Which "Persona" colorway is the best?

  • Johnny Kilroy (Silver/Black/Red)

    Votes: 1 100.0%
  • Motorboat Jones (Red/Black)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Fontay Montana (White/Orange/Blue)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Bentley Ellis (White/Maroon/Yellow)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Slim Jenkins (Black/Blue)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Calvin Bailey (Royal Blue/Yellow)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Oh, my bad, shoe collectors only huh.  Can't understand why Eastbay would not help out someone who is so cordial in their diction. You bought a limited shoe from a TEAM SPORTS division and expect customer service like Nike, Foot Locker or even Finish Last.  Makes sense to me
LOL @ this reply.  You used the term shoe collectors in your first reply to me, and that portion was in response to what YOU said.  As for the rest of your stupid statement, read what I type and comprehend it or do not reply at all.  The last sentence I said specifically states, "This hasn't happened to me, but I am also not going to let it happen to me."  Therefore, I do not need Eastbay to help me out, and was also not the NT member that they tried to directly feed a load of BS to.  I do not know the specific rep he spoke to, but any tone used would not matter when the question, "Does a G in front of my order mean it will not get processed and I did not get the shoe?" is given the cookie cutter, customer service 101, BS response of, "The main reason these would be provided for a major release is that more orders were entered than the site could process for the inventory we had. For typical orders it is a random error, but for major releases it does most likely mean your order will not go through. We recommend checking on it just in case, though, and we apologize that you have received this error multiple times. We hope that you will have more luck on future releases.

Now I know you have not paid attention to anything I have actually typed in my statements, but please read the bold parts, and if you need help comprehending what they mean, please feel free to ask.  Those portions represent a serious flaw in an ordering system for a NON BIG BOX store, without a physical presence, whose entire method of generating income relies on the reliability and efficiency of this ordering system  (other than the insane margins on VIP/Exclusive club memberships, which are an extremely efficient revenue stream for any smart, large company). 

Anyway, back to the Kilroy Pack that I hope we all are able to cop at our favorite location, for retail or less!
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LOL @ this reply.  You used the term shoe collectors in your first reply to me, and that portion was in response to what YOU said.  As for the rest of your stupid statement, read what I type and comprehend it or do not reply at all.  The last sentence I said specifically states, "This hasn't happened to me, but I am also not going to let it happen to me."  Therefore, I do not need Eastbay to help me out, and was also not the NT member that they tried to directly feed a load of BS to.  I do not know the specific rep he spoke to, but any tone used would not matter when the question, "Does a G in front of my order mean it will not get processed and I did not get the shoe?" is given the cookie cutter, customer service 101, BS response of, "The main reason these would be provided for a major release is that more orders were entered than the site could process for the inventory we had. For typical orders it is a random error, but for major releases it does most likely mean your order will not go through. We recommend checking on it just in case, though, and we apologize that you have received this error multiple times. We hope that you will have more luck on future releases.

Now I know you have not paid attention to anything I have actually typed in my statements, but please read the bold parts, and if you need help comprehending what they mean, please feel free to ask.  Those portions represent a serious flaw in an ordering system for a NON BIG BOX store, without a physical presence, whose entire method of generating income relies on the reliability and efficiency of this ordering system  (other than the insane margins on VIP/Exclusive club memberships, which are an extremely efficient revenue stream for any smart, large company). 

Anyway, back to the Kilroy Pack that I hope we all are able to cop at our favorite location, for retail or less!
Man this thread sealed it up for me regarding Eastbay.com purchases.  I'm not even trying with that garbage.  No rewards for $1,000's of dollars spent (like Winner's Circle) and instead of telling you that you missed out, they are fine with their company saying "go ahead and go back to bed, you got your shoes.  Oh wait, we messed up, thanks for trying with us though.  Also, please expect this to happen on future purchases, as this shoe still sold out and we do not give a **** about your insignificant order."  On a shoe that is not SUPER limited and you have a few minutes or even a few hours to get to another site and grab your size, this system completely ***** you! 

