Air Jordan 7 Retro “Hare” - May 16, 2015

how do you guys think they are gonna be online? difficult?

If you have luck on normal GRs, you'll do just fine.
I don't think you'll see them in the afternoon, like most of the other "Remasters" though.
Just speculation, of course.
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is there such a thing as size 7 mens? or only 7y. this is the first time im going to have to grab a small size for someone
First, I didn't come in here correcting anybody. If anybody felt the same way you did about my first post, then I'm sure somebody would have checked me. bro, I'm like really finished with this argument. This is the last post i'm making in regards to the situation or you. I've already stated my points, backed with facts, and have had others validate what i was saying. If you're too close minded to see where me and the others were coming from, then I have nothing else to say to you or care to for that matter. With that being said, I love you just as much as my ignorant little sister and I'm going to bless you with your first rep.
Thanks, but  I certainly don't want or need the support or validation from someone of your intelligence level.

You have not backed anything with any facts, don't kid yourself.

For the record, you just argued that one could hurt one's chance of winning a raffle by entering too many raffles. You went on to argue that if you and I both entered a raffle with a 10% chance of winning, and then you did nothing else, but I entered two additional raffles, that my chances of winning one would not be higher than yours. 

And you are still thinking that you are even remotely correct in this insane line of thinking. 

This is a level of stupidity that I want nothing to do with...but thanks anyways.
Im waiting for the people to post pairs and complain about visible glue or a stray piece of material
Or the person that bought 10pairs and complains but never returns them
Dont forget the lack *Insert color here* in tongue
Thanks, but  I certainly don't want or need the support or validation from someone of your intelligence level.

You have not backed anything with any facts, don't kid yourself.

For the record, you just argued that one could hurt one's chance of winning a raffle by entering too many raffles. You went on to argue that if you and I both entered a raffle with a 10% chance of winning, and then you did nothing else, but I entered two additional raffles, that my chances of winning one would not be higher than yours. 

And you are still thinking that you are even remotely correct in this insane line of thinking. 

This is a level of stupidity that I want nothing to do with...but thanks anyways.
Please stop.... We get it.
men's size 7 exists
really?? I remember back in the day mens sizes used to start at a 7 for some releases, but for the most part they started at 7.5. And more recently, mens sizes started at 8 for some releases. Idk, recently i've only seen 7Y
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