Just sending back Brave blue lows, motorsport 4, alt motorsport 4. Copped for better prices from 290sqm and City blue. I did go thru a couple pairs of alternate 4 to find the best looking pair.
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Just sending back Brave blue lows, motorsport 4, alt motorsport 4. Copped for better prices from 290sqm and City blue. I did go thru a couple pairs of alternate 4 to find the best looking pair.
I did the same thing times 20.

NDC chat rep came off rude when I was asking for a code (rightfully, cause the shoes I got were horrible) so I told them I'm returning everything I've bought this year to them.

And for good measure...I wore everything that was within the 30 days 

Go head...judge me.

NDC is last resort from this point on 
Last few times I hit Nike chat for a disco code they were super nice to me
One of the reps gave me a 20% code
I said thank you
Rep said anything for a loyal customer like you lol
I've only returned like 2 stuff outta all my orders
I'm pretty sure they keep track of all the returns?
They always seem to check my order history before giving me a code it seems
Cuz I tried on another account I have,which has no orders
And they straight up said no lol
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Just sending back Brave blue lows, motorsport 4, alt motorsport 4. Copped for better prices from 290sqm and City blue. I did go thru a couple pairs of alternate 4 to find the best looking pair.

Not sure if you visit outlets often
But you could get a $10 survey giftcard for every return
If you get the right cashier you could stack those bad boys up
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Last few times I hit Nike chat for a disco code they were super nice to me
One of the reps gave me a 20% code
I said thank you
Rep said anything for a loyal customer like you lol
I've only returned like 2 stuff outta all my orders
I'm pretty sure they keep track of all the returns?
They always seem to check my order history before giving me a code it seems
Cuz I tried on another account I have,which has no orders
And they straight up said no lol
I got one...ordered pinnacle maxes and they sent the wrong they generated a replacement.

got my DMP pack from the 20% and they said because they just regenerated one they couldn't give me another code even though they agreed the shoes were horrible.

the rep was like.."fine, keep them. since you don't have an issue, i'm disconnecting" 
I got one...ordered pinnacle maxes and they sent the wrong they generated a replacement.

got my DMP pack from the 20% and they said because they just regenerated one they couldn't give me another code even though they agreed the shoes were horrible.

the rep was like.."fine, keep them. since you don't have an issue, i'm disconnecting" 
Wow that's cold blooded

They must have you flagged in the system or something

Because i'm not sure but i think i got 4 disco codes just last month or the past 2 months or so

I always ask when i get a reservation and say i would use it towards the purchase

But i usually don't and save it for something good 
I feel like these can go for even lower than what people are getting them for.. [emoji]128064[/emoji]
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