I understand a kid on a rec league basketball team not getting a shoe in his teams colors and that being the end of it because he'll find another shoe in those colors and still be happy.  But we collect this **** and will go to many ends to get what we want....when we KNOW we don't have it yet.
Bro, I don't know where you are located but near me these were limited.
HOH locations received about 18 pairs per location.
Incidentally, I bit the bullet and paid a reseller $260 for a pair.
I wanted them and was thankful to get them.

Concerning Eastbay, they are a good retailer, period. Fnl charges for shipping and Eastbay does not.
That;'s why they will always have my business. Also, the shipping charge is one of the reasons FnL can give rebates on your purchases.
If you consider EB processes thousands of orders a day and ships for free you quickly realize they are losing big bucks not charging for shipping.

My suggestion is pay a resller if you want the shoes so badly. Demand GREATLY exceeded supply.
Since when does Eastbay ship for free?  Last I checked it's $7.99 for standard shipping + 1.99 for each additional item.  Pretty much their way of getting you to become a Loyalty club member.  Regardless you're paying for shipping unless you use a promo code.

Also, they even admitted a few pages back that their shipping process is flawed (plastic bag of death in particular) and that they're finally going to do something about it.
LOL @ this reply.  You used the term shoe collectors in your first reply to me, and that portion was in response to what YOU said.  As for the rest of your stupid statement, read what I type and comprehend it or do not reply at all.  The last sentence I said specifically states, "This hasn't happened to me, but I am also not going to let it happen to me."  Therefore, I do not need Eastbay to help me out, and was also not the NT member that they tried to directly feed a load of BS to.  I do not know the specific rep he spoke to, but any tone used would not matter when the question, "Does a G in front of my order mean it will not get processed and I did not get the shoe?" is given the cookie cutter, customer service 101, BS response of, "The main reason these would be provided for a major release is that more orders were entered than the site could process for the inventory we had. For typical orders it is a random error, but for major releases it does most likely mean your order will not go through. We recommend checking on it just in case, though, and we apologize that you have received this error multiple times. We hope that you will have more luck on future releases.

Now I know you have not paid attention to anything I have actually typed in my statements, but please read the bold parts, and if you need help comprehending what they mean, please feel free to ask.  Those portions represent a serious flaw in an ordering system for a NON BIG BOX store, without a physical presence, whose entire method of generating income relies on the reliability and efficiency of this ordering system  (other than the insane margins on VIP/Exclusive club memberships, which are an extremely efficient revenue stream for any smart, large company). 

Anyway, back to the Kilroy Pack that I hope we all are able to cop at our favorite location, for retail or less!
MAN, Jr college sure can make people feel important I see. The only flaw is your failure to comprehend the big picture. Every site messes up or oversells, it's part of business, not an Eastbay only "serious flaw" with their ordering system. NDC oversells, Finish Last oversells and so does the Eastbay umbrella.  As a consumer, you choose the company that you know will make the situation right when it does occur. If you honestly think Finish Last can provide a better outcome in this same situation or even prevent it from happening on your orders, you clearly are delusional. Anyone that has been buying shoes online knows they are far more notorious for canceling and holding funds for extended period. Insane margins on Eastbay club memberships are efficient revenue stream,
, really? Do you know how much 2 day shipping costs, that alone pays for itself in 2 uses.  I can only imagine what happened with that baseball bat you got from them, something awful to be so bitter.

Eastbay Ray can you pleas give Grape a hug and tell him how great of a company your employer is, his makers must of not loved him ;(
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Walls of text!.... anyway I was able to pick up the Bentley's trouble free and glad I did, they look much better in person. And surprisingly the quality is fairly decent (on my pair at least) now done till the olives.
MAN, Jr college sure can make people feel important I see. The only flaw is your failure to comprehend the big picture. Every site messes up or oversells, it's part of business, not an Eastbay only "serious flaw" with their ordering system. NDC oversells, Finish Last oversells and so does the Eastbay umbrella.  As a consumer, you chose the company that you know will make the situation right when it does occur. If you honestly think Finish Last can provide a better outcome in this same situation or even prevent it from happening on your orders, you clearly are delusional. Anyone that has been buying shoes online knows they are far more notorious for canceling and holding funds for extended period. Insane margins on Eastbay club memberships are efficient revenue stream,
, really? Do you know how much 2 day shipping costs, that alone pays for itself in 2 uses.  I can only imagine what happened with that baseball bat you got from them, something awful to be so bitter.

