
Originally Posted by the north west

you missing out if you have never had beer

and not that bud light or coors domestic beers garbage

there are tons of great imports and micros to choose from depending on what you like in a beer

I liked these beers until I recently turned 21 and older guys were giving me
at light beers. I used that as an opportunity to try some regular beers, not exactly dark, but not light and I am really pleased with the switch now.
I love liquor its just good, but beer, I had to slowly get used to. I used to refuse to drink it but then I started playin beer pong and I had to get used toit cuz not too many ppl wanna play pong with vodka haha
I do not think that many people like the burn although, with experience, the burn is less powerful. When you drink, especially when you sip, hard liquor youlearn to feel past the burn and appreciate the other tastes of the drink, unless it is cheap liquor at which point you shoot it or dilute it in soft drink.

When it comes to beer or wine the alcohol content is so low that I can just enjoy the other tastes of the drink. In beer, the hops tend to have a strongerflavor than the alcohol in it has. Wine burns a bit, even after years of drinking it, but it is so minor that it is easy to not let it distract from whatevernotes are in that bottle of wine.

BTW to those who are unfamiliar with wine but want to start trying it and enjoying, I have this suggestion. Before getting into wine it is best that you havehard liquor as shots and, if you have higher quality stuff, sipping it for a few months. That is unless you have already been drinking for a year or so andtake shots often, in that case start trying wines. After your palette becomes accustomed to 80 proof or stronger drinks, the alcohol burn in wine will benoticeable but not powerful at all either. Beacuse of that, you will, as I just mention, be able to focus on all of the wonderful complexities of your wine. Ifyour palette is sensitive to alcohol, you will be wasting expensive wine because the alcohol can overwhelm the subtle flavors.
depends on what you drink...tonight i'm trying to have a long alc night so i've had a Lokos and i'm on my 2nd 40 of Mickeys....good night so farminus the aztecs loss...
Originally Posted by Rexanglorum

I do not think that many people like the burn although, with experience, the burn is less powerful. When you drink, especially when you sip, hard liquor you learn to feel past the burn and appreciate the other tastes of the drink, unless it is cheap liquor at which point you shoot it or dilute it in soft drink.

When it comes to beer or wine the alcohol content is so low that I can just enjoy the other tastes of the drink. In beer, the hops tend to have a stronger flavor than the alcohol in it has. Wine burns a bit, even after years of drinking it, but it is so minor that it is easy to not let it distract from whatever notes are in that bottle of wine.

BTW to those who are unfamiliar with wine but want to start trying it and enjoying, I have this suggestion. Before getting into wine it is best that you have hard liquor as shots and, if you have higher quality stuff, sipping it for a few months. That is unless you have already been drinking for a year or so and take shots often, in that case start trying wines. After your palette becomes accustomed to 80 proof or stronger drinks, the alcohol burn in wine will be noticeable but not powerful at all either. Beacuse of that, you will, as I just mention, be able to focus on all of the wonderful complexities of your wine. If your palette is sensitive to alcohol, you will be wasting expensive wine because the alcohol can overwhelm the subtle flavors.
Most wines have an average alcohol content of 12% (24 proof) and are absolutely NOTHING like taking shots. Even cheap wine is in no way comparableto drinking hard liquor.

To develop a taste for beer, I'd recommend starting out with a light beer because for a beginner the hoppy taste of a thicker beer might be toooverpowering.

In terms of liquor, if you mix it correctly you won't taste the alcohol only the flavor the liquor adds to the drink. If you have a little more expensiveliquor, they tend to go down much smoother and in most cases are meant to be enjoyed by themselves. Taking shots is a great way to start the night off, butit's probably the worst thing to do if you're just getting into liquor (just in my experience, you puke and associate that negative feeling with thedrink that accompanied it)
I might have not been clear why hard liquor helps you enjoy wine.

If you are someone who only drinks mixed drinks and/or beer, the wine's alcohol on your tongue will burn in comparison and it can over shadow the greattastes in the wine. If you have already been taking shots, or better yet sipping straight liquor neat (without ice and room temperature), you tongue will be"toughened" and if you can taste the notes in cognac or whiskey, which is 80 proof, you have an easier time learning how to appreciate the subtleflavors of wine, which is about 30 proof, that can be drowned out by alcohol if you palette is not used to anything above 20 proof or so drinks.
i Dont know how i got into alcohol. But these days I dont even go for the effect but the taste alone. In fact I just went bar hopping and I wish i wasnt drunkright now( check the sig).

