AGAIN? - Baltimore Man Dies From Injuries During Arrest


My only issue is that the state senate majority leader didn't say "back to your hotel rooms"  when Geraldo asked her where she wanted them to go.
Marcus troll levels are stratospheric :lol: not sure why he still gets a response (other than amusement)

Would not surprise me if he was a white dude playing a caricature of an ignorant black dude.

Carry on sir, carry on
Caring about my people who have been abused for 400 years = me being ignorant

Ignorant white Americans who support the system of white supremacy = caring good people

Ok then

Funny thing is the ones who complain about my post the most think white supremacy = all whites

Dead *** know 5th grades who can comprehend better than some of y'all adults
Sometimes my rants can go out there because it's so much emotion but the basis of my argument isn't flawed. An outspoken black man has never been praised in America anyway.

WS called Stanford educated Richard Sherman a thug so I know yall fools will call me things worse
No need to explain yourself.  You've showed emphaty to those who need it the most and fought for the abused, unlike a lot of these other folks.  My only advice is don't let them stir you up, keep your eye on the ultimate goal.  Be the change you want to see in your community and those misguided brothers will follow your lead. 
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Sometimes my rants can go out there because it's so much emotion

Appreciate your acknowledgement

And I also think a view as bld is yours can be helpful to the overall dialogue

By why jump to name calling and inferring so much about others? Makes you look ignorant IMO. Take that out of your posts and I think your contributions would be more valuable. Some more coherence wouldn't hurt either, but I get it (or at least I think I do).

Just my opinion
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Sometimes my rants can go out there because it's so much emotion

Appreciate your acknowledgement

And I also think a view as bld is yours can be helpful to the overall dialogue

By why jump to name calling and inferring so much about others? Makes you look ignorant IMO. Take that out of your posts and I think your contributions would be more valuable. Some more coherence wouldn't hurt either, but I get it (or at least I think I do).

Just my opinion

I respect your opinion and I do try to refrain from throwing lil jabs but some of the **** I read have me like :x

actual discussions I have in my personal life do not involve jabs or w/e. It's all about keeping composure because the second you lose it you play right into their hand.

Also NT is kinda like my rough draft because we're discussing issues on here before it hits the mainstream. Rather have my slip ups here than in person :lol:
Sometimes my rants can go out there because it's so much emotion but the basis of my argument isn't flawed. An outspoken black man has never been praised in America anyway.

WS called Stanford educated Richard Sherman a thug so I know yall fools will call me things worse

Brah you my dude. I be telling people in real life bout you. Srs

Even when I disagree with you, or you're letting your emotions get the best of you. I know where it is coming from, cause I feel the same type of intense anger at this ****.

-And I respect youtr shoot first ask questions (apologize) later steez. On some Han Solo, Ryaln Givens type stuff

And when someone ask you why you did it, why you throw all dem shots, you always gives and answers that amounts to something along the lines as.................

View media item 1513262
:lol: Mah Man
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I'm watching CNN, they were interviewing one of the officer's family members, apparently this was one of the officers in the paddy wagon. Halfway thru the interview she says she thinks it's a cover up, they pull the plug on the interview talking about "technical difficulties" :smh:

But I'm sleep tho.
i dont think i've ever called someone in here a suspected white supremacists... that's not really my style...

but if that word makes you uncomfortable... ask yourself why?

if someone is calling out all insider traders and illegal bankers... would i get upset?

no.. because i'm not performing illegal activities..

if the shoe fits, fambs...

i dont think i've ever called someone in here a suspected white supremacists... that's not really my style...

but if that word makes you uncomfortable... ask yourself why?

if someone is calling out all insider traders and illegal bankers... would i get upset?

no.. because i'm not performing illegal activities..

if the shoe fits, fambs...


Blco rages when someone calls him that.

But I don't think dude has ever stopped and asked himself "Hey, why do all these people think I'm a racist and a white supremacist?" :lol:
I love how CNN always finds 'friends' of the cops in question.

Never fails.

They really trying to spin this into a case of self-inflicted wounds.  How you crush your voice box handcuffed?
Blco rages when someone calls him that.

But I don't think dude has ever stopped and asked himself "Hey, why do all these people think I'm a racist and a white supremacist?" :lol:

You dont want any opposing views to get heard so you call me the worst names possible to try to get me and others to shut up and stop any debate. Liberals love to say they are all about freedom of speech, inclusiveness, etc except when it's a viewpoint other than their own. Hypocrites.
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Blco rages when someone calls him that.

But I don't think dude has ever stopped and asked himself "Hey, why do all these people think I'm a racist and a white supremacist?" :lol:

You dont want any opposing views to get heard so you call me the worst names possible to try to get me and others to shut up and stop any debate. Liberals love to say they are all about freedom of speech, inclusiveness, etc except when it's a viewpoint other than their own. Hypocrites.

I'm sorry you must deal with this level of oppression :frown:
You dont want any opposing views to get heard so you call me the worst names possible to try to get me and others to shut up and stop any debate. Liberals love to say they are all about freedom of speech, inclusiveness, etc except when it's a viewpoint other than their own. Hypocrites.
suspected white supremacist is the worse name possible?

I feel for you bruh. Must be hard logging on and... Getting called names.

Not like the police are killing you, and your people getting systematically flushed into the prison systems. Nah.

You got it bad because you're getting called s name that isn't even really calling you that name

If that's the worse thing someone has called you, then people are spot on saying you live in a bubble.
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