Air Jordan 1 x UNION LA Thread

And you, Nike, if I had my way Id fire anyone who wasnt a creative right the f on out of there. Cheap, scheming, self-centered douchebags. Why are all of your celebrity 'influencers' douchebags too? I cant help but think about Khalid's funky swollen feet getting to wear these for free on demand. Good job on that. He realy represents the athletic culture you build this all up on. A true ambassador of anatomical excellence.

Nike probably kept these extrememly limited because if too many people saw what these shoes could be everyone would stop buying the ones they make. So instead of making more to supply a little bit more of the demand and/or make more like these they decided to keep it tight and prevent self cannibalism. I just want some ones made with this attention to detail and materials. Charge 200 if you have to. Quit bs-ing

The plastic trim and wtf leather makes people want to stop buying these altogether. Youre only hurting yourself with these cheapskate moves.
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maybe the issue is you pay attention to the celeb culture more than the actual intended purpose. instead on focusing on the collabs and limited crap, people may see, some actual dope product. but instead they yearn for the endorsement; the story telling; this whole collabs = quality is very telling.
I just gotta add, I'm not happy about the shipping time and do think they could have done it a bit better, but this was ultimately a really solid release. It's a common trend for each new drop for that particular drop to be "the worst one", then we forget and the next one is the "worst one". Lots of manuals ate and they put in genuine effort even if it didn't work for everyone.
I just emailed Union to see if there were any canceled orders and if they'd "by chance" invoice me a pair of the black toes.... didn't work. They said they sold out. Oh well. lol
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No the issue is i have the same internet as everyone else and they push that **** on you at every turn. Their squad is cringey. Always. Thoroughly. Dont troll me guy. You knw exactly what im getting at.
No the issue is i have the same internet as everyone else and they push that **** on you at every turn. Their squad is cringey. Always. Thoroughly. Dont troll me guy. You knw exactly what im getting at.
no, i get your point. the whole push. but at the end of the day, youre right its the same internet. but people make different decisions. you dont have to follow DJ Khaled. You don't have to put weight or creedance to those celeb endorsements. But if you're going to be a consumer then be an informed one. Most collabs Nike makes these days arent that good IMO. They happened to hit a home run with these ones IMO
maybe the issue is you pay attention to the celeb culture more than the actual intended purpose. instead on focusing on the collabs and limited crap, people may see, some actual dope product. but instead they yearn for the endorsement; the story telling; this whole collabs = quality is very telling.
Reading this again, you completely missed my point in order to get at me about some weak nonsense about only wanting hype. When my entire point is wanting this kind of quality 1 in my hands without all the bs.
no, i get your point. the whole push. but at the end of the day, youre right its the same internet. but people make different decisions. you dont have to follow DJ Khaled. You don't have to put weight or creedance to those celeb endorsements. But if you're going to be a consumer then be an informed one. Most collabs Nike makes these days arent that good IMO. They happened to hit a home run with these ones IMO
my bad, nevermind then, im delrious from staying up all night for this
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IDK if im just old or maybe been into kicks and streetwear for so long but im legit shocked that a lot of people don't know of Union. They are one of the OGs in our scene/community. When people mention missing old stores in NYC: Nort/Recon, Clientele, Union, etc. are all in the convo.

The clerks pack was one of my fondest memories of chasing sneakers not having to do with MJ.

I'm old lol

Still super happy I was able to cop my Union 180s and UNDFTD NL dunks back in the day. I've always heard of Union but they never really meant much to me. But I think it might have been a regional thing.
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Reading this again, you completely missed my point in order to get at me about some weak nonsense about only wanting hype. When my entire point is wanting this kind of quality 1 in my hands without all the bs.
when i say you i dont mean "YOU". I mean consumers. And again maybe if "YOU" didnt just look at collabs and retro jordans you'd find some pretty good quality product that nike pushes out. and to reiterate lol, I dont mean you as tonytobacco; you as in the consumer
when i say you i dont mean "YOU". I mean consumers. And again maybe if "YOU" didnt just look at collabs and retro jordans you'd find some pretty good quality product that nike pushes out. and to reiterate lol, I dont mean you as tonytobacco; you as in the consumer
yeah, Im getting the black 33s next week and im very much looking forward to making new memories in a new jordan with no history behind it..

I really just want a decent pair of shadows.
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Maybe they'd give Union more respect if they knew it was founded by one James Jebbia.
I'd have more respect for them if I founded a pair of Union 1s today.
I just gotta add, I'm not happy about the shipping time and do think they could have done it a bit better, but this was ultimately a really solid release. It's a common trend for each new drop for that particular drop to be "the worst one", then we forget and the next one is the "worst one". Lots of manuals ate and they put in genuine effort even if it didn't work for everyone.
Did they?
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