Eastbay Ray can you pleas give Grape a hug and tell him how great of a company your employer is, his makers must of not loved him ;(
Wow, you are truly an idiot.  You're argument is trash so you are trying to take shots at me, personally?  LOL.  I'm so glad my Jr college degree allowed me the opportunity to get a masters degree and do financial reporting for a multi-billion dollar, international corporation. 

Calm down on the Eastbay worship, put up your stupid smileys, and actually address ANYTHING that I am talking about.  Do you understand the concept of doing things in BULK?  Do you think Eastbay pays the same rate for, from what you said, thousand's of packages shipped a day as you and I do for our one a month?  You are ridiculous.  And still, none of this is even the topic that was being discussed.

If a Finish line rep comes on here and tells me the same exact information with the same types of responses, to the same type of real problems that NT members are presenting, ya know what?  They will not be my first choice for online shoe purchasing either.  Eastbay did not even attempt to offer up a solution to the issue.  they said sorry we keep screwing up, better luck next time... HAHAHAHA.  That is where your stupid rolling smiley face needs to go.  Even with the plastic bag of death issue, the rep presented Eastbays solution after acknowledging that they came up with this solution after hearing customers feedback. 

I could care less what the company's name is.  This discussion, that you still have not fully grasped the subject of, that we are discussing is NOT GETTING YOUR SHOES THAT YOU WERE TOLD ARE NOW YOURS.  This creates a problem where you were fully prepared and did what you need to do, yet still miss out on a release because of a company's system flaws.  Simple as that.  You don't get your shoes.  This information is just as valuable as valuable to know as other information out there if you want the best chance at securing your shoes.
Wow, you are truly an idiot.  You're argument is trash so you are trying to take shots at me, personally?  LOL.  I'm so glad my Jr college degree allowed me the opportunity to get a masters degree and do financial reporting for a multi-billion dollar, international corporation. 

Calm down on the Eastbay worship, put up your stupid smileys, and actually address ANYTHING that I am talking about.  Do you understand the concept of doing things in BULK?  Do you think Eastbay pays the same rate for, from what you said, thousand's of packages shipped a day as you and I do for our one a month?  You are ridiculous.  And still, none of this is even the topic that was being discussed.

If a Finish line rep comes on here and tells me the same exact information with the same types of responses, to the same type of real problems that NT members are presenting, ya know what?  They will not be my first choice for online shoe purchasing either.  Eastbay did not even attempt to offer up a solution to the issue.  they said sorry we keep screwing up, better luck next time... HAHAHAHA.  That is where your stupid rolling smiley face needs to go.  Even with the plastic bag of death issue, the rep presented Eastbays solution after acknowledging that they came up with this solution after hearing customers feedback. 

I could care less what the company's name is.  This discussion, that you still have not fully grasped the subject of, that we are discussing is NOT GETTING YOUR SHOES THAT YOU WERE TOLD ARE NOW YOURS.  This creates a problem where you were fully prepared and did what you need to do, yet still miss out on a release because of a company's system flaws.  Simple as that.  You don't get your shoes.  This information is just as valuable as valuable to know as other information out there if you want the best chance at securing your shoes.
Do not argue with fools people from a distance can't tell who is who.
Walls of text!.... anyway I was able to pick up the Bentley's trouble free and glad I did, they look much better in person. And surprisingly the quality is fairly decent (on my pair at least) now done till the olives.

I got you homie.


Can't we all just get along. At least cliff note what you gotta say to each other lol
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Wow, you are truly an idiot.  You're argument is trash so you are trying to take shots at me, personally?  LOL.  I'm so glad my Jr college degree allowed me the opportunity to get a masters degree and do financial reporting for a multi-billion dollar, international corporation. 

Calm down on the Eastbay worship, put up your stupid smileys, and actually address ANYTHING that I am talking about.  Do you understand the concept of doing things in BULK?  Do you think Eastbay pays the same rate for, from what you said, thousand's of packages shipped a day as you and I do for our one a month?  You are ridiculous.  And still, none of this is even the topic that was being discussed.

