AIDS: The Gay Plague

I'd slap the teacher for that non-sense. It's not a GAY only diesease. If your really smart and educated u'd know that AIDS/HIV does notdiscriminate, it'll stick with anyone regardless of sexuality! Sadly in the Gay and African American and Drug abusers community it's high, Butdon't think it's only for them. It's also in the Heterosexual white collar community too! AIDS/HIV is passed from sexual intercourse, Drug use, andbirth. U can even catch it if you don't wear gloves when treating people who have open wounds. Hell believe it or not u can even get it from getting yournails did. If they do not properly sanitize and clean the manicuring tools after each use there is a good chance you can get it that way. The most popular wayit's spread is due to the fact that most people do not know they have it so therefore they can go years with unprotected sex and unknowingly pass it on totheir partners!
I'd slap the teacher for that non-sense. It's not a GAY only diesease. If your really smart and educated u'd know that AIDS/HIV does notdiscriminate, it'll stick with anyone regardless of sexuality! Sadly in the Gay and African American and Drug abusers community it's high, Butdon't think it's only for them. It's also in the Heterosexual white collar community too! AIDS/HIV is passed from sexual intercourse, Drug use, andbirth. U can even catch it if you don't wear gloves when treating people who have open wounds. Hell believe it or not u can even get it from getting yournails did. If they do not properly sanitize and clean the manicuring tools after each use there is a good chance you can get it that way. The most popular wayit's spread is due to the fact that most people do not know they have it so therefore they can go years with unprotected sex and unknowingly pass it on totheir partners!
Originally Posted by Bad N fluenz

I'd slap the teacher for that non-sense. It's not a GAY only diesease. If your really smart and educated u'd know that AIDS/HIV does not discriminate, it'll stick with anyone regardless of sexuality! Sadly in the Gay and African American and Drug abusers community it's high, But don't think it's only for them. It's also in the Heterosexual white collar community too! AIDS/HIV is passed from sexual intercourse, Drug use, and birth. U can even catch it if you don't wear gloves when treating people who have open wounds. Hell believe it or not u can even get it from getting your nails did. If they do not properly sanitize and clean the manicuring tools after each use there is a good chance you can get it that way. The most popular way it's spread is due to the fact that most people do not know they have it so therefore they can go years with unprotected sex and unknowingly pass it on to their partners!

we know
I was just shaking my head as I was reading the project... "Man on Man" "Woman on Woman"... then I got to "Man on Horse" and Ilost it

The blame in this situation lies solely on the parents and teachers around this kid. What a travesty.
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