AGAIN? - Baltimore Man Dies From Injuries During Arrest

i dont think i've ever called someone in here a suspected white supremacists... that's not really my style...

but if that word makes you uncomfortable... ask yourself why?

if someone is calling out all insider traders and illegal bankers... would i get upset?

no.. because i'm not performing illegal activities..

if the shoe fits, fambs...


But if someone suggested all bankers were insider traders or illegal crooks taking advantage of their clients, you would come to you and your legal banking peers defense, correct?

Cats want refer to white people as SWS or Yakubs or whatever the NT flavor of the month word is; cool. I'm gonna call BS. We all ain't from the backwards *** south like tons of y'all. Growing up in a household where racial equality is a priority and preached from day 1 is the norm for many of us.

Let some bigots tell it though, we're all just racist, white supremacist, devils.

Oh yeah, and the fact I responded to this probably means I'm racist.
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You dont want any opposing views to get heard so you call me the worst names possible to try to get me and others to shut up and stop any debate. Liberals love to say they are all about freedom of speech, inclusiveness, etc except when it's a viewpoint other than their own. Hypocrites.
I do recall you running with your tail between your legs when @METHOD MAN  ether'd you in the Ferguson thread.

You spew "facts" that have nothing to do with the topic.

You constantly deflect.

You claim you get a pass because "I hire black people"

How about you show your face and see if you're singing the same tune?
You being white doesn't make you a SWS your antiquated points of view is what makes you one. There have been lot of blacks and others that have supported those ideals and are such as well.
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But if someone suggested all bankers were insider traders or illegal crooks taking advantage of their clients, you would come to you and your legal banking peers defense, correct?

Cats want refer to white people as SWS or Yakubs or whatever the NT flavor of the month word is; cool. I'm gonna call BS. We all ain't from the backwards *** south like tons of y'all. Growing up in a household where racial equality is a priority and preached from day 1 is the norm for many of us.

Let some bigots tell it though, we're all just racist, white supremacist, devils.

Oh yeah, and the fact I responded to this probably means I'm racist.
More ignorant than racist.
But if someone suggested all bankers were insider traders or illegal crooks taking advantage of their clients, you would come to you and your legal banking peers defense, correct?

Cats want refer to white people as SWS or Yakubs or whatever the NT flavor of the month word is; cool. I'm gonna call BS. We all ain't from the backwards *** south like tons of y'all. Growing up in a household where racial equality is a priority is the norm for many of us.

Let some bigots tell it though, we're all just racist, white supremacist, devils.

Oh yeah, and the fact I responded to this probably means I'm racist, right?
I can't think of a single person this board that said all white people are racist WS...

Not one... And if they did.. Nobody takes them serious.

Even Mr Marcus acknowledges its not ALL white people...

If someone says "all bankers are *****"... And then provide me with 400 years of ****-ish actions... I'll alonzo.gif and commence to setting the record straight...

I'll also set myself in their shoes and understand why they feel that way.

Many folks in this country act like black people are the way they are because rap music and pants.
But if someone suggested all bankers were insider traders or illegal crooks taking advantage of their clients, you would come to you and your legal banking peers defense, correct?

Cats want refer to white people as SWS or Yakubs or whatever the NT flavor of the month word is; cool. I'm gonna call BS. We all ain't from the backwards *** south like tons of y'all. Growing up in a household where racial equality is a priority and preached from day 1 is the norm for many of us.

Let some bigots tell it though, we're all just racist, white supremacist, devils.

Oh yeah, and the fact I responded to this probably means I'm racist, right?

Very well said.
Blco rages when someone calls him that.

But I don't think dude has ever stopped and asked himself "Hey, why do all these people think I'm a racist and a white supremacist?" :lol:

You dont want any opposing views to get heard so you call me the worst names possible to try to get me and others to shut up and stop any debate. Liberals love to say they are all about freedom of speech, inclusiveness, etc except when it's a viewpoint other than their own. Hypocrites.

-You clearly don't know what Freedom of Speech is if you think being criticized and called names on a message board is a violation of it

-Every point you have every tried to make on race has been refuted by numerous members, numerous times

-You routinely post bias, and at times racist sources to back up your views.

-But you cry, whine and complain that dudes won't consider your viewpoints, when you never once, even tried to consider any of ours.

You are the biggest hypocrite on NT. Period

And it is clear that the biggest problem you have with NT is that progressive black voices are the majority here, they get heard here, and there views are important here.

From all that you have posted it seems that you live in a bubble, where you don't have to hear or consider the views of people like us, and that's what you have a problem with.

That the privilege and ignorance you enjoy everywhere else in you life, doesn't work on NT. And you can't stand it for some reason
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-You clearly don't know what Freedom of Speech is if you think being criticized and called names on a message board is a violation of it

-Every point you have every tried to make on race has been refuted by numerous members, numerous times

-You routinely post bias, and at times racist sources to back up your views.

-But you cry, whine and complain that dudes won't consider your viewpoints, when you never once, even tried to consider any of ours.

You are the biggest hypocrite on NT. Period

And it is clear that the biggest problem you have with NT is that progressive black voices are the majority here, they get heard here, and there views are important here.

From all that you have posted it seems that you live in a bubble, where you don't have to hear or consider the views of people like us, and that's what you have a problem with.

