AGAIN? - Baltimore Man Dies From Injuries During Arrest

Dude ain't trollin either

Damn :smh:

What a waste of post man, instead of trolling me, why don't you counter-post my post so you can convince me so I can possibly look at your point, instead of commenting useless posts. I mean you haven't even answered me in the other thread, you just ran off. And seeing how you only answer me here means you are just here to grab respect from your peers by bashing me instead of trying to post in a more inactive thread where I last asked you a question.

I think most people here even though they know they're wrong, to them the only thing that matters most is if they agree with their friends here so they can develop more of that that e-bond that they have. There are people that agree with me here, but if they do, it's possible their friends may lose respect to them, it's the sad reality. No wonder there's not much people here speaking on my behalf as well. But it's totally fine, I don't really care for internet friends. I have real life friends so it's cool.

BTW I'm not even white nor a criminal justice major and @RustyShackleford I repped myself :smokin. (Sarcasm)
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Dang see what I mean? These kids talking about reps, I knew it lol, a rep is a big deal to them lol, these reps won't make your package bigger, or make you grow a nice beard or hair on your head or even magically make a fine woman with a big booty appear on your lap. I wouldn't give a damn about reps. Chill and stay with the topic. I'm still waiting for someone to counter-post what I said as opposed to troll me and talk about reps and such. Why is me giving or stating a simple moral a bad thing about the situation(s) in Baltimore? But all in all, we can agree to disagree, I never meant to try to argue with anybody here, this is just my own opinion. Damn.
You really are this damn stupid.

You are seriously wondering why people don't agree with your opinions?

Black people should just bow down to those who oppress them

"Stop Looking Like A Suspect"



My god it's levels to this ignorance game
You really are this damn stupid.

You are seriously wondering why people don't agree with your opinions?

Black people should just bow down to those who oppress them


This post proves on the internet, "If you have nothing else to say or if you've been proving wrong and can't counter-post, just troll the man, that's all."

I didn't say Black people kiss oppressors' rear ends, are you crazy? Black and every man of color in life, HAVE CHOICES:

View media item 1554503
Tell me what you see. Also Freddie Gray had a choice, THIS WAS HIS CHOICE:

View media item 1554506
I don't condone his passing and I agree the Cops should be punished and I spread my condolences to his friends and family. But again, he had a choice. He was already known to the police, what did he expect? All that and still carrying a potential fatal weapon. So enough disrespecting me just because you don't agree with what I say. I never said any black person should bow to oppressors. You don't need to do that to succeed in life. I'm not white, but I'm happy at where I am, and I didn't need to kiss no oppressors' rear ends.

Edit/Add: Please don't talk about race to me man, because to me, this is all about Police vs Criminals/Innocence.
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Yeah whatever

Don't kiss rear-ends but you in here posting that dress better and you won't be discriminated against BS

Go tell that to Chris Rock




All killed in suits..
While you have other ethnicities shooting up schools, malls and bombing racing events but they still get their day in court and their problems are caused by "mental health" issues.
I never participate with these weak minded dudes because it's obvious what their agenda is and arguing with them is futile.
So what if this man had a criminal past, that doesn't mean he deserves to be killed and shot like an animal from the Sub-Saharan African plains.
If some one is a suspect, arrest them and deal with them in court.
How hard is it to understand that everybody should have that right. But yet and still you have non African American males telling us our fears are only in our minds when they still have the protection of what their ancestors put in place.
Remember these are the people we consider friends, family and co-workers and we are just supposed to lay down and keep taking the bs.
I really do like NT and there are some really cool, day one dudes I rock with but this past year really shows the disconnect not only what's really happening in these streets but it also shows that true bigotry and prejudice is a disease of the mind. If you can truly sit there and watch these acts of injustice an the insist that "Well black people need to pull themselves up by the boot straps" and other racist, liberal/conservative jargon, then I truly feel bad for you and the children you raise in the future. The police (ideally) are here to serve and protect ALL, but the cogs of justice was never intended or built for any man of color in this country. The only true way we can reform this, is if people actual sit and look at how ducked up this system and society is.
All any Black Person wants is to be able to BE SEEN AS A HUMAN BEING and afforded the rights like other citizens.



