AGAIN? - Baltimore Man Dies From Injuries During Arrest

Come get this work

****** up *** situation
Baltimore City councilman Nick Mosby (7th district) was out & about with his contingent trying to urge people to stop rioting & looting. Where was Mayor Rawlings-Blake. :nerd:
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It's crazy how nobody mentions slavery 400 + years of rape, murder, death, denied education all
because of the color of our skin. What type of person does that to a human being, and continues to oppress us
and expects a positive outcome. $%#% you, your city and your country we built.
It's crazy how nobody mentions slavery 400 + years of rape, murder, death, denied education all

because of the color of our skin. What type of person does that to a human being, and continues to oppress us

and expects a positive outcome. $%#% you, your city and your country we built.
You had nothing to do with that.

Stop trying to ride the wave of your great grandparents.

Stop making excuses and take some personal responsibility.

The country was built on that.

If you still live here, you have something to do with it....
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You had nothing to do with that.

Stop trying to ride the wave of your great grandparents.

Stop making excuses and take some personal responsibility.

Speaking the truth of white privilege requires that some will, for the first time, confront the fact that they did not "earn" their comfort.
It's crazy how nobody mentions slavery 400 + years of rape, murder, death, denied education all

because of the color of our skin. What type of person does that to a human being, and continues to oppress us

and expects a positive outcome. $%#% you, your city and your country we built.
You had nothing to do with that.
Stop trying to ride the wave of your great grandparents.
Stop making excuses and take some personal responsibility.
The country was built on that.
If you still live here, you have something to do with it....
This whole, "we built this country" is hilarious. This is not a thread for jokes. Agreed with everything up until you went there. 
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It's crazy how nobody mentions slavery 400 + years of rape, murder, death, denied education all

because of the color of our skin. What type of person does that to a human being, and continues to oppress us

and expects a positive outcome. $%#% you, your city and your country we built.
You had nothing to do with that.

Stop trying to ride the wave of your great grandparents.

Stop making excuses and take some personal responsibility.
I didn't know living in impoverished areas
Schools lacking funding to PROPERLY educate
Minority families being systematically broken down and torn apart
Was riding a wave
Civil rights was only like 50 something years ago
And in some parts of America it's like
Nothing changed
I swear some folks are just ignorant
And don't want us to succeed
They know if we take over its a wrap
Anything the white man has built they have destroyed by themselves
And things other minorities have built they have either destroyed or tried to claim it as theirs
They are SCUM
A scourge upon the earth
And u tap dancing
Bojangle uncle toms
Yall are the WORST
You had nothing to do with that.

Stop trying to ride the wave of your great grandparents.

Stop making excuses and take some personal responsibility.

Is white privilege white people riding the wave of their ancestors?

Sounds like a lose-lose situation for black people.
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It's crazy how nobody mentions slavery 400 + years of rape, murder, death, denied education all
because of the color of our skin. What type of person does that to a human being, and continues to oppress us
and expects a positive outcome. $%#% you, your city and your country we built.
Cut it out fam
On the topic of gentrification, I notice the whites who gentrify black areas are often afraid of if not outright rude to black residents of these areas.  Even moreso, I get the feeling that they are looking at all of these uprisings around the country and getting nervous that it could happen in their cities.
Hate seeing the looting and destroying property in our own communities but at the same time conditions in the area or already poor.

But they impacting your neighbors jobs and peoples lives by destroying limited resources. The pain and anger is understandable but I cant understand why we result to damaging stuff right in our reach.

If the violence must be carried out, I would rather go to the good side of town. Put the frustration and anger right in those folks face that live their day to day lives uninterested, and unaware of whats going on and how their indifference impacts everything.

They see these images on the news and it still doesnt have a true impact. Go burn down the DA's office... go burn down where ppl go get their lunch that work in the areas of Police Department go do sumtin somewhere other than the blocks you got man.

I dont agree with the violence at all but Im just sayin if it must be done......
I can't even go on Facebook right now.  Nobody I know was outraged when he was killed, but now everyone's up in arms over rioting and looting.  Seeing the word "animals" thrown around far too often for my liking. 

If you're the type of person that is more upset by broken windows and burning cars than you are by the police killing an unarmed black man, I really don't know what to say to someone like you.
dont do facebook or social media period but i saw some links to some facebook pages... smh.... all the racist memes are disgusting..... 
You had nothing to do with that.