If a Finish line rep comes on here and tells me the same exact information with the same types of responses, to the same type of real problems that NT members are presenting, ya know what?  They will not be my first choice for online shoe purchasing either.  Eastbay did not even attempt to offer up a solution to the issue.  they said sorry we keep screwing up, better luck next time... HAHAHAHA.  That is where your stupid rolling smiley face needs to go.  Even with the plastic bag of death issue, the rep presented Eastbays solution after acknowledging that they came up with this solution after hearing customers feedback. 

I could care less what the company's name is.  This discussion, that you still have not fully grasped the subject of, that we are discussing is NOT GETTING YOUR SHOES THAT YOU WERE TOLD ARE NOW YOURS.  This creates a problem where you were fully prepared and did what you need to do, yet still miss out on a release because of a company's system flaws.  Simple as that.  You don't get your shoes.  This information is just as valuable as valuable to know as other information out there if you want the best chance at securing your shoes.
Your whole argument is baseless and neglects the big picture.  You will not order from any company that sends order confirmations then cancels the order and fails to compensate or resolve the issue. Simply because you think paying online translates to the items ownership NOW?  This is all based on users complaining and their exchanges with a rep in a forum over one shoe, never your own life experience. First of all, how many companies even have a rep that lingers in a forum to deliver info when called upon?  I'm not avoiding the argument because your whole argument really has no substance. You seem to think canceled orders after confirmation is exclusive to Eastbay only and no other online retailer ever cancels an order because it oversold? Are you new to the internetz? ORDER CONFIRMATION MEANS NOTHING UNTIL SHIPPING INFO. That's the golden rule.

 Eastbay giving "BS replies" on the matter shouldn't surprise anyone, especially the way the rep is treated in here sometimes. It's them being cost effective in allocating their staff's time when dealing with mute issues, you know the ones that have no resolution since there is no supply to appease. They oversold, it's a rare outcome but ****, life goes on. Why do people think a business is obligated to compensate a problem due to a mishap on something the customer never even touched, they aren't providing a service you paid for and never received.  They are allowing you the opportunity to buy a product they own. Where does this entitlement attitude even come from?  Maybe if Eastbay pisses off enough of the one month crowd the releases will be like they use to be but that would be too good to be true. Please tell all your friends not to use Eastbay.
Excellent points, again.  Sounds good.  Hopefully you can still feed your family without me and my friends shopping on Eastbay for limited shoe releases.
Who's the Idiot? 
Wow, that's all you got out of that?  Why didn't you quote that whole post and point out the other examples of me using it correctly?  God forbid the context of my statement have anything to do with my intelligence level.  Thanks for the input.  
Originally Posted by Zero23  

Who's the Idiot? 
Wow, that's all you got out of that?  Why didn't you quote that whole post and point out the other examples of me using it correctly?  God forbid the context of my statement have anything to do with my intelligence level.  Thanks for the input.  
Pretty much. Your lack of grammar skills in the first statement AFTER you called someone else an idiot was all I needed to read to come to that conclusion. You're use of idiot was very well timed... See what I did there? 

You know how many resumes I throw away every day because of the same grammatical error? 
Resumes? You should throw away any resume that someone types up in a minute any way, like my post.  What are people putting on their resumes that they are even typing the word your or you're about any way?

Did the UK get any Bentley Ellis releases?
damn it, i have been checking livestock twiiter every hour for the past 2 days and then i leave the house and miss the crawfish release by 20 minutes, fml.
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Just got my brothers pair and mine as well, I think only sz 9.5 and 10 are left on livestock, go through twitter too it's quicker.
This thread is taking a turn for the worse.



Anyways, anyone have an on feet of the Baileys.

They come out on my birthday.

I just might cop if they look alright.
Just got my brothers pair and mine as well, I think only sz 9.5 and 10 are left on livestock, go through twitter too it's quicker.
they were sold out on livestock a few hours before you posted this, i checked at 4pm cst and sizes 10, 11, and 11.5 were showing but when i tried to add to cart it said "sorry that size is unavailable", then i refreshed and all sizes were gone. desperatley looking for a sz 10-11 for under $225 shipped.
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