Yeah that's a good price that's the type of price i was looking out for .. but didn't happen yet and don't think it's going to so it's RD for me

yeah that's what i though

my second pair i paid $250.00

this man's store was selling them when i was there for $280.00 to $300.00 and sold 2 pairs at that price while i was in the store
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Just got my pair in from Sol3Society
I will post up tons of pics in about an hour when Im home
Early impression, I'm very pleased. No glue stains, ok shape, nubuck is quite nice
I will be posting pics of prod dates, size sticker, side leather, MSRP tag or whatever you call the thing on the box, etc. but let me know if there is anything specific you want to see and Im happy to oblige
eh, only somewhat. Corrected as compared to bootleg looking CDP and Mars, but still far from the 99/OG
lookin forward to some pics... thanks
Ok, as promised here are my pics of my Sol3Society pair which arrived this morning

First batch is of the shipping/packaging materials and the box (not super interesting, I know, but some might know more than me about the authenticity of these materials) + unpacking

1: Bagged and tape-sealed shipping box. Single box over shoe-box. Chinese shipping sticker on top

2: Close up of Chinese shipping sticker. If anyone can read this, I would love to know what the "company" translates to

3: Jumpan logo. Single boxed, but no damage

4: Shoebox. Seems identical to my store bought WC IV box. Not sure if there were supposed to be any changes

5: MSRP tag

6: Aaaah the shoes. Same black tissue paper from WC IV

plenty more to come
could be the light but the tag looks pinkish...waiting on the 2nd set of pics
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could be the light but the tag looks pinkish...waiting on the 2nd set of pics

Pretty sure its the light. Im posting up the second batch as we speak, but heres another quick shot of the hang-tag


Also, I should apologize for the quality. All of these pics are from my crappy phone
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Lotta people cried when other IVs this year had a higher than usual interior tag... That last pic confirms this IV is no different. Doesn't bother me, but I recall it bothering others. And all those interior tag complaints came from RD pairs.
Heres the shoe itself. In general I would say that the Nubuck is actually very nice. It does scuff somewhat easy, but when clean it looks and feels real smooth. Much closer to durabuck feel than early pics suggested. These feel more TTS than the WC IV, but I still went down a half size to 10 (instead of 10.5) and I am very comfortable.The tongue is the same stiff cardboardy tongue of the WC. No glue smell. Almost zero glue stains at all, but maybe I just got lucky.
Prod Dates - 6/13/28 - 6/28/12

1-2: Out of the box. Cardboard shoe tree (not pictured). As said above, the nubuck is very nice and smooth. I was concerned about how this would look back in the summer when we were seeing some furry pics, but I think you would be hard pressed to tell the difference between CDP leather and 2012's. Anyone concerned about the nubuck should rest easy (although upkeep may be a little harder |I ). The shape is decent. About the same as WC, which means not too much banana-toe. Pretty decent.


3: Left foot side leather. Very good angle. Nice and parallel. No glue stain, but there is sort of a very thin gap between the midsole and the nubuck

4: Right foot side leather. Not as good, not as parallel. Ive noticed this with other IV's before. For some Reason JB has more trouble with the right shoe than the left. I guess thats a good sign that these are legit JB though haha

5: Shoe size sticker in both shoes

6:Size tag with Prod Dates 6/13/12 - 6/28/12

7: Instep. Also, the toe box is still kind of bulky, but in general the shape is ok, with minimal banana-toe, so the toe-box is not so glaring.

8: Heel Bump. Not huge, but at least its there. Looks ok, but could be more pronounced
Heres the shoe itself. In general I would say that the Nubuck is actually very nice. It does scuff somewhat easy, but when clean it looks and feels real smooth. Much closer to durabuck feel than early pics suggested. These feel more TTS than the WC IV, but I still went down a half size to 10 (instead of 10.5) and I am very comfortable.The tongue is the same stiff cardboardy tongue of the WC. No glue smell. Almost zero glue stains at all, but maybe I just got lucky.
Prod Dates - 6/13/28 - 6/28/12
1-2: Out of the box. Cardboard shoe tree (not pictured). As said above, the nubuck is very nice and smooth. I was concerned about how this would look back in the summer when we were seeing some furry pics, but I think you would be hard pressed to tell the difference between CDP leather and 2012's. Anyone concerned about the nubuck should rest easy (although upkeep may be a little harder
). The shape is decent. About the same as WC, which means not too much banana-toe. Pretty decent.

3: Left foot side leather. Very good angle. Nice and parallel. No glue stain, but there is sort of a very thin gap between the midsole and the nubuck

4: Right foot side leather. Not as good, not as parallel. Ive noticed this with other IV's before. For some Reason JB has more trouble with the right shoe than the left. I guess thats a good sign that these are legit JB though haha

5: Shoe size sticker in both shoes

6:Size tag with Prod Dates 6/13/12 - 6/28/12

7: Instep. Also, the toe box is still kind of bulky, but in general the shape is ok, with minimal banana-toe, so the toe-box is not so glaring.

