AGAIN? - Baltimore Man Dies From Injuries During Arrest

I got a quick question

what exactly is baltimore rioting/protesting/fighting for ? 

What are the demands they want or want to happen besides Justice of course which is deserved.

Im just curious cause this **** doesnt seem to be solving anything exactly.

Just wish peace on everyone hate seeing **** like this, not even from this city and im pissed at what it has become 
They're rioting for a drug deal who might have been killed by police.

Police did the community a favor.
My bad
I thought this was america
U know the place where everyone is SUPPOSE to get a fair trial first
They're rioting for a drug deal who might have been killed by police.

Police did the community a favor.
 At the idea that no one is asking police to take responsibility for their actions and that its just black people who are making this mess.

Cops are supposed to be civil servants but this day in age, every other person has that "**** the police" attitude and see's police as inherently bad.

In turn, cops have that "they hate us" mentality, similarly as minorities feel like the cops hate them.

Clashing in the streets isn't going to help.  It never has.

And anyways, those people on TV don't give 2 ***** about Freddy.  They're just out there because they've been given the opportunity to go **** up their own damn neighborhoods.
Black people, please continue to glorify drug deals and thugs. Seems to be working out well.

Hes right doe.

We need to get President Obama to stop talking about trapping and goons and stuff.

Darruis Rucker steady spreading ignorance with his music. He must be stopped!
Cops are supposed to be civil servants but this day in age, every other person has that "**** the police" attitude and see's police as inherently bad.

In turn, cops have that "they hate us" mentality, similarly as minorities feel like the cops hate them.

What came first the "F the police" attitude or the police abusing their power when dealing with minorities?
Cops are supposed to be civil servants but this day in age, every other person has that "**** the police" attitude and see's police as inherently bad.

In turn, cops have that "they hate us" mentality, similarly as minorities feel like the cops hate them.
What came first the "F the police" attitude or the police abusing their power when dealing with minorities?
It's 2015... It doesn't matter which came first.

Chicken or egg?  Who cares? Its a problem that isn't being solved.  Especially in the way that we're seeing in Baltimore.
Cops are supposed to be civil servants but this day in age, every other person has that "**** the police" attitude and see's police as inherently bad.

In turn, cops have that "they hate us" mentality, similarly as minorities feel like the cops hate them.

What came first the "F the police" attitude or the police abusing their power when dealing with minorities?
It's 2015... It doesn't matter which came first.

Chicken or egg?  Who cares? Its a problem that isn't being solved.  Especially in the way that we're seeing in Baltimore.

It will never be solved as long as these cops are trained/taught that every Black man armed or unarmed is a threat.

You can show respect and still get beat/shot/killed
This dude Obama just condemned 'thugs and criminals' for turning up in Baltimore but didn't have any of that vitriol for these murderous police officers.  Let's face it, he has been a massive letdown for us.   He always has the most stern finger-wagging **** to scold blacks with but he stumbles and fumbles over his words when talking about all these killer cops and the corrupt PDs who enable them. 

**** has gotten worse for us since he came in office and all he can do is sing the 'let the system play itself out' song and dance.  Absolutely spineless, this guy really pulled the wool over our eyes back in 08.   Hint: Whenever they start talking about 'the DOJ is investigating' that means absolutely nothing at all is going to happen.
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Hate seeing the looting and destroying property in our own communities but at the same time conditions in the area or already poor.

But they impacting your neighbors jobs and peoples lives by destroying limited resources. The pain and anger is understandable but I cant understand why we result to damaging stuff right in our reach.

If the violence must be carried out, I would rather go to the good side of town. Put the frustration and anger right in those folks face that live their day to day lives uninterested, and unaware of whats going on and how their indifference impacts everything.

They see these images on the news and it still doesnt have a true impact. Go burn down the DA's office... go burn down where ppl go get their lunch that work in the areas of Police Department go do sumtin somewhere other than the blocks you got man.

I dont agree with the violence at all but Im just sayin if it must be done......

Good points.

My question is how are we going to get all these people in poor communities together and transport them to that good side of town to commit these acts of violence? Afterwards, how are we going to get them all back to their communities without being chased by the police? You have to figure they're going to be unfamiliar territory, how do they at least try to get away?

Also, you mention the DA's office and police dept, how are they going to attack these places and not have to worry about the cops coming out firing bullets? Mind you, most of these folks involved in the riots picked their weapons of choice off the ground, they weren't strapped up.

Well if they gon be bout that protest criminal life then they need to go all the way there with it... Take the metro buses, by take, i mean the maddest ones hop on that *** and push the bus driver to the side and load up. Take over the school buses... the kids dont wanna be in the failing school no way, hell its field trip time.

Dont mess up stuff cuz its convenient.. if they really that mad take the steps to execute... Getting arrested shouldnt be an obstacle, they ready to be criminals and complete criminal acts, no?

And the cops already killing us for less man.

Again the cops prolly let those fools burn down they own stuff... why risk their officers over an area thats already neglected?? Sure its some upstanding ppl in the area thats gon suffer but if the ppl in the community dont care, you know the corrupt cops aint.

As I type all that it all sounds so stupid cuz like we both know violence aint gonna solve nothing...but being peaceful wont either smh
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