Did you buy the Blacktoe XIII aka He Got Games

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dont forget that the 10/13 pack was the first pack to release. the reviews of the pack as a whole were very warm and positive. quality of the packs got worse as more iterations came out.

you hear about pre yellowed carmines and fire red Vs, ashy XVIIs and IVs but you dont hear people cry about the 1st 2 packs... the 10/13 and the 7/16. those were pretty good.

QFT, my 7/16 pairs are very nice.
Seems like some of the euro sites are finally releasing the shoe? I wish we had a more difinitive explanation as to what happened with this release on the euro sites. Like why they didn't drop at the usual time and why they are starting to drop now. Also, was this just for this release or will things be just as unpredictable on the euro sites for future releases?
Bushido, I certainly hope that will eventually be the case, but I'm not banking on it.
lol..I work for FTL..almost every shoe (except those weird colored retro 9s [cool grey 9 re-released]) since the raptor 7s 2012 has been re-released in my store..40-to-80 pair per RE-RELEASE. im banking on it.

I would think in order for that to be completely effective, they would have to release a shoe 2-3 times or more (really depending on what shoe it is), in order to achieve that desired effect. With stuff being TLO and in store, all I see is the original re sellers snapping up more to buy still leaving people out in the cold. We'll see what happens after Saturday.

i had no issues with the CDP XIIIs to be honest. one of the best quality pairs from the packs.

That's surprising to hear. The consensus on quite a few of those packs were trash. This whole staggered release (or re-releases) some have mentioned here might not be bad if resellers weren't trying to snap up every damn pair.

dont forget that the 10/13 pack was the first pack to release. the reviews of the pack as a whole were very warm and positive. quality of the packs got worse as more iterations came out.

you hear about pre yellowed carmines and fire red Vs, ashy XVIIs and IVs but you dont hear people cry about the 1st 2 packs... the 10/13 and the 7/16. those were pretty good.

Yeah you right. I guess those were the test packs. Then they pulled the bait and switch once they knew people thought quality was safe and they knew they would cop based of quality of the first two.
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^^^ OK OK enough with the ebay talk. Resellers dont have to sell just on ebay. A prime example is the Classified Section on here. People are selling pairs for like $250 shipped in there. That's like $50-$60 in profit per pair and the equivalent of a 30% discount or so for the pair they keep.
i know these shoes were worn in the movie " He Got Game"

but back then when these came out that wasnt the nick name for them. when did these became "He Got Game Shoes"? lmfao!
LOL everybody chill...there will be restocks in stores soon..and possibly later also, like I said Nike is trying to kill the reseller they bring too much bad publicity to the company with the robbery and murders over shoe value/money. Believe it or not they don't want no part of the foolishness. They will continue to re-release all the popular shoes for the people who don't get them the first go around...As for resellers get your money now..soon people will not pay you the ridiculous amount of money you want for shoes..and ur profit will go from 80-150 a shoe to 20 dollar a shoe..which isn't worth the trouble. I'm happy for all the people who really love these shoes and wear them...Nike and retailers is looking out for you...just be patient.

The two words "Nike" and "retailers" looking out for people don't belong in the same sentence, unless of course you're a "celebrity" or boys with the head manager at some prominent retail location.... As far as Nike trying to kill the reseller, that's false...all they want to do is temper the resale dollar in exchange for consistent hype and more revenue to the source, in this case being Nike itself...

Nike sees these prices on Ebay and gloats about it knowing the demand of the product they just put out is at a high dollar value. They already got their money from the retailers who bought them ahead of time...when Nike drops "surprise restocks" to companies, it's simply to milk every last revenue dollar they can get from consumers...obviously every opportunistic reseller is going to go just as hard, if not harder, to obtain pairs even from restocks...

Nike wants a justifiable resale price on certain shoes and they consistently prove that by limiting shoes and accentuating the hype through online sources. As long as there's an opportunity to throw more product out there, especially if it was labeled as a GR, Nike will go for it.....but they don't truly give a crap about us consumers...we're all programmed to be "interested" in Nike's next big move, whether that's a restock, or another extra limited bizarre concept Lebron, KD, Kobe, or any variation of Foamposite...
^^^ OK OK enough with the ebay talk. Resellers dont have to sell just on ebay. A prime example is the Classified Section on here. People are selling pairs for like $250 shipped in there. That's like $50-$60 in profit per pair and the equivalent of a 30% discount or so for the pair they keep.

