Allen Iverson is retiring...Vol: Lets make it a tribute thread, 1996-2009

For Iverson...him being asked to come off the bench isn't necessarily conducive to his level of play...but moreso his style of play. They're not asking him to come off the bench because he's lost his ability...but because nobody wants to feature a 34 year old 6' shooting guard as one of their team's premier player. If Iverson was a big time distributor...he probably would be starting on most teams. But to ask a 34 year old to come in and take 20 shots a game? Not likely...

in ever AI thread that comes up from now on this needs to be posted in there
do yall even watch my man ai play? he consistently has 6+ assists every game he plays starter minutes ...
Originally Posted by LilStarZ07

do yall even watch my man ai play? he consistently has 6+ assists every game he plays starter minutes ...
They don't watch him play that's the thing. They base what they think off of what the media dictates.

His years in Denver:
06-07 24.8 ppg 7.2 apg
07-08 26.4 ppg 7.1 apg
08-09 18.7 ppg 6.7 apg
Originally Posted by Lazy B

They don't watch him play that's the thing. They base what they think off of what the media dictates.

His years in Denver:
06-07 24.8 ppg 7.2 apg
07-08 26.4 ppg 7.1 apg
08-09 18.7 ppg 6.7 apg
that cant be his stats ... he started to go downhill in denver ... he was a head case ... he wasnt a team player ... he didnt help the peoplearound him ... ... ... ... ... ...
Originally Posted by bundy9

DoubleJs07 wrote:

ExtRaOrDinaRy SwAg wrote:

I think AI could fit in with Cleveland, he's better than Mo Williams, Delante and GIbson. One of those three guys could be switched out with Iverson and they'd have a proven clutch player, not someone who fizzles in the bright lights like they did last postseason. But AI would have to accept second fiddle to Lebron and not go out there gunning it. Him with Lebron could make the Cavs an uptempo team like they need to be, the halfcourt style clearly hasn't worked out.



Please do this. I don't like Cleveland, but I need AI back in the league.
Originally Posted by AG 47

Originally Posted by bundy9

DoubleJs07 wrote:

ExtRaOrDinaRy SwAg wrote:

I think AI could fit in with Cleveland, he's better than Mo Williams, Delante and GIbson. One of those three guys could be switched out with Iverson and they'd have a proven clutch player, not someone who fizzles in the bright lights like they did last postseason. But AI would have to accept second fiddle to Lebron and not go out there gunning it. Him with Lebron could make the Cavs an uptempo team like they need to be, the halfcourt style clearly hasn't worked out.



Please do this. I don't like Cleveland, but I need AI back in the league.
I'd put aside any ill-will I have towards the Cavs, and all hope I have for Lebron leaving JUST for the sake of Iverson getting a real shot atwinning a championship. I hate the Cavs w. a passion, but I'm a fan of Iverson more than anything else and wouldn't be mad if he went to the Cavs.
Originally Posted by bundy9

Originally Posted by LilStarZ07

Originally Posted by Al3xis

he'll be back. Big John's gona knock some sense into him.
a little story ...

im at the capital classic (i think thats what it is/was called where the best high school bball players play an all star game from this area) at the old wizards joint before verizon ... this is when bogans was a senior ...

im sitting in the stands and i hear this deep voice talking, so i turn around ... John Thompson ... whos he sitting next to? Allen Iverson ... im in awe that my favorite player of all time college/pro is behind me ... so i slowly turn back around cuz i dont want to act pressed ESPECIALLY cuz ai was that dude in the streets
... i hear thompson say "hey, its ok kid, its ok" ... i must have had some type of face on when i turned around prior cuz he was talking to me ...

so i slowly turn back around and he invites me up to sit next to him ... now the whole time in my mind im trying hard as *+** not to talk to iverson cuz i dont want to come off as being THAT fan ... so we are talking about the game of basketball and what not and JT tells me (i was a small dude) that anythings possible in the game of basketball if you want it bad enough, and points to ai as proof ... i look at ai and said "naw coach, you dont learn that or work to get to that, thats special" ... ai turns and daps me up and says "i appreciate it homie" ... John Thompson says "well you have that right" and we all laughed and continued watching the game ...

i finally got over the shock/awe of sitting next to my idol and just cut it up with him and JT for the entire game ... ai wasnt this impersonal dude or some cold shoulder type star ... maybe it was because JT was sitting next to him but dude was just normal ... at one point someone dunked something serious and we both got up and cheered and he turned to me and dapped me up just like any of my boys would have done ...

so hopefully you are right and JT gets him back on the court somehow ...

ai is my favorite player of all time ... i wore #3 in high school ... begged my mom for every pair of questions/answers that ever came out when i was younger ... i have all his jerseