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Originally Posted by alexandraj

Is it true that South Chicago has a pair of 7.5?
Not sure, but I doubt it, I spoke with someone over there on Wednesday, and they were totally wiped out, and no restocks in sight.  I seriously doubt someone would return a pair, most people would just sell them rather than return them to the store, but I guess you never know.

Originally Posted by memphissfinest

I'm currently up here at Aurora. Looks like I'll be getting my 10.5.

Can you please ask what their smallest size available is? I just want to know for sure if a 7.5 exists in this shoe, it is driving me crazy!
Originally Posted by alexandraj

Is it true that South Chicago has a pair of 7.5?

why dont you call and ask the store? i mean all you have to ask is "i just need to know if you guys will have that size since i have not found it yet and am not sure if it exists." 
Originally Posted by mr2cool80

Originally Posted by memphissfinest

I'm currently up here at Aurora. Looks like I'll be getting my 10.5.

How's it looking out there memph?

I'm 20th back. There are 23 people here so far. An employee is in line, he says that the range of pairs is somewhere between 65-100. Been hearing in here that it's 200 but I guess we will see come morning.
Originally Posted by Strictlyhainan

Someone said a size 7 exist. I think 7 or 7.5 is smallest size in these shoes.

Really? That would be great if 7.5 exists but I haven't seen anything listed on ebay so I lost hope.
Originally Posted by blackcat23mj

Originally Posted by alexandraj

Is it true that South Chicago has a pair of 7.5?

why dont you call and ask the store? i mean all you have to ask is "i just need to know if you guys will have that size since i have not found it yet and am not sure if it exists." 
I'll have to do that, I just feel like I wouldn't get the right info since so many people are calling about the shoes, they wouldn't want to speak to me or something. But I'll try anyways, another problem is if they do have a 7.5 I'd want to order it on the phone which they won't let me do so it's almost pointless to call in a way.
Originally Posted by memphissfinest

Originally Posted by mr2cool80

Originally Posted by memphissfinest

I'm currently up here at Aurora. Looks like I'll be getting my 10.5.

How's it looking out there memph?

I'm 20th back. There are 23 people here so far. An employee is in line, he says that the range of pairs is somewhere between 65-100. Been hearing in here that it's 200 but I guess we will see come morning.

Well if it's only 65-100 this is an interesting turn of events. Did he say if it's still 2 per person to his knowledge? If so that means there's probably only 30-50 people who are going to get them. I'm 90 min away so I guess I'm gonna have to get in the car and hit it shortly.
Originally Posted by trappedintime

Originally Posted by memphissfinest

Originally Posted by mr2cool80

How's it looking out there memph?

I'm 20th back. There are 23 people here so far. An employee is in line, he says that the range of pairs is somewhere between 65-100. Been hearing in here that it's 200 but I guess we will see come morning.

Well if it's only 65-100 this is an interesting turn of events. Did he say if it's still 2 per person to his knowledge? If so that means there's probably only 30-50 people who are going to get them. I'm 90 min away so I guess I'm gonna have to get in the car and hit it shortly.

Yea he said that it is still 2 per a person. Multiple sources confirmed to me that it is around 200 pairs and I called earlier and finally got the manager to say to me that they are getting A LOT. What does a lot mean? I don't know. Maybe the employee here doesn't have a clue but like I said I'll find out here in a couple hours.
Originally Posted by memphissfinest

Originally Posted by trappedintime

Originally Posted by memphissfinest

I'm 20th back. There are 23 people here so far. An employee is in line, he says that the range of pairs is somewhere between 65-100. Been hearing in here that it's 200 but I guess we will see come morning.

Well if it's only 65-100 this is an interesting turn of events. Did he say if it's still 2 per person to his knowledge? If so that means there's probably only 30-50 people who are going to get them. I'm 90 min away so I guess I'm gonna have to get in the car and hit it shortly.

Yea he said that it is still 2 per a person. Multiple sources confirmed to me that it is around 200 pairs and I called earlier and finally got the manager to say to me that they are getting A LOT. What does a lot mean? I don't know. Maybe the employee here doesn't have a clue but like I said I'll find out here in a couple hours.

The manager has told multiple NTers 200 pairs today. I don't think they'd be saying A LOT or 200 if that wasn't the case, given that they had 235 pairs (well at least 200+) 10 days ago. Just that reference point should have made them qualify that it's a small restock in comparison. They knew how fast they went on the 1st. Oh well, like you said, we'll find out shortly. I'll be down there around 4:30-5 wearin my '85 shirt and a bulls hat
Originally Posted by memphissfinest

Originally Posted by mr2cool80

Originally Posted by memphissfinest

I'm currently up here at Aurora. Looks like I'll be getting my 10.5.

How's it looking out there memph?

I'm 20th back. There are 23 people here so far. An employee is in line, he says that the range of pairs is somewhere between 65-100. Been hearing in here that it's 200 but I guess we will see come morning.

Good stuff man, looks like u getting ur pairs
Yo Memphis how is the line looking right now
Just got off work I'm heading there in a few
30-40 people in line at aurora, for those of you who are not here I hope they are getting closer to 200 pairs and not somewhere between 60-100 because almost everyone I have talked to is grabbing two pairs.
Originally Posted by zerimar22

Just got here.. Hoping I can still get my pair...

Where u at in line? People sayin only 75(?) Pairs are available. If you're back near diesel, you may be out of luck.
Originally Posted by zerimar22

damn I'm like right by diesel... What happened to the 200?

Dude next to me called em up. They said it's nowhere near 200. 75 is lookin like the number, but that is not for certain. You may have to pay a little extra if someone is willin to sell a pair.
Originally Posted by gunitg23

Yo Memphis how is the line looking right now
Just got off work I'm heading there in a few

There are around 70 people I think. My chair is exactly the 20th chair just from my last count. The number of pairs people think are available is jumping all over the place.
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