8: Heel Bump. Not huge, but at least its there. Looks ok, but could be more pronounced
awesome pics man thanks a lot, they look great IMO
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awesome pics man thanks a lot, they look great IMO

Thanks man. As I said, if anyone has a pic request or wants to see something more close up Im happy to take more pics

Sorry, meant to say corrected in comparison to the CDP's and Retro IV's in general after 99's/2000.
The nubuck looks really nice in your pics. Can't wait to get a pair.

The Nubuck really is pretty nice. And your absolutely riht about CDP's Mars, I would say that these are much improved over pre-2012 IV's. We'll see how long the paint lasts though

Lotta people cried when other IVs this year had a higher than usual interior tag... That last pic confirms this IV is no different. Doesn't bother me, but I recall it bothering others. And all those interior tag complaints came from RD pairs.

Yep, the tag is definitely up high. Doesnt make any difference to me either, since you cant see it when my foots inside

Those pics ^ made me go from 1 pair to 2 pair purchase. :pimp:

Im for sure gonna try and get #2 on RD! :nthat:

I do want to say something here. The reason I posted so many detailed pics of the shoes was because I want people on NT to have as much info as possible. I know thats what I would want. This pair looks legit to me, and Im very happy with them, but I got them from an early release site Sol3Society. With any early release site its always Buyer-Beware. I am NOT trying to convince anyone to give them your business. I took a risk, and I may have gotten lucky with my pair. Thats why I put up the box and shipping info and the Prod Dates etc.
Good looking pics Zephyr, got me counting down the days. How do they feel on feet? Cheap or sturdy?
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Ok, as promised here are my pics of my Sol3Society pair which arrived this morning
First batch is of the shipping/packaging materials and the box (not super interesting, I know, but some might know more than me about the authenticity of these materials) + unpacking
1: Bagged and tape-sealed shipping box. Single box over shoe-box. Chinese shipping sticker on top

2: Close up of Chinese shipping sticker. If anyone can read this, I would love to know what the "company" translates to

3: Jumpan logo. Single boxed, but no damage

4: Shoebox. Seems identical to my store bought WC IV box. Not sure if there were supposed to be any changes

5: MSRP tag

6: Aaaah the shoes. Same black tissue paper from WC IV

plenty more to come
Sorry dude. If those shipped from China then those are early release shoes. No Retail pairs in Asia will have a US MSRP sticker on them or the Size stickers. They also will have a chinese sticker on the top of the box above the size tag and also a nike sticker on the bottom of the box. There is no US retail pairs that would be available in Asia because of distribution.
Sorry dude. If those shipped from China then those are early release shoes. No Retail pairs in Asia will have a US MSRP sticker on them or the Size stickers. They also will have a chinese sticker on the top of the box above the size tag and also a nike sticker on the bottom of the box. There is no US retail pairs that would be available in Asia because of distribution.

Im not sure I follow.
I know these are early release pairs, I wasnt expecting them to come from a Chinese retailer.
Are you saying that an early release pair distributed to the US would NOT have a US MSRP tag?

Good looking pics Zephyr, got me counting down the days. How do they feel on feet? Cheap or sturdy?

Tough to answer exactly.
I would say these feel about the same as the WC IV, which is the only other 2012 IV I have to compare to.
The tongue is the same thin, stiff cardboardy version. Very little padding, but so far (and Ive been wearing them all day) I dont feel any seams or bumps. I would say that they are a little (I stress just a little) more true to size. I always go down a half size with retro IV's, but people will probably be fine with TTS as well

For those who dont have any 2012 IV's Id say they are only ok comfort wise, but they do feel sturdy and reasonably well made.
The nubuck leather really is pretty nice
Theres good padding in the heel, but the forefoot could use a zoom air or something, and the recent retro IV's come with basically zero padding in the tongue

If you're used to retro IV's, especially if you have 2012's, you will be fine with this pair, but dont expect anything special comfort-wise
Good looking pics Zephyr, got me counting down the days. How do they feel on feet? Cheap or sturdy?

Tough to answer exactly.
I would say these feel about the same as the WC IV, which is the only other 2012 IV I have to compare to.
The tongue is the same thin, stiff cardboardy version. Very little padding, but so far (and Ive been wearing them all day) I dont feel any seams or bumps. I would say that they are a little (I stress just a little) more true to size. I always go down a half size with retro IV's, but people will probably be fine with TTS as well

For those who dont have any 2012 IV's Id say they are only ok comfort wise, but they do feel sturdy and reasonably well made.
The nubuck leather really is pretty nice
Theres good padding in the heel, but the forefoot could use a zoom air or something, and the recent retro IV's come with basically zero padding in the tongue

If you're used to retro IV's, especially if you have 2012's, you will be fine with this pair, but dont expect anything special comfort-wise

Sounds pretty promising. All I gotta hear is that the material isn't thin. I couldn't stand when my CDP's creased after one wear. Good looking out.
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Still trying to decide if I should go after these or buy a pair of BC IIIs from last year

quality on the bc3's last year was garbage mines cracked in a week
im lookin foward to these 4's though :pimp:
+ kanye havent worn em yet might be less hypebeast this time around :lol:
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Need my 2 pairs before RD, really don't wanna wait for em on Blk Friday, gotta buy other stuff.
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