damn. i hope thats not the final product for the shoes. i hope they make it look as close to the 99's as possible instead of changing it just for the sakeof change
Rubber wings =
I don't know whats all the hate for but I think it looks nicer then og imo... Just because you don't like the netting doesn't make it less of annice shoe. I'll cop if I had money
Originally Posted by BlackLabelBoss

Never owned quality? OK. My first pair was the first pair ever in 1985 bro and I own 37 pairs of kicks and that doesn't include shoes I've sold or just completely worn out. I know quality. I just am not as particular about those small things. These are Retros.

And I see the difference in the shoes. The point that I am making is people are complaining for a little bit of nothing because more than likely they're probably going to buy the shoes anyway whether or not the shape is off, the color-way is altered, whatever. They do change the shoes for a reason. If JB wanted them to be exact they'd make them exact. And no matter what you or I have to think about the shoes, they are going to be gone within the first week.

Didnt mean to step on your toes because that was a good post, but the boys in here that are complaining and nit-picking are going to be the firsts in line anyway.

And good job of standing up for yourself.
The last thing that I want to do is come on here and start a problem. I think you understand that I have a love for the OG and close in appearence'99's. But I am also really happy to have JB release the '04-'08 retros. While I am disappointed in the quality and change in shape, I amhappy to be able to have new wearable versions of the OG colorways. And if given the chance, I would grab a pair of Black/cement '08's. But I will bethe first to tell you that they are not up to the quality standards that I expect from a Jordan shoe.

I have recently purchased a few pair of '99 Retro + IV's that have sparked an interest in finding the changes JB has made along the way. When aprevious poster asked what the differences are in the model years, I thought I would help point them out. No disrespect to you intended.

I fully understand why consumers would be all over this release. But I can't stand the attitude by a lot of posters here on this site. To me they seem tototally disregard the legacy that preceeds this brand. But hey, it's just the internet, right?
Originally Posted by bengleu22

Originally Posted by 9 deuce gt

the show in that pic has got to be a size 6 or 7. It is tiny.

Yeah it is tiny. I'd have to wear 10 pairs of socks to fill that thing out if it were a 14.

A 14 would look much better. Here is what the size 14 '99 retro + looks like that I recently picked up (the pic is a little grainy, but you get thepoint) :
Originally Posted by 3thaman

Originally Posted by metalmaned

Originally Posted by AirUpHere23

metalmaned wrote:
I guess I am just realistic because if Honda decided to retro their 89 accord, it wouldn't be EXACTLY like it was when it was first made. It's a fact of life... Things change and you guys need to just start accepting it because all the complaining really isn't gonna do any good. The only way JB will change their policies is if people stop buying their products and that's not gonna happen. The fact is we (people on NT and shoe "collectors") are a small percentage of JB's customers, as long as they are making more and more money, it will never stop, just get worse...

I agree with you on the "stop buying" procedures which is why I'm not gonna get this package. But as an analogy, a product is a product regardless of what type of industry it comes from. Does Coca-Cola stop using their cola recipe from generations ago because it's 2008? NO! Have they made some alterations to their labeling and such? Absolutely! But the integrity of the product is still there. You don't hear people maaannn...Coke tastes a helluva lot different than it did 15 years ago.
The point I'm making is that smart companies may make some alterations along the way but it shouldn't be to the extent that it starts to compromise the integrity of what the company used to stand for which is why you have so many disappointed people with the way these shoes came out. But is JB here.

I hear what you're saying BUT that is like comparing Apples to Oranges. We would never be able to prove it because it's kept under wraps but I am pretty sure over the years Coke has changed their recipe, you may not have noticed it but they have changed it. It's totally different making something for taste then it is a physical product you wear...

A better comparision would be say you have an old car and you get in an accident. If you by a reproduction fender and headlight bezel it's not going to fit EXACTLY as the original did. Manufacturing processes change and it's almost impossible to make the product that you made 19years ago EXACTLY the same today.

I agree that making us buy these in a $300+ pack with some shoes most of us could care less about absolutely SUCKS!!! But I'm happy the shoes are coming out so i can get a couple pairs. As I said before I would rather spend MY money on these that i KNOW I can wear rather then a pair of 99's that I HOPE I can wear and have them stay together and even if they do for how long will they??? But that is MY personal choice.

All the hate on these shoes in this thread... I am SOOOOO tempted to take the time and go through the whole thread and write down everyone's name who says pass and these are garbage so when they release i can air some of them out when they go out and cop them, cause we all know it's going to happen to some degree, LOL

you can put 3thamans name down first. If you catch me with these I'll walk to Oregon and kiss Gentry's $+% personally. Yours too.
You might as well add my name. sickickz23 to that list. Cuz if I ever buy that pair, I'll sell my DS Chicago X's size 13.

I rather have a used 99 pair than these failures anyday. And if it comes down one day that I need a new pair of IV's, I'm searching on ebay orwhereever on the internet for the 99 IV's. If I can't find a pair, I can't find a pair. I won't resort to this garbage pair.