That the privilege and ignorance you enjoy everywhere else in you life, doesn't work on here. And you can't stand it for some reason
now this. THIS deserves a "Very well said"
Ok mister holier than thou, do you want me to keep posting or leave forever? Your answer will say a lot about your "tolerance" and belief in free speech...
Never seen Chopper in these threads but obviously my words hit him deep. Maybe you need to take a look in the mirror bruh. If you think white supremacist = all whites then I feel sorry for you but since you take offense maybe it accurately describes you and the folks who raised you
Mad about a word but refuse to acknowledge the population who oppresses black people. You think this is just some fantasy? :lol:

This is centuries of history that has not ended.
Ok mister holier than thou, do you want me to keep posting or leave forever? Your answer will say a lot about your "tolerance" and belief in free speech...

You can stay pa. :lol:

Buthumm, being a NT member is a privilege not a right. I don't know where you're going with this tolerance angle

-------Now if you wanna make a deal. You leave NT forever, and never come back.

And I'm made to look like a semi-hyprocrite for one thread.

Then I'll make that exchange with you.

Deal brah? :lol: :lol:
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You can stay pa. :lol:

Buthumm, being a NT member is a privilege not a right. I don't know where you're going with this tolerance angle

-------Now if you wanna make a deal. You leave NT forever, and never come back.

And I'm made to look like a semi-hyprocrite for one thread.

Then I'll make that exchange with you.

Deal brah? :lol: :lol:

I'll stay but how about stop dragging my name through the mud every time you mention me, alright? I'll try to be more open to your views if you do the same with me...
Dear my people,

Our ancestors have been oppressed, killed and brutalized in the name of freedom. Our very own ancestors have fought tooth n' nail to give each and everyone of us a better tomorrow. I understand how terrible policing has been in this country, not only for Africans Americans but people altogether. I am not shying away from this matter being a race issue, because it mainly is. However, I will not stand for and or tolerate my people looking like every demeaning stereotype that has been labeled and shunned upon us.

WHAT ARE WE DOING!?!?! WE MUST STOP THIS NONSENSE! DO YOU THINK FREDDIE GRAY WOULD WANT THIS IN HIS NAME & HONOR?! do you for one second, think Freddie Gray would like for us to destroy our own hard earned business', institutions and landmarks?!?!? We have to stop the madness people! Do not be a follower! Be a leader! Be someone that contributes into changing tomorrow! Please, I urge my beautiful black folk to stop the chaos. Justice will be served. I know it. Believe and keep hope alive.

I please beg of y'all to stop the rioting and strategize how we all are going to bring the wrongful doing of policing to justice. Stay strong, my people.
"people looking like every demeaning stereotype that has been labeled and shunned upon us."

Stopped reading after this...

Nope nope nope

I don't see white people apologizing for riots over pumpkins and sports teams. So I be damned if I apologize and look down on people rioting over police murdering black men/kids/women in situations that is not warranted

Would I riot and loot? Nah but I ain't mad at them folks.

especially bmore of all places...they've been failing those folks
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Dear my people,

Our ancestors have been oppressed, killed and brutalized in the name of freedom. Our very own ancestors have fought tooth n' nail to give each and everyone of us a better tomorrow. I understand how terrible policing has been in this country, not only for Africans Americans but people altogether. I am not shying away from this matter being a race issue, because it mainly is. However, I will not stand for and or tolerate my people looking like every demeaning stereotype that has been labeled and shunned upon us.

WHAT ARE WE DOING!?!?! WE MUST STOP THIS NONSENSE! DO YOU THINK FREDDIE GRAY WOULD WANT THIS IN HIS NAME & HONOR?! do you for one second, think Freddie Gray would like for us to destroy our own hard earned business', institutions and landmarks?!?!? We have to stop the madness people! Do not be a follower! Be a leader! Be someone that contributes into changing tomorrow! Please, I urge my beautiful black folk to stop the chaos. Justice will be served. I know it. Believe and keep hope alive.

I please beg of y'all to stop the rioting and strategize how we all are going to bring the wrongful doing of policing to justice. Stay strong, my people.

They're not our businesses, this appeasement approach hasn't produced a damn thing. Protest peacefully, we get killed, riot we get killed. That's not the problem. The onus isn't on the oppressed to change their behavior it's on the oppressor.
You can stay pa. :lol:

Buthumm, being a NT member is a privilege not a right. I don't know where you're going with this tolerance angle

-------Now if you wanna make a deal. You leave NT forever, and never come back.

And I'm made to look like a semi-hyprocrite for one thread.

Then I'll make that exchange with you.

Deal brah? :lol: :lol:

I'll stay but how about stop dragging my name through the mud every time you mention me, alright? I'll try to be more open to your views if you do the same with me...

:lol: all right man. We will see where is goes.
 Protesters clash with NYPD, disrupt traffic in Baltimore solidarity rally

But if someone suggested all bankers were insider traders or illegal crooks taking advantage of their clients, you would come to you and your legal banking peers defense, correct?

Cats want refer to white people as SWS or Yakubs or whatever the NT flavor of the month word is; cool. I'm gonna call BS. We all ain't from the backwards *** south like tons of y'all. Growing up in a household where racial equality is a priority and preached from day 1 is the norm for many of us.

Let some bigots tell it though, we're all just racist, white supremacist, devils.

Oh yeah, and the fact I responded to this probably means I'm racist.

GREAT post, prepare for the deflection, oh wait...


Plenty of folks in here are blinded by racial bias, I'm sure for many it's hard to overcome, not all saying it's a bad thing or even avoidable, but it's a bit alarming how opposing views are disparaged more or less universally. OH well
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