AGAIN? - Baltimore Man Dies From Injuries During Arrest

Looks like Baltimore City is getting ready to lay off a lot of teachers & administrators due to the $60-$70 million budget short fall...

To give you an idea of the poverty level in the city, 84% of the approx. 85k students in the city are eligible for free or reduced lunches. What's even sadder is a good portion of those kids are getting the only meal that day from school.

According to last year's testing results, only 14% of the student body scored "advanced" in math & only 18% in reading.

It's a shame building a youth detention center is more of a priority.
Looks like Baltimore City is getting ready to lay off a lot of teachers & administrators due to the $60-$70 million budget short fall...

To give you an idea of the poverty level in the city, 84% of the approx. 85k students in the city are eligible for free or reduced lunches. What's even sadder is a good portion of those kids are getting the only meal that day from school.

According to last year's testing results, only 14% of the student body scored "advanced" in math & only 18% in reading.

It's a shame building a youth detention center is more of a priority.

The city school system has been grossly mismanaged for decades though. About 7 years ago, there was literally $54 million unaccounted for, yet there was no formal follow-up/investigation.

The city then got $1.2 billion in federal stimulus money 2-3 years ago & no one seems to know how that money was spent.

The Baltimore Indy race ended up costing the city something like $12 million... Lottery & casino money was supposed to help the school system but no one knows where that money is...

It's a shame. Like I said, it's an all out war on the poor & they also want a part of the middle class too...
You really believe that 6 cops indicted would bring the crime rate down?

The problems in Baltimore are deeper than just crooked cops.
so annoying how dumb people are.....

if you think it's a singular issue then idk what to say
Dam crime spiking like crazy when cops aren't doing the usual routin wow man hope it doesn't get worse but with summer around the corner going to get bad

This is what some people wanted in Baltimore, should have been careful of what they wished for.

No Cops = High Crime Rate = Scared and getting killed Citizens.

People wanted cops to stop harassing them and killing suspects

Not stop doing their jobs

Since when was the first, a requirement to be able do the second?

If you do the math, cops harassing or being present will scare the criminals and stop or minimize their crime, keeping them in check. The cops who were involved in Freddie Gray's death are already charged or will be like they should. But had they intended to kill him? I don't think so. Freddie Gray was caught with a switchblade, now what would a typical Baltimore citizen do with that? It's all the protesting that resulted in cops not arresting suspects as frequently in Baltimore, yet the crime goes up. How can cops be on patrol when they're hated? These Baltimore protesters' actions will likely bite them back in their rear ends. It's all logic.
If you do the math, cops harassing or being present will scare the criminals and stop or minimize their crime, keeping them in check. The cops who were involved in Freddie Gray's death are already charged or will be like they should. But had they intended to kill him? I don't think so. Freddie Gray was caught with a switchblade, now what would a typical Baltimore citizen do with that? It's all the protesting that resulted in cops not arresting suspects as frequently in Baltimore, yet the crime goes up. How can cops be on patrol when they're hated? These Baltimore protesters' actions will likely bite them back in their rear ends. It's all logic.
:smh: You can't be serious with this

- Cops aren't suppose to harass anyone, no one. There is a difference when between being present and harassment. Harassment is the reason we have a ridiculous disproportionate black prison population. And harassment at it worst, like we saw in Ferguson, borders on criminal.

-So because it wasn't murder that means what those cops did was excusable? They caused the man's death, they had a chance to save him, and said **** it.

- The the knife was legal, unless you missed that, and "typical Baltimore citizen", please explain to me what means. What? A poor black person? Are those the words you were to cowardly to say.

And what is this, the Minority Report. Now it is some how ok to arrest black men when they are not breaking the law on the suspicion that "Hey, he black, he got a knife, he'll probably kill someone, soooooooo screw his civil rights". So miss me with that Russ Limbaugh level nonsense

-Cops are payed by the tax payers to do their damb jobs. I don't get to call into work and tell them I can't do my job because I think some people in the office hate me. What kind of childish excuse is that.

-I really don't think "logic" is a word anyone would attach to any you post brah.
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If you do the math, cops harassing or being present will scare the criminals and stop or minimize their crime, keeping them in check. The cops who were involved in Freddie Gray's death are already charged or will be like they should. But had they intended to kill him? I don't think so. Freddie Gray was caught with a switchblade, now what would a typical Baltimore citizen do with that? It's all the protesting that resulted in cops not arresting suspects as frequently in Baltimore, yet the crime goes up. How can cops be on patrol when they're hated? These Baltimore protesters' actions will likely bite them back in their rear ends. It's all logic.

This post is sooo stupid it's unbelievable.
If you do the math, cops harassing or being present will scare the criminals and stop or minimize their crime, keeping them in check. The cops who were involved in Freddie Gray's death are already charged or will be like they should. But had they intended to kill him? I don't think so. Freddie Gray was caught with a switchblade, now what would a typical Baltimore citizen do with that? It's all the protesting that resulted in cops not arresting suspects as frequently in Baltimore, yet the crime goes up. How can cops be on patrol when they're hated? These Baltimore protesters' actions will likely bite them back in their rear ends. It's all logic.

