the court room then they wouldnt feel the need to fight/riot in the street. Coming out with the same old rehtoric of most prosecutors in these situations would not have helped to accomplish that. Its chess not checkers.

I watched half the vid and had to turn it off, looked like acting to me, far from genuine.

We'll see where her amd her husbands political career go from here, that should tell the full story.
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Making it look like you really tried to convict these cops is more helpful to the sysyem than making it look like you didnt and were on the side of the system all along. If the intent was to calm the public down and give them a sense that someone was fighting for them in the court room then they wouldnt feel the need to fight/riot in the street. Coming out with the same old rehtoric of most prosecutors in these situations would not have helped to accomplish that. Its chess not checkers.

I watched half the vid and had to turn it off, looked like acting to me, far from genuine.

We'll see where her amd her husbands political career go from here, that should tell the full story.

If the riots ain't happen I could buy that but **** already hit the fan. There's nothing to calm. It ain't like people are gonna riot everyday. She didn't really calm people down. People are still heated about it. They just respect what she was tryna do.
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Making it look like you really tried to convict these cops is more helpful to the sysyem than making it look like you didnt and were on the side of the system all along. If the intent was to calm the public down and give them a sense that someone was fighting for them in the court room then they wouldnt feel the need to fight/riot in the street. Coming out with the same old rehtoric of most prosecutors in these situations would not have helped to accomplish that. Its chess not checkers.

I watched half the vid and had to turn it off, looked like acting to me, far from genuine.

We'll see where her amd her husbands political career go from here, that should tell the full story.

If the riots ain't happen I could buy that but **** already hit the fan. There's nothing to calm. It ain't like people are gonna riot everyday. She didn't really calm people down. People are still heated about it. They just respect what she was tryna do.

I'm not saying they gonna riot now, I'm saying the reason she was brought in, the reason they were actually charged is because the riots DID happen. Look at every single time this happens, when theres extreme backlash to the point cops are out here in riot gear, they do a DOJ investigation or actually charge the cops to get people to calm down, like the situation is actually being taken seriously. When people are just protesting and nothing too major happens, they just come out a couple months later and say 'no charges will be filed'.

Thats WAS her role in Baltimore. It wouldn't make much sense for her to come out now talking about "All lives matter" "Not all cops are bad" " What about black on black crime?" like you said. She's just continuing the facade. Because in the eyes of the law if she did all that now people may very well start rioting again.

I could be wrong obviously, but that was my read on the whole situation and the video posted looked like she was moreso trying to look upset rather than actually being upset. And it's not even to say she's heartless and doesn't care at all, but is she willing to jeopardize her career AND her husbands career and really go after these cops? Shorty probably still paying off them law school bills. It's always a conflict of interest there which I've spoke about before. Like I said, we'll she where she goes from here. She keeps move up the judicial ladder than you'll know the fix was in.
Eye witness (police) was the one writing the report. Pressure from police to not try to even prosecute.I swear this scenario played out in the wire.If this is how this is played out you have to realize that your vote for this upcoming and past elections don't mean a thing.A rational conversation must be held with congress about the system. The fake war on drugs etc.
I not angry at Mosby, she got one hung jury and lost three bench trial to the same judge. I believe that judge was also assigned to the remaining cases too.

She tried, but she has presented the same evidence multiple times before and got nothing. She even bent the constitution to the max to make the Porter testify against the other cops. That judge had made up his mind a while back.

All the remaining officers knew that all they needed to do was asked for bench trials, and they would get off.
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watching the video now

Justice over convictions? Her yelling is hard to listen too. Seems very self serving up to this point to try to clear her name. But i guess i am not sure what i expected. She is transitioning to the case now.

edit: Some shady stuff went down aye. Whelp i'm doing a 180 here seems like not investigating text messages between officers could have helped the states case. But police gonna police each other...bad idea

I mean if she was self serving she woulda just gone along with the program from day 1. Instead she put herself out there.

She said some strong ****. Salute to her for being real.

It was incredibly self serving to get her name out there to press charges on them all so fast. And her husband was running for office in MD. Get the Mosby name out there leading up to the election. She was literally a hero in bmore when all the cops were arrested. She did some saving of face with the speech but she also let the people in on some inter workings that i personally was unaware of.

And in all honesty she seemed like she did everything with the right intentions and good things did come out of it (the new cop protocals with body cams and needing to call for medics if a person claims they are hurt). And the whole time she was prosecuting the system was working against her. I do salute her at the end of the day. Seemed like she did her job to the best of her abilities and of course hindsight is 20-20

It's nothing self serving about going against the system. She's in the system that sends the message that it's ok to kill black people and she's aggressively going against that. That does not help her. Them people have been giving her hell ever since.

If she came out talking bout

"All lives matter" "Not all cops are bad" " What about black on black crime?"

That would helped her and her husband more than being real about police brutality. That black folks in Baltimore love her but the people in charge don't.

Her job and her husband's dream job are both elected officials. Its self serving to pander to the people in this case not the system.

I am not throwing shade i said in a previous post i think she did all of the right things given the circumstances at the time. And knowing the outcome would most likely be the same no matter what she did everything in her power (with the odds against her) to get justice for Freddie.
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