Air Jordan IV “Black/Cement” - May 4th 2019

I've liked this post, with a heavy heart. I feel the same. Mine are going back. Very disappointed

I'm definitely keeping one pair just because of the love for the idea of this shoe, but I keep feeling underwhelmed and, for some reason, I feel like these are a cheap iteration of the black cement 4s. I go back and forth from being excited to have them and then being disappointed that they don't feel like anything special. When I got the 2014 WC4s, I felt like they were special all around. The comfort, the quality, everything was there. These are lacking. I will probably return my double up, but not 100% sure yet.
I feel you bros. I could care less about the crooked NIKE AIR. I just can't get over the toe box shape. I've held off on returning my pair as I've been trying to convince myself they're not that bad. :lol: I can't be about this settle for less life that the majority of folks are doing.

Or can I?????? How some of ya'll have the strength to return them or not cop?? :lol: It's so hard.

Sure the lead up to these has been fantastic. Even with the downsides being highlighted with the early drop.... But I can't open up the box and think YES. GET THESE ON MY FEET! Walking around the flimsy materiel bends and hurts the tendons across my toes. That's not right imo.
There are a few improvements like the wings and heel tab being more rubberised so they're won't scuff or snap but overall with the flaws out of the box on mine I'd rather have my money back. Then wholeheartedly go for next shoe I want without the memory of paying for these and getting upset .
I'm definitely keeping one pair just because of the love for the idea of this shoe, but I keep feeling underwhelmed and, for some reason, I feel like these are a cheap iteration of the black cement 4s. I go back and forth from being excited to have them and then being disappointed that they don't feel like anything special. When I got the 2014 WC4s, I felt like they were special all around. The comfort, the quality, everything was there. These are lacking. I will probably return my double up, but not 100% sure yet.
You guys have some serious cash! To toy with keeping two pairs of shoes you don't really like. That's just crazy
Why don't you just iron the toe, then?
I understand where you're coming from, though.

I've been thinking about it but not sure I want to do all of that. I've never done it before so I could ruin them even more. I'm fortunate enough to have owned the 99's and rocked them till they cracked. If I do part with these 2019's I can still be at piece as it was a great run with the 99's.

Sure the lead up to these has been fantastic. Even with the downsides being highlighted with the early drop.... But I can't open up the box and think YES. GET THESE ON MY FEET!

Exactly. I want to feel the opposite but I'd be fakin' the funk. :lol:
I've been hearing that some people are peeved about the NA on the back of these being somewhat off centered. I didn't even notice this until I started hearing about it, and even then, I couldn't care less. Are any of you all irked by this apparent issue I just learned about?
Not particularly. It doesn't help matters if your pair has other flaws and (don't shoot me) you prefer the quality of the 2012 pair... Maybe these will wear in nicely but I'm not willing to find out.
These definitely haf a distinct smell to them. The WC4 had a 'normal' glue smell that was overwhelming...
yeah youre right, i just remembered them having fumes pouring out of that ring hole on the box lol

This smell on the bc4 is definitely familiar, 2015 keeps popping up in my head. maybe it was the bordeauxs
It's hard for me to take some of these complaints seriously when the same person then says the WCs were clearly better than these. Say what? I have two pairs of those, and I like them, but other than the less misaligned NA on the heel and the fact that they are leather, there is nothing whatsoever better about them. The toes are just as flat/straight, and the height of the rands and wings are crap. Overall, the BCs look closer to the OGs/'99s than the WCs do. Not by a huge margin, but closer nonetheless. Bash these all day but don't turn around and say you're all good with the WCs. Makes no sense.
It's hard for me to take some of these complaints seriously when the same person then says the WCs were clearly better than these. Say what? I have two pairs of those, and I like them, but other than the less misaligned NA on the heel and the fact that they are leather, there is nothing whatsoever better about them. The toes are just as flat/straight, and the height of the rands and wings are crap. Overall, the BCs look closer to the OGs/'99s than the WCs do. Not by a huge margin, but closer nonetheless. Bash these all day but don't turn around and say you're all good with the WCs. Makes no sense.