All killed in suits..
While you have other ethnicities shooting up schools, malls and bombing racing events but they still get their day in court and their problems are caused by "mental health" issues.
I never participate with these weak minded dudes because it's obvious what their agenda is and arguing with them is futile.
So what if this man had a criminal past, that doesn't mean he deserves to be killed and shot like an animal from the Sub-Saharan African plains.
If some one is a suspect, arrest them and deal with them in court.
How hard is it to understand that everybody should have that right. But yet and still you have non African American males telling us our fears are only in our minds when they still have the protection of what their ancestors put in place.
Remember these are the people we consider friends, family and co-workers and we are just supposed to lay down and keep taking the bs.
I really do like NT and there are some really cool, day one dudes I rock with but this past year really shows the disconnect not only what's really happening in these streets but it also shows that true bigotry and prejudice is a disease of the mind. If you can truly sit there and watch these acts of injustice an the insist that "Well black people need to pull themselves up by the boot straps" and other racist, liberal/conservative jargon, then I truly feel bad for you and the children you raise in the future. The police (ideally) are here to serve and protect ALL, but the cogs of justice was never intended or built for any man of color in this country. The only true way we can reform this, is if people actual sit and look at how ducked up this system and society is.
All any Black Person wants is to be able to BE SEEN AS A HUMAN BEING and afforded the rights like other citizens.
The thing is some folk will never accept the humanity of black people which is why they use every excuse in the book to justify brutality against black bodies. They're the same people whose ancestors didn't have a problem with raping torturing and killing women, childre, and men some of them are truly barbaric psychopaths, they love to see blacks suffer. It truly is sad....
dude deserves to get spit in his face

Probably the type to call police on random black folks hoping something happens
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I've seen time and time again in all of these threads involving police involved deaths, that criminal behavior or being a criminal shouldn't warrant death.  No one said it did, but can you HONESTLY deny that a person who was not a criminal or engaged in criminal behavior would have less of a chance of being killed? By a police officer or even another civilian?   That's not to say that there aren't bad cops or that all cop involved killings are justified.  Mike Brown wasn't a saint by any means and to treat him as such is ridiculous.  Had he not been killed, he would have likely been arrested for assault and robbery.  Doesn't mean he deserved to die, but his own actions (at THAT time, not in the past) contributed to the circumstances that ultimately lead to his death.

In that regard, I disagree with @MR HIGHNESS regarding the relevance of Freddy Gray's criminal past.  It had nothing to do with the circumstances that lead to his death, which I feel the cops involved should be held accountable for.   The problem with the Freddy Gray case is that many people are trying to make it solely about race rather than the abuse of police authority.  3 of the 6 officers indicted for Freddy Gray's death are black - does it seem more likely that Freddy Gray was killed because the police used excessive force on a person whose criminal history they were very familiar with?  Or does it seem more likely that Freddy Gray was merely singled out because of the color of his skin and killed?

Despite the fact that I'm not white, I've been labeled a SWS on this site which is fine.  Some of you can't have a civil discussion without resorting to name calling and can't seem to even consider someone's point of view that isn't exactly in line with yours.  The world isn't black and white and people shouldn't view it as such.
Black officers(some)don't give a damn about black ppl just like the white ones(some) don' people are targeted by police regardless of the race of the officer. Still don't make it NOT a race issue
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Black officers don't give a damn about black ppl just like the white ones don' people are targeted by police regardless of the race of the officer. Still don't make it NOT a race issue
That's a pretty disingenuous statement.  Do black officers pick on black people for absolutely no reason other than the color of their skin? Or is it because they're engaged in some type of criminal behavior? 

Think about it.  If a particularly community is predominantly of a certain race or ethnic background, don't you think it's more likely that most of the crime being perpetrated in THAT particular area would be by that race or ethnicity?  That's not to say that all black people are criminals or that they should be treated as such.  The same could be said about a neighborhood that's predominantly white or Asian - chances are, most of the crime being committed in those areas are probably by whites or Asians.

Ultimately, if there's no point in even having black police officers since they don't give a damn about black people like you claim, what is your proposed solution to reduce incidents of police excessive force?  
Lol bro, having black police officers is not solving's just like you said..there are some black officers being indicted for killing that man. I've come in contact with black officers that have treated me worse if not just as bad as some of these other racist officers :x

A black officer gonna profile you just like a white one will. It is what it is.

My solution, idk if there is one. No clue
That's a pretty disingenuous statement.  Do black officers pick on black people for absolutely no reason other than the color of their skin? Or is it because they're engaged in some type of criminal behavior? 

Think about it.  If a particularly community is predominantly of a certain race or ethnic background, don't you think it's more likely that most of the crime being perpetrated in THAT particular area would be by that race or ethnicity?  That's not to say that all black people are criminals or that they should be treated as such.  The same could be said about a neighborhood that's predominantly white or Asian - chances are, most of the crime being committed in those areas are probably by whites or Asians.