That's not true. Listing at $250 on NT means you're not getting that much 9 times out of 10. Anyone who has some experience in the B/S know that prices are set artificially high because you're going to get bargained down. Not saying they aren't going for more than retail, but the average NT price isn't anywhere near as high as what the eBay shopper ends up paying. Unfortunately there aren't historicals to go by on NT, so maybe it too helps feed into the impression of what a fair market value is.
@ trappedintime..

exactly. i said that bc dude suggested that resellers would return these for a refund if they couldn't sell them at their ridiculous mark ups. and so my response was that that is false. if anything they'll just lower the price as it would make no sense to return them for retail when they can easily still get $200-$250 for them.

also, i wouldn't necessarily call it ignorance on the part of resellers, although i don't agree with them. the more i think about it i think u have to place the most blame on those who are willing to drop $350 on a shoe that just released the day before for $180. if ppl weren't willing to pay those ridiculous resell prices, that kills the resellers in their tracks right there.

i think we are agreeing, but saying the pretty much the same thing in a different way. the truth is, u can't blame the resellers if there are ppl willing to pay, especially in this economy.

nike won't change. the resellers won't change. all the power lies in the hands of the consumer, but the consumer seems to wanna continue to get raped, while blaming nike and the resellers. that makes no sense. :wink:

real spit

the day every single one of us decides we aren't buying **** if we don't cop on RD is the day resellers lose all of their power . this is the new mindset im adopting
real spit

the day every single one of us decides we aren't buying **** if we don't cop on RD is the day resellers lose all of their power . this is the new mindset im adopting

It's the mindset that I've already adopted, though I paid an NTer retail + tax + shipping (so 2 bills) for these XIII since I didn't get them on RD. I'm fine doing that if I miss something. Over my last 16 releases that I've copped, I'm net $100 under retail and have missed 5 of those 16 on RD. I have enough sneakers now that I don't desperately need a pair on RD if I know I can still get it. People just need to be intelligent and patient, and they'll get what they want for the price they should be paying.
Can we stop talking about ebay and selling .... isnt that why that last thread was CLOSED/LOCKED
Can we stop talking about ebay and selling .... isnt that why that last thread was CLOSED/LOCKED

If that's the case, we should just get rid of mods altogether, especially when the mods are participating in the discussion of said topics. I think the last thread was closed because of the heated exchanges and name calling regarding reselling, and the advertisement of plans to resell. You post up 17 pairs of shoes on RD, you're basically in the thread to sell or trade, which is not in line with the rules and generally lame.

What's there to talk about at the moment? We can all post more pics of the same unworn shoes, but this kind of discussion isn't bad for the community at all.
My fnl pair will be in va at my door wensday then I'm shipping to my cuz for retail cause ware he went they was sold out.
My delivery is Wednesday really fast on this one. Family pair from eastbay hoping its as fast but nj weather is nasty so no rush.
Hope everyone needing can pickup a pair for retail next few days on cancel order,etc.
Lol @ MagicJohnson, it happens. All that hot sauce we dumpin on everything gotta find relief even if it means airing someone out on NT!
I think people want it to shut up because they just want to see restock info posted in these threads after RD.  That way they don't have to keep up with anything and can just check back when the thread gets a few posts in a row. 

On that note, I'll share a tip I use.  DO NOT FORGET....these released at and 99% of the time, NBAstore will put up their canceled pairs Tuesday morning between 8am and 10 am EST from a Saturday release.  They don't do a specific time because they seem to always wait until someone else is doing a canceled pair "restock" to do theirs.  I usually check FNL first on Tuesday, and if I don't get them there I will just hang around  It is just another option that most forget about until someone posts the link, which will be too late for these.  If they happen to not pop up tomorrow, then just don't forget to check there when you are checking your other sites and maybe you will increase your luck.
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