Air Jordan 11 Retro Low "Concord" to Release in 2014

Its Beverly Hills Bro! You live or shop in Beverly you betterdress and look cleaverly.
It was FCFS?
No it was RSVP, but we were all worried about a gamma type release. I think they only had 100 or so pairs of the lows though, so no big line very smooth. Staff was very nice. Normally they don't let you sift through pairs, but they let me this time.
how was the New York City in store releases

all the big major chain stores did raffles right
most places were FCFS actually

i walked by FTL on 34th while on the way to pick up my raffle pair at FA

long line but looked pretty calm

lots of security
So I just went to Niketown Chicago to pick up my pair.  Not a terrible line compared to other weekends.  

I go up to the register, give the guy my ID.  I tell him that I RSVP'd 3 different sizes (8.5, 9, & 14) and wasn't sure which one I got.  He then gave me serious attitude and made a snarky remark "You must be able to send in the RSVP pretty fast then, eh".  I told him I used Tweetdeck like most people and copy & paste, which is true.  14 was for my friend who is out of town in Nashville for the weekend, not to sell or anything.  I ended up getting my size 9 and he also asked me for my twitter name.   Niketown Chicago has never asked for twitter names before, kind've odd.  

Is this frowned upon, to send in multiple sizes?  I didn't think I did anything wrong and this guy was just being an ***.  

copy and paste ?
how do you copy and paste the word when is the picture before you type it out

Please help I haven't got an RSVP since the black and red 11s
Was in line on NDC from 10:04 till 10:35 and was able to check out. Was surprised I didn't get a OOS message.

After headed to the mall to pick up my raffle call backs

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I've never had an ordered canceled from FL. Some of these posts got me panicking a lil bit. I got the "Your Order Is Official" e-mail and a order number. I really want these. I should be good right?
Hour wait at Nike Chi to pick up RSVP, they need a better system. At least the weather was nice today but damn. 

I pulled up there and saw the line assuming it was for leftover pairs, when I found out that was the line for RSVP I knew it wasn't worth waiting for.

This was a super GR, I got 8 pairs online.
Sadly quality on these is bad...I know jb standards but they are even below that to me. It is what it is....
Struck out in 13 raffles and today online man smh and don't say I didn't do my hw
I know the feeling. NDC sucked my a** this morning.  And the rest of the sites, too. FAIL
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