Stop trying to ride the wave of your great grandparents.

Stop making excuses and take some personal responsibility.

We'll take responsibility for our actions when the police and government take responsibility for their own.

Funny how black people always have to take responsibility for their own actions, but when it comes time to have others take responsibility nobody says a word.

It's also quite hilarious how black folks are treated as sub-human but everybody has these special set of rules for us. Quite hilarious indeed.
Yes, everyone ride waves.

Don't steal and destroy things that other people worked hard for.

Just because your life sucks doesn't mean everyone else's has to also.

Don't disrespect your ancestors by blaming your crappy behavior on them.
That's the problem.

Their life sucks largely in part of systematic oppression.

Ancestors are rolling in their graves to see that only 50 years into EQUALITY, blacks are being murdered by police with impunity. That Latinos are being bullied out of the country they helped build and fund.

You're being condescending with your replies.

Latinos built America?

I'm trying to have a serious discussion. Stop trolling.
What's the biggest population of labor used to build America?

What population "steals" agriculture jobs from Americans?

You should your hand. Quit being a coward and be racist in person.
I can't even go on Facebook right now.  Nobody I know was outraged when he was killed, but now everyone's up in arms over rioting and looting.  Seeing the word "animals" thrown around far too often for my liking. :smh:

If you're the type of person that is more upset by broken windows and burning cars than you are by the police killing an unarmed black man, I really don't know what to say to someone like you.
aren't you white?

So I'm just guessing you got a lot of white homies
I got a quick question

what exactly is baltimore rioting/protesting/fighting for ? 

What are the demands they want or want to happen besides Justice of course which is deserved.

Im just curious cause this **** doesnt seem to be solving anything exactly.

Just wish peace on everyone hate seeing **** like this, not even from this city and im pissed at what it has become 
Hate seeing the looting and destroying property in our own communities but at the same time conditions in the area or already poor.

But they impacting your neighbors jobs and peoples lives by destroying limited resources. The pain and anger is understandable but I cant understand why we result to damaging stuff right in our reach.

If the violence must be carried out, I would rather go to the good side of town. Put the frustration and anger right in those folks face that live their day to day lives uninterested, and unaware of whats going on and how their indifference impacts everything.

They see these images on the news and it still doesnt have a true impact. Go burn down the DA's office... go burn down where ppl go get their lunch that work in the areas of Police Department go do sumtin somewhere other than the blocks you got man.

I dont agree with the violence at all but Im just sayin if it must be done......

Good points.

My question is how are we going to get all these people in poor communities together and transport them to that good side of town to commit these acts of violence? Afterwards, how are we going to get them all back to their communities without being chased by the police? You have to figure they're going to be unfamiliar territory, how do they at least try to get away?

Also, you mention the DA's office and police dept, how are they going to attack these places and not have to worry about the cops coming out firing bullets? Mind you, most of these folks involved in the riots picked their weapons of choice off the ground, they weren't strapped up.
On the topic of gentrification, I notice the whites who gentrify black areas are often afraid of if not outright rude to black residents of these areas.  Even moreso, I get the feeling that they are looking at all of these uprisings around the country and getting nervous that it could happen in their cities.
The same out of towners will come into the neighborhoods after the dust settles and occupy these neighborhoods because it's cool and because the neighborhood was trending last year on the news. It's sad. 
You had nothing to do with that.

Stop trying to ride the wave of your great grandparents.

Stop making excuses and take some personal responsibility.

We'll take responsibility for our actions when the police and government take responsibility for their own.

Funny how black people always have to take responsibility for their own actions, but when it comes time to have others take responsibility nobody says a word.

It's also quite hilarious how black folks are treated as sub-human but everybody has these special set of rules for us. Quite hilarious indeed.

For real.

Black people have to be this mythical monolithic race of people who don't commit any crimes and bow down to the people who oppress us.
I got a quick question

what exactly is baltimore rioting/protesting/fighting for ? 

What are the demands they want or want to happen besides Justice of course which is deserved.

Im just curious cause this **** doesnt seem to be solving anything exactly.

Just wish peace on everyone hate seeing **** like this, not even from this city and im pissed at what it has become 
They're rioting for a drug deal who might have been killed by police.

Police did the community a favor.

Might have been? Favor? :stoneface:

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