I love all good tasting quality beers. These days my beer of choice is moose drools, boont, anchor steam, stella and so on. I cant even drink an entire MGD orcoors or those party beers which i used to drink all the time as a teenager. Over time bad beers just get worse. Even beers I used to love like blue moon Icant drink.

Trust me friend. There will be a point in your life when you cannot go a week in your life without that alcoholic drink. U'll tell yourself you can quitanytime but your just fooling yourself.

u will learn to inhale your favorite beer or alcohol with every sip. Bring its energy within you, and make it become one with yourself. Learn to love thebitterness, the burn, and the emotions it brings out of you and control each element of it.

If you dont fall in love with the effect, you'll fall in love with other things associated with the culture. Including the variety of bars (theres a barfor everyone!!!!), the taste, the atmosphere, or you will use it as an excuse to pick up easy chicks.

And if your getting handles for free its probably crappy alchohol anyways, by all means drink it if your broke but don't judge the taste of alcohol on thesame stuff alcoholic bums use to get their fix

Trust me friend. You'll find your alcoholic nitch and when you do I will be there right there with you.

oh and btw

I hate shots but I'll drink the same alcohol slowly. I dont believe shots are a stepping stone for anything. they're just a bad idea and teach peoplepoor drinking habits
Originally Posted by 23mjordan45

jungle juice taste good but is a creeper

so true!

Originally Posted by Primavera Vills

My pager started goin' off....
lol wut?

I been avoiding alcohol cuz thats where a 90% root of my problems are or begin......

Then when I have a couple drinks in me, it;s like I need more!

must admit, life is boring without....or maybe I just drank soo much last year, I forgot how to have fun without alcohol....idk.....
No class or work 2morrow and half bottle of Bicardi 151 in the freezer......its gonna be a good night
I like it cuz it gives me that "i dont care" attitude and chicks better watch out cuz I get real loose lipped
I'm with the OP on this. I have a bottle of Goose that has been sitting in my closet for the longest, because I HATE HATE HATE the taste. I took a fewswigs when I first bought it and was feeling
. But that joint is disgusting. Maybe drinking warm had something to do with it?
id say its an acquired taste but once you know what your cup of tea is you'll appreciate it
once you acquire/appreciate the taste on the rocks(on ice) is enough
buttill then mixing drinks will be better
i personally like most alcoholic drinks but regardless will be picky although ill drink anything, might be cause im a young cat

just got into various whiskeys - started with jd then kept walking
blue label much appreciated

also beer samplers are a must do before saying beer is no good
yo, next time you drink... go to the store, pick up a bottle of 3 olives cherry or grape vodka. should be less than 20 bucks. get yourself a glass and put afew ice cubes in it. put 1/3 vodka to 2/3 sprite.. its a good drink to start on. these cats giving you these dark beers will make you miserable. good luck
Liquor is an acquired taste unles u have
a mixed drink thats mixed properly. Some
liquors are so overbearing that its hard for
one to distinguish between the two and
enjoy the drink for its flavor.

U might wanna drink wine coolers & drinks like
Alize, Hypnotiq and so on. Sprite + Armerreto is
good too.
Thanks for the replies, I'll be trying these out.

Originally Posted by HAM CITY

Originally Posted by Mangudai954

I get handles for free
no *$*% but can I be your friend? no *$*%

Lol if you're ever in Ft Lauderdale let me know, maybe I could look out.

where are you getting free handles?

A friend of mine is a club promoter.
Hard alcohol is for for people that just started drinking, beer ftw.

Just kidding, I like a gin, rum and scotch from time to time.
just drink moar. stomach it. pretty soon you will have a good tolerance and will like to drink.
Tasting alcohol is for females...

I am a vodka/Gin drinker sometimes straight more often mixed with juice or energy drink.

I drink beer too mostly Coronas though...

O and I drink for the effects *+*% the taste
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