This post is sooo stupid it's unbelievable.


I don't think he cares at this point.
If you do the math, cops harassing or being present will scare the criminals and stop or minimize their crime, keeping them in check. The cops who were involved in Freddie Gray's death are already charged or will be like they should. But had they intended to kill him? I don't think so. Freddie Gray was caught with a switchblade, now what would a typical Baltimore citizen do with that? It's all the protesting that resulted in cops not arresting suspects as frequently in Baltimore, yet the crime goes up. How can cops be on patrol when they're hated? These Baltimore protesters' actions will likely bite them back in their rear ends. It's all logic.
:smh: You can't be serious with this

- Cops aren't suppose to harass anyone, no one. There is a difference when between being present and harassment. Harassment is the reason we have a ridiculous disproportionate black prison population. And harassment at it worst, like we saw in Ferguson, borders on criminal.

-So because it wasn't murder that means what those cops did was excusable? They caused the man's death, they had a chance to save him, and said **** it.

- The the knife was legal, unless you missed that, and "typical Baltimore citizen", please explain to me what means. What? A poor black person? Are those the words you were to cowardly to say.

And what is this, the Minority Report. Now it is some how ok to arrest black men when they are not breaking the law on the suspicion that "Hey, he black, he got a knife, he'll probably kill someone, soooooooo screw his civil rights". So miss me with that Russ Limbaugh level nonsense

-Cops are payed by the tax payers to do their damb jobs. I don't get to call into work and tell them I can't do my job because I think some people in the office hate me. What kind of childish excuse is that.

-I really don't think "logic" is a word anyone would attach to any you post brah.

How do you stop a cop from harassing you? Stop looking like a suspect, stop doing crimes. Sometimes, Cops will have to keep tabs on homeless people who do crack. Cops' jobs are to ensure safety in the community, so they want to prevent suspected citizens to commit crimes upon other citizens.

The cops couldn't detect any injuries whether they're severe or not on Freddie Gray. BTW I'm not saying the cops were in the good. So stop.

A typical Baltimore citizen? And you say it's a Black poor person? That's coming from your words man, not mines. So basically you're stereotyping a Baltimore person as a poor Black person, not okay at all. Too much irony here coming from you and a bit of contradiction. Because there's still a white population in Baltimore.

You're bringing race into the equation when my initial post never mentioned anything about race. So that's all you man. BTW 3 of the 6 police officers who were involved with Gray's death were Black, so stop. Race is your defense mechanism to make me look like a bad guy. I never mentioned about race in the first place. So if a cop see's someone with a switch blade, you want the cop to leave him alone and let that person potentially commit a crime in a city with a high crime rate? Baltimore generally is ranked in the top 10 cities with high crime rates. What's a switch blade going to be used for? That's still a potential fatal weapon.

And you talk about tax, well guess who's paying the $20 million caused by the protesters? You and me. Not all cops are evil man. You only perceive the evil things these cops do through the media, but never acknowledge the effort they do to ensure a safe community. I guess in your perspective, every criminal in jail should be release and every potential crime committing person should never be in jail.
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M mr highness

man he is on a roll today...spewing ignorance left and right...

Stop looking like a suspect


View media item 1554153
Stop looking like these guys, stop thinking you're hardcore, stop trying to give people that look to intimidate people, stop looking like you're in a gang, no matter what color you wear, nor what color your skin is. I mean if you really have to ask, I must question your level of intelligence. Nice troll attempt there Dreamer.

I mean 6 (3 black officers, 3 white officers) officers abused their power, used excessive forced, accidentally killed a suspect caught with a switchblade (with a criminal history). By accidental, I mean I've never seen them actually "kill" the man nor do I think they intended to. Then they get charged. Then you got protesters rioting about police, then there becomes minimal police on Baltimore streets. Now all of a sudden crime is up, and citizens complain and get scared. I'm just pointing all this out and say Baltimore citizens should not have protested all this time and rioted because it can haunt them, and for some reason this makes me the bad guy and that I have a messed up mentality, spew ignorance, and is stupid and that I don't care...I guess if you don't side with the criminals, or if you're not Black power here (according to some folks here), or if you state the logical obvious, you have a messed up mentality , spew ignorance, and is stupid and you don't care.

Dang, this doesn't make any single ounce of sense man, I can't believe it, this is really really sad. I didn't troll or insulted anybody here. I just gave my opinion like everyone else. All of sudden I'm wrong and get trolled? Wow. Usually its the people who troll and insult are the ones who get angry and do so because they have nothing else to say or have any counter-posts. I mean damn, people really have to think before their finger tips touch the keys on their smartphone/keyboards.
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Holy **** is that necro :lol:

I thought at first those guys were wearing iron Maiden shirts :lol:
Lol @ stop looking like a criminal...I swear to god when I make hella bank I'm moving outta this country
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