Ultimately, if there's no point in even having black police officers since they don't give a damn about black people like you claim, what is your proposed solution to reduce incidents of police excessive force?  
Do you have any studies to back up your arguments?
Illuminati is one of those cats who needs to be ruffed up by a cop.
I forgot how to mention here so I don't know if it will mention you guys:

@AEA18 you have some strong hating issues. I can't talk to you anymore, all you do is hate and never respond correctly to what I say.
@spacedoodoo I can say the same for you man, that you're making assumptions. I'm just providing some ideas to help my point, Freddie Gray already had a strong long criminal record on him, so of course he's going to run and of course the cops will keep tab and recognize him. Would you trust a man to hold and watch your bike like Freddie Gray? Be Honest. And Mike Brown robbed a store prior to his incident. I not only mentioned about looking like a target, but I also mentioned not acting like one neither.
@mugen81 you're posting some old things from the Civil Rights days, so of course the majority of white people disliked black people. Also wasn't Malcom X murdered by Black Muslims? I actually went to an elementary school honored with Malcolm X's name.
@Mr Marcus, you don't know me man. I've never actually snitched in my life but only to myself. I myself sweat balls when I drive and see a cop around and try to drive steady and safely I can.

Lol bro, having black police officers is not solving's just like you said..there are some black officers being indicted for killing that man. I've come in contact with black officers that have treated me worse if not just as bad as some of these other racist officers :x

A black officer gonna profile you just like a white one will. It is what it is.

My solution, idk if there is one. No clue

This is what I'm saying, a cop will be a cop and a criminal will be a criminal, regardless of race, but for some reasons these other guys here want to grab my fast ball, and then throw a curveball with some race attached to it. In this Burundi protest which is in Africa, 20 protesters have been shot by the police they say:

Honestly there's no solution for racism other than dividing the U.S into 4 sections with each section housing White, Black, Hispanic, Asian. But which sections are going to crumble down? These racist whites will always have that mentality that blacks and some Hispanics are thugs because they see so many of them that they're used to it. They look at nation wide statistics.

I never disagreed that there are white racists, I get called the N word on video gaming all the time when I got spare time at the house.
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My mom is 52 and vividly remembers not being able to eat in certain places. They had to get their food to go from the back of the store.

The 60s is literally less than a blink in history. Plenty of white people who were involved in lynching blacks are still here today. And some of yall are their grandkids spewing the same hatred.

Exactly why I'm not here to be hugging my sws enemy. I just want my people to be empowered and practice group economics. Blacks stopped practicing it when segregation ended :smh: just because we were integrated in society doesn't mean we had to integrate our dollar. A big mistake that we're still paying for today.
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The "civil rights days" weren't that long ago though.

Well, then as silly as this sounds, then "give it some more time". These racists will one day come to their senses. Naw but in reality, racism will never die. We're the same species in human, but we're just different culturally, characteristically, etc. It's not easy for these people to accept peoples' different ways 100%. I can be a hypocrite and say I myself is not racist, but if I'm catching the bus and an Indian person who smelled like Curry spices sat next to me, I'm moving away. Most people are racist than we think, even if they don't show. It's our nature to be able to distinguish the differences. In nature, only the same species hunt together. The same pack of wolves with the same color of fur will only hunt together. There's no other thing to blame other than God (If he exists) or just blame evolution.

My mom is 52 and vividly remembers not being able to eat in certain places. They had to get their food to go from the back of the store.

The 60s is literally less than a blink in history. Plenty of white people who were involved in lynching blacks are still here today. And some of yall are their grandkids spewing the same hatred.

Exactly why I'm not here to be hugging my sws enemy. I just want my people to be empowered and practice group economics. Blacks stopped practicing it when segregation ended :smh: just because we were integrated in society doesn't mean we had to integrate our dollar. A big mistake that we're still paying for today.

I'm sorry you feel that way, just to enlighten you in a tiny bit if you will, at least whites and blacks got their own fountains, their own section of buses, but where did the Native Americans go? The early Asians? The early Hispanics? etc? Where did they drink? How did they go from point A to point B if buses were black and white only? Where did they eat? Many Native Americans died out, which is sad since this was a majority Native American land. There's only few major tribes left.

A typical white racist would tell you if you don't like it, go back to Africa which is sad. But there are plenty of white people who support black people, it showed in protests. So there's still a sign.
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