Even if someone handed those CD IV's to me for free, I'll still won't wear em.
Originally Posted by Magic1978

I hate the XIX's

i do too, and these IVs dont look all that good imo. I dont have OGs or 99 Retros but this is looking like a Pass. I feel what some ppl are sayin but whysettle for garbage?
waited a long time for these. a definite pick-up. XIXs not feelin too much...Is it me or do these packs always seem to have a pair that no one really caresfor?
Here come the elitest crybabies...
Those look incredibly off.

Theres no Nike Air


Easy pass

Just save yourselves some money and buy the fakes on ebay

Why do most owners of 99 IV's have such a chip on thier shoulder?
Why do you people even come to this site anymore?
The shoes are not that different. And I own a pair from 99. Get over it.
Originally Posted by sickickz23

The people who disgusts me on NT is the ones who don't even want to care about the real story on these CD IV's. And that they just think Nike Air is a two letter word, and hates on the haters.

Real talk, if you like it, buy it. But not even trying to hear what all the righteous haters is trying to say, is the ones ruining the the quality of Jordans today. (and the typical retaliation to that comment is "IT"S ONLY SHOES lol).

If you along with others just don't know, then you fall into the "new-age." simple as that.

And there we go with the assuming again. Size 6.5? my size is 13-14. Usually college graduates don't fall into the trap of assuming.

I'm glad you caught that, I threw that one out there hoping you would.

Like I said, you are extremely lucky, based on stories I've heard about 99's crumbling, that yours are in great shape. If I had the guarantee theywouldn't turn to dust I'd definitely own the 99's by now. And I'd still buy these and wear the @!% out of them. If I dropped $400 on some DS99's and they crumbled, my wife would kill me. She's very supportive of my shoe "habit," but that would be the end of it. It's allpriorities. I own a house, I have a family. If I was 27, wore a size 6.5 and lived in my parents basement, then F it, I'd buy some DS 99's noproblem.
I'm just kidding with you.

You seem like the guy to turn his nose up at someone for wearing a pair of IV's with a jumpman on the back. If you weren't fortunate enough to ownthe 99's, you'd be buying these too. Because you do own the 99's, you'll never admit that. And that's real talk.
^ You had me agreeing on everything except the last paragraph.

Sure if I was 17 instead of 27, if I was more worried on what gear to match my J's with, if I haven't watched Michael Jordan play his whole career withthe Bulls, and watch all of the games his team won championships, and if I never lived in Chicago, then I'd probably be the sheep like all the other peoplesaying "OMG COPPED or THEY LOOK HOT". But I'm thankful to the Lord above and to my parents that I was born in 1980, not 1990. And that I grew upin some of the best basketball, and hip-hop that has to offer(90's).

But I'm 27, like you, and that's where our similarties end. You would buy these CDP IV's, and I will still settle for the 99's. If theycrumble, I'm not going to scream and face the ceiling like George Constanza and yell "JORDAN BRAND"!!!!!! I'll just simply pick myself up,take the L, and find another 99 IV that's hopefully wearable. I don't care about the risk, the gamble. I will just not put my feet in those mutatedIV's. But hey, one man's junk is another man's treasure. I get it.
crappy mars? you must be out of yer mind.
Oh, right. The Mars IV's were of the utmost quality and craftsmanship.

i cant believe dudes are mad over that very very very small aspect. this is hilarious.
dudes is talkin about the lil base of the tabs.

Believe it. That is the difference between settling for the "look" of the Jordan IV and demanding the authentic Jordan IV. Should the opportunity ever arise in the future, please go back in time, wear the original IV's as a kid, and then come back and tell me the details don't matter.

We as the consumer enable lazy renditions of shoes because we don't say "no" enough to garbage retros like this. What's more, people have to buy these IV's in a package. With the XIX. For $310.
Originally Posted by 160jordansdeep

chitown4eva wrote:
160jordansdeep wrote:
Thanks for the pics heat23 and for all you saying the shoes are this or the shoes are that.

As much as I don't like air randy for my own personal reasons and the people that know me off the message board know why.

I will say this you guys on here cry too much.

The Jordan re-retro 4's are for me perfect.

I don't care that the netting is not the same.

I don't care that there is a jumpman air and not a Nike air on the back of the shoe.

I don't care for any of that.

If that's how a lot of you cry baby's feel stop collection RIGHT NOW.

Don't line up for shoes don't log on to niketalk anymore.

But getting back to the shoes If you guys don't like these re-retro 4's you need to stop spending money on Jordan now.

Go and buy some DC shoes or vans even some greedy genius shoes.

After years and years of fake black/red 4's and real black/red 4's that have got yellowed over time and the shoes cracking we now have one of the most wanted sneakers to wear and not have to worry about them falling apart.
Why the hell are people like you sooooo concerned about people who don't like them? How do you know people's situations or what they do with their money? Ya'll are preaching this "settle" bullshii, when there are some who's standards are quite higher than that, whether you agree with it or not. People are crazy because they won't pay a unjustified markup for some **** they aren't totally satisfied with? When did this become WRONG? That's what its come to?

