thanks for the post, i was there this afternoon to get info about the release, embassy is the place peeps on friday
is it a must to go to embassy on friday?
like, if you dont go on friday you wont get a pair?
because i live kinda far from the fort, very far actually, haha!
i just hope that the people that do go, can tell the fellow nters here how to cop the shoes, jermaine doesnt know or he isnt sayin how much they are, how manypairs available, and what nots, all i know is 7pm 4/4/09
i would also like to find out if attendance on friday is a must.i'm gonna be coming from bulacan.

with no car.

& ridiculously low on funds.

but hey,you gotta do what you gotta do right?learned that first hand from pareng bong on the titanium releae.dammit anyway.
Just for fun...









thanks for sharing the pics monase!now i'm really gonna be heartbroken if i don't get a pair.the more i see em,the more i like them.
good luck to all of us, hope to meet some of u on friday and during the release itself on sat
see y'all there fellas.oh,and super special shout out to the dudes on here who offered to let me bum a know who you guys are,i really appreciateit but i think imma rough it out tonight so if i end up getting my pair tomorrow it'll be sweeter.good lookin' out nonetheless.
Greetings from Bunker,

Thank you to everyone who came out to peek the Nike Air Yeezy in person. Tomorrow we officially release the shoe simultaneously with the rest of the globe. Theshoe will be dropped at 1900 hours. We are employing a first come first serve policy and purchases are limited to one pair per person. And keep in mind thatthe pair must be your size. There will also be a few pairs available via a raffle following the line up. But keep in mind most of the pairs will be sold duringthe line up.

BUNKER SRP - 9500p

Good Luck

quick event, will post pix in my blog, thanks for posting sickchased,

i like the part when borgy said that the pair must be in your size, hehe

shout out to the nters there kanina
The launch was alright.

Nothing spectacular.

I'm more excited about the release tonight.

It's gonna be crazy!

I was told that there will be less than 31 pairs available.

Or maybe I'm just saying that because it's my favorite number?


Good luck in getting your pair/s later!
Monase: Yeah, perhaps Borgy wants the Yeezy's to end up with people who would actually rock/keep them, and not just resell them.

Are there people lining up in front of bunker already as of this moment?
9.5k is a pretty good price. The rest of SEA (thai,sg,my) will be getting around 20 pairs or so, would be surprised if Bunker got more.
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