
Sep 16, 2003
Don't get me wrong, I like the effects a little alcohol in the system gives but the taste
how do people drink this stuff all the time? A potential failon my part but ive never had beer before, just liquor as I get handles for free(vodka, rum, tequila, whiskey) so maybe my view is jaded. %%@! tastes likeliquid fire
. So I ask, do you drink alcohol for the taste or for the effect? Both?
Alcohol is an acquired taste. The more you try it and drink it, the more you learn to like it.
I drink mainly for the effect.... some liquor taste good... dependin on what you mix with it tho. i would hope nobody drinks liquor purely for the taste ofliquor
Beer is an acquired taste. Liquor not so much...
There are only a handful of beers I can drink, but when it comes to liquor that's a different story.
Beer is definitely an acquired taste and eventually tastes good. I eventually got used to the taste of liquor. I prefer to drink it straight, but Iwouldn't say I enjoy the taste of it so much. But I have my preference, and stick to it pretty religiously. There are not many liquors I can toleratestraight up.
I drink beer and wine for the taste and the effect. I see no point in non alcoholic beer.

I drink liquor straight up for the effect, I drink liquor mixed with other stuff for the taste. Liquor enhances the flavor of everyday beverages.
Beer... I drink because it's easy. And some taste good, but those aren't party beers. The only liquor I've found that I can put away more than 6shots without puking is vodka. Taste rarely comes into play when I get drunk though.
you missing out if you have never had beer

and not that bud light or coors domestic beers garbage

there are tons of great imports and micros to choose from depending on what you like in a beer
i love scotch... learning to love wine... i am developing my palate. but i started drinking for the effect, as time went on, more for the taste.
Ive tried coke, cherry coke, cranberry, orange juice and some others. Whatever I had with the cherry coke was the best. Still strong but I didn't taste itas much. I had a screwdriver yesterday..bleh.
jungle juice taste good but is a creeper and hen+coke is good......but beautiful shots omfg they dont taste like alcohol it just taste like orange but morethan 2 shots will F*** you up
It's a toxin to the body.
the putrid taste of it is simply a sign of it's destructive capabilities.
The more you drink, the more you'll come to appreciate the difference between good and bad. I used to drink purely for effect, but now I rarely get drunkanymore...
My pager started goin' off....

But yeah, alcohol is an acquired taste. I drink it for the inebriation I get from it, and the taste too.....more so the effect tho.
Most alcohol tastes bad by itself. Ppl really only drink it to get them where they're going.

There aint no learning to like the taste. If you get to the point where you think that it's just a parallel of alcoholics extending their intake limit. Useto get drunk after 10 cups now it takes 20. Use to taste like shhh but now it's okay.

You're just killing your taste buds man.
The herbal treatment reincarnates my taste buds. I was supposed to stop drinkin' and smokin' for a better tomorrow and a positive role model for LittleB....but she's not that old yet to understand. It's not like I do it in front of her.
I like it now that I know how to drink. When I first started I couldn't make drinks, and I didn't like beer. Now I got my Ph.D in Mixology and enjoythe taste of good beer, and chugging beer alike
going around various breweries and getting those sample platteres has really elevated the goods and the bads.. a favorite will be found. it may take a fewmonths and hundreds of beers but youll find it. the start is local breweries that have a nice home brew variety.

tthe other stuff is a whole other beast.. mix it with something sweet and its almost too easy to drink
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