Telling people to stop collecting? Quite honestly, it ain't **** new to collect anymore outside the 23's. You can have the fusions, the official reproductions of fakes, and the "chase."

Seeing people complain, or "cry" as the JB fanboys would say, is no more irritating than having to scroll through a full page of "copped", "6 pairs", "

why the hell are you so concerned about my answer................

i don't care what you do with your money and standards its just shoes champ its not that serious all really think nike give a damn what you i or anyone on this board don't like how the shoe turned out save your money and do something else with it if not WHO CARES WHAT YOU THINK BECAUSE NIKE DON'T i just hate to read about all the complaints and then the people cursing the shoe still go and buy it................maybe you will be the one to set the standards and not buy what you first complained will set trendsmy internet friend.
I could've quoted many others that are essentially saying the same things you are, so don't take it personal.

The problem is that people that don't like them are talking **** about JB and what they did the shoe. People who do like them feel the need to get atthose who don't like them, just because they don't like what they're reading. %+$ is a complaint doing to you? Are the words jumping off thescreen? Who's really taking this too seriously? They are still gonna drop, and you're still gonna be happy at the end of the day. What are youb'n about?

I swear, if you type more than a few sentences that ain't cocksuc'n JB, dudes assume you're upset or taking it too seriously. This forum is sosimple minded now.

shut up
see what I mean?
Originally Posted by sickickz23

^ You had me agreeing on everything except the last paragraph.

Sure if I was 17 instead of 27, if I was more worried on what gear to match my J's with, if I haven't watched Michael Jordan play his whole career with the Bulls, and watch all of the games his team won championships, and if I never lived in Chicago, then I'd probably be the sheep like all the other people saying "OMG COPPED or THEY LOOK HOT". But I'm thankful to the Lord above and to my parents that I was born in 1980, not 1990. And that I grew up in some of the best basketball, and hip-hop that has to offer(90's).

But I'm 27, like you, and that's where our similarties end. You would buy these CDP IV's, and I will still settle for the 99's. If they crumble, I'm not going to scream and face the ceiling like George Constanza and yell "JORDAN BRAND"!!!!!! I'll just simply pick myself up, take the L, and find another 99 IV that's hopefully wearable. I don't care about the risk, the gamble. I will just not put my feet in those mutated IV's. But hey, one man's junk is another man's treasure. I get it.

You're back, alright. Good points, much better than your previous post. Don't act like you're settling for 99's. Every person onNikeTalk wishes they had them instead of these. If that's not the case, then they are ******ed, or 12, I can't tell because the line between the twois starting to blur. If a person thinks the new ones are hot because they are excited to have some blk/cmt IV's, you shouldn't hate on them.

I am right there with you as far as being bothered by where a lot of todays teens are headed. The generation before ours probably said the same thing aboutus. I'm not bothered by it though. I'm worried about myself, and well, you for calling me out earlier.
Seriously though, the difference between us is the risk we're willing totake. I'll be happy with the 08's, I'd be happier with the 99's. The risk isn't worth it......for me personally. That doesn't mean Ilike the IV's any less than you, I just have different priorities. I can tell my wife the XIX's are hot
and she knows no better. 99's crumble on me and my shoe game is on hiatus. I'm not going to play it tough like, "I tell my old lady how it is." When finances are shared and you've got a mortgage to pay, she getssome input.
Originally Posted by true 3 blue

The shoes are not that different. And I own a pair from 99. Get over it.
either you're blind or stupid. possibly both.

^^daamn..thats a lil harsh no?
I recently got the 99s, they indeed look different. But i will be picking up a pack. 99s areno doubt better than these, but to me it looks like the quality of pure 4s with an og colorway to it so im not mad.
Originally Posted by sickickz23

Originally Posted by BlackLabelBoss

This has to be one of the most ignorant posts I have read here on this site. But I have come to expect this here

What really comes to light in your post is the fact that you have never owned a quality Air Jordan sneakers.

Never owned quality? OK. My first pair was the first pair ever in 1985 bro and I own 37 pairs of kicks and that doesn't include shoes I've sold or just completely worn out. I know quality. I just am not as particular about those small things. These are Retros.

And I see the difference in the shoes. The point that I am making is people are complaining for a little bit of nothing because more than likely they're probably going to buy the shoes anyway whether or not the shape is off, the color-way is altered, whatever. They do change the shoes for a reason. If JB wanted them to be exact they'd make them exact. And no matter what you or I have to think about the shoes, they are going to be gone within the first week.

Didnt mean to step on your toes because that was a good post, but the boys in here that are complaining and nit-picking are going to be the firsts in line anyway.

And good job of standing up for yourself.

Gentry is that you?

Funny... I like this guy.
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