Maybe I got a good pair of WCs, but the toe on mine is slanted back, compared to these that are clearly almost starting off vertical. Anyway, I'm happy to have a pair, but my first pair received has that same crumpled stitching on one toe box mentioned above (same right shoe also), lack luster paint job, and a few glue stains. Also, wing/heel height is barely higher than the WCs I have. Hoping the 2nd pair comes in looking better like some of the pics way back that show the height materially higher, like at least a quarter inch. Anyway, I'll keep and wear one pair and enjoy them nonetheless!
It's hard for me to take some of these complaints seriously when the same person then says the WCs were clearly better than these. Say what? I have two pairs of those, and I like them, but other than the less misaligned NA on the heel and the fact that they are leather, there is nothing whatsoever better about them. The toes are just as flat/straight, and the height of the rands and wings are crap. Overall, the BCs look closer to the OGs/'99s than the WCs do. Not be a huge margin, but closer nonetheless. Bash these all day but don't turn around and say you're all good with the WCs. Makes no sense.
keep in mind some people seemed to have gotten a bad shape on these. I see the lower cut being posted more often than not. I was dreading that showing up so much. The proper higher cut version is extremely satisfying in hand.

It seems like its kind of like with air max 1swhere sometimes you get the old shape and sometimes its the anniversary shape. The last pair i got a couple months ago (the black and gray ones with the white swoosh) had both in one box. cliff toe on the right, slanted and formed perfect on the left. Looked like two different shoes in the same colorway.
You guys have some serious cash!

Lol I'm a grown man bro. 41 years old. Make sure you save and invest so you can own a home and have your children's education and retirement saved before you blow all your money on sneakers. I didn't get back into Jordan retros until I realized I can afford any Jordans I want. When I got back into it, the 2012 black cement Jordan 4s were the first ones I bought. I always joke with my wife and tell her that she is lucky I'm into Js and not that into watches and cars anymore. Those are way more expensive hobbies that I've almost given up. Be smart and buy some Nike stock if you are going to keep buying Js. Everytime I buy a pair of Jordans, I buy double the amount I spent on Nike stock. I've gained way more in wealth in Nike stock than I've spent on Jordans :D If you own Nike, whatever you are spending is going back into your investment.
For those that have multiple pairs (up to 6!), can you post a couple of pics of pairs that show a big height/shape difference? I'm curious..... Thanks in advance!
It's hard for me to take some of these complaints seriously when the same person then says the WCs were clearly better than these. Say what? I have two pairs of those, and I like them, but other than the less misaligned NA on the heel and the fact that they are leather, there is nothing whatsoever better about them. The toes are just as flat/straight, and the height of the rands and wings are crap. Overall, the BCs look closer to the OGs/'99s than the WCs do. Not by a huge margin, but closer nonetheless. Bash these all day but don't turn around and say you're all good with the WCs. Makes no sense.

The difference is that your definition of "better" means closer to the OG. It's just a different priority than other people here man. Some people are looking at overall quality. Don't be so baffled about it all. It's just a difference in opinion.
Lol I'm a grown man bro. 41 years old. Make sure you save and invest so you can own a home and have your children's education and retirement saved before you blow all your money on sneakers. I didn't get back into Jordan retros until I realized I can afford any Jordans I want. When I got back into it, the 2012 black cement Jordan 4s were the first ones I bought. I always joke with my wife and tell her that she is lucky I'm into Js and not that into watches and cars anymore. Those are way more expensive hobbies that I've almost given up. Be smart and buy some Nike stock if you are going to keep buying Js. Everytime I buy a pair of Jordans, I buy double the amount I spent on Nike stock. I've gained way more in wealth in Nike stock than I've spent on Jordans :D If you own Nike, whatever you are spending is going back into your investment.
ehh, the problem in this particular situation is this brand is built on one mans legacy. Its only good as long as he stays correct. I cant think of another example of this kind of responsibility in a corporate sense. Your entire stock is constantly at risk should Jordan decide to suddenly pull a Cosby or something somewhere down the line. The JB domino would most certainly tip the Nike one. Fingers crossed i guess
Lol I'm a grown man bro. 41 years old. Make sure you save and invest so you can own a home and have your children's education and retirement saved before you blow all your money on sneakers. I didn't get back into Jordan retros until I realized I can afford any Jordans I want. When I got back into it, the 2012 black cement Jordan 4s were the first ones I bought. I always joke with my wife and tell her that she is lucky I'm into Js and not that into watches and cars anymore. Those are way more expensive hobbies that I've almost given up. Be smart and buy some Nike stock if you are going to keep buying Js. Everytime I buy a pair of Jordans, I buy double the amount I spent on Nike stock. I've gained way more in wealth in Nike stock than I've spent on Jordans :D If you own Nike, whatever you are spending is going back into your investment.

Yeah I'm definitely sending mine back!!!!! I'm 37 and just realised I can't afford anything anymore lol
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