Zephyr, thanks for the thorough breakdown and your thoughts about them. This makes me feel a lot more informed than before. But the ultimate test will be when I hold them in my hand and inspect them before I give my final commitment.
My BC III are fine, and I've worn them a good many times. Only thing I don't like is the "electric tape" heel strip.
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Got my 2 on lock! My homie told me not to worry about camping out.
yessssss!... told me 2 come in @ 11:30. A good nights sleep.
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Zephyr, thanks for the thorough breakdown and your thoughts about them. This makes me feel a lot more informed than before. But the ultimate test will be when I hold them in my hand and inspect them before I give my final commitment.

:nthat: Props for the pics Zephyr.
Just 9 more days.

Thanks fellas, its my pleasure. Glad you found the stuff I put up useful.
Retro IV's have been so notorious for inconsistent quality, I figure the more people have to look at the better.
I wasnt too sure how this whole early release thing was going go down either

that pair from china looks no different then the pair i got yesterday from a legit retail store with a nike account

Glad to hear that 160J.
Im pleased wit them, but you never know with early stuff
Do you think you could check the Prod Dates on your pair when you get a chance?
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thanks for the pics zephyr! i think they look great. these are a must have.. my CDPs cracked like a ***** though, hopefully they fixed that .....
Pretty sure its the light. Im posting up the second batch as we speak, but heres another quick shot of the hang-tag

Also, I should apologize for the quality. All of these pics are from my crappy phone
Didn't know people still owned flip phones with the vga cam techNOlogy...

Hee hee... i'm just squeezing your shaft, champ.

Nice shoes.

You should pose in them bad boys for us.

Put a lil umph in it. 


Didn't know people still owned flip phones with the vga cam techNOlogy...

Hee hee... i'm just squeezing your shaft, champ.

Nice shoes.

You should pose in them bad boys for us.

Put a lil umph in it. 


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These are a must have, malls open at 12:00 but my man said NIKE wont let their store sell until 6:00 AM.  Most retail stores have their shipments, about to see next week if I can secure my pairs and try on to NDC as well.  Good luck to all Black friday HyPe is going to complicate this release x 100 if your trying to cop in malls and havent secured a pair.
^ going to be a lot of raffles and RSVPs on that Friday. Camping is pretty much history...
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