his black and gold 1s have always been a big talk .......he entered a sole collector comp and won with them.....i actually got to see them in person i actually started to think .....if it is a fake it is a really good one ....its damn near the same feel as a og 1,if they are fake the only thing i can think is that he painted them...again the feel is defiantly very 1985 @%$, i actually heard before i even knew were the dude was from that tinker wanted to buy them off of him(but you know how rumors go).. again im not sure if they are real or fake but me actually holding them in my hand i would say they are real...im not a og 1 expert but he has had them for some time now really before fakes started hittting like they do now ..if they are fake only thing i could think is they would have to be a og 1 painted...
Hey, if you have seen them in person, then you probably checked the inside code, that would give you a good idea? what about the insoles ? 
As for the paint, the best way to check it without being expert is by looking at the stitches and scratch it a little to see if paint comes off.

IMO, to make the wings in gold would be pretty hard to do.

PLease give us facts for those who think they are fake!
Originally Posted by Depeche23Mode

Yep, Rub (Retired_Js) got 2 pairs of Black toes, upper collars were perfect. A real cool guy, he even let me touch all of 'em! Unbelievably all of his IVs were DS w/out crack. Them IVs were samples 1st time I saw and touch. Coolest guys also with major heat are DannMann & Obiwan.

Just curious... I've seen this topic but I never saw EdyM whose got those Italian Chicagos.. Thought those might be as rare as I deemed it is...

The problem is that Edy is a lazy boy ! and never takes time to share with you guys so I do it for him, here are the 2 pairs that are most likely the rarest of the AJI series

Chicago Black/Red



Chicago Metallic Blue (DS with BOX)



Combo Metallic Low + Chicago


Combo Chicago


thank you Alex...
Sunshining7 - Next time I meet Rub then he lets me scratch the leather a little, then I'd let you know. That my opinion as well to tell if it is the real deal or not.
BTW, Rub finally told me that he is my neighbor (town we lived in were like 15 min. drive) after I told him where I am from. So good luck...
A Nike representive confirmed they were fake at an event. There are fakes the were produced very early on that bare the correct serial numbering but the fonts are different and the overall shape of the shoe is off also. You can always tell when the sole curves inwards to much from the side panel and also when the back heel area isn't straight. Also the logo placement is usualy always off. There was a pair up on eBay (fake) last year that screech purchased also. Again almost looks real but it's Not.
I don't care about sneakers anymore, but when did R_J come out of hiding?
(I used to be Rare23)
Originally Posted by dunnyy

I don't care about sneakers anymore, but when did R_J come out of hiding?
(I used to be Rare23)
Haha, that's what I was wondering too.  I mean, I know he's been selling on eBay still for years but doesn't he still owe a few people money???
Originally Posted by mrmar23

A Nike representive confirmed they were fake at an event. There are fakes the were produced very early on that bare the correct serial numbering but the fonts are different and the overall shape of the shoe is off also. You can always tell when the sole curves inwards to much from the side panel and also when the back heel area isn't straight. Also the logo placement is usualy always off. There was a pair up on eBay (fake) last year that screech purchased also. Again almost looks real but it's Not.
was it that pair from a japanese seller?

Originally Posted by dunnyy

I don't care about sneakers anymore, but when did R_J come out of hiding?
(I used to be Rare23)
that was a really long and entertaining thread 
Mrmar23, tks for the info.
By the way do you remember that black gold from thailand about a year ago too that went off ebay for 1500$ ? I was the winner and never received them (I got the refund though)

does anyone know anything about this pair? were they legit?
Originally Posted by sunshining7

Mrmar23, tks for the info.
By the way do you remember that black gold from thailand about a year ago too that went off ebay for 1500$ ? I was the winner and never received them (I got the refund though)

does anyone know anything about this pair? were they legit?
If it was that pair from sometime last year and jumped from like 300-1500 in the last minute, then that pair I believe is not authentic. It was a very close fake, but not authentic in my book.

So, I have to ask, if those are in fact fakes, those it really makes them less "desirable"? I mean with all the history around them? I know that Air Sang are pretty rare and "wanted" even though they are some variant.
i read somewhere that it was tinker hatfield himself who deemed his black & golds fake...
Originally Posted by ebpo

So, I have to ask, if those are in fact fakes, those it really makes them less "desirable"? I mean with all the history around them? I know that Air Sang are pretty rare and "wanted" even though they are some variant.

i thought the air sang was the only variant to the og1 til i got these off ebay 2-3years ago for $120. there is also a black/blue pair to these as well

everything is perfect on these
Yes very famous picture, I'd like to know who bought them?
But what about this model with white soles ? anyone own a pair here ? or came across a legit pair in his life?

Honestly, if I came across a good variant pair of black/gold I's in my size, I would buy them only if they were cheap. I don't care what anyone says. It'll be the closest thing to a pair for me to own and that would temporarily satisfy my needs. I wouldn't tell people they were real, I would use them for pictures purposes to show everyone why they are variants. But like I said, it would only be if they were for a decent price. There are so many fakes out there of them that people all over the world just bid on every auction in hopes that they are real.

I wish MJ himself would just log on and solves this mystery!!!! lol

Fake or not, IMO they are desireable to myself just because of the elusiveness and mysterious nature of the shoe... Similar to the sangs I guess but X10!!!

Up close and in person, you can see flaking on the shoe BUT you OBVIOUSLY can tell the shoe is from the mid 80s...

They're old, they're rare, they're nice as hell, they're elusive... they're a shoe I would love to have... What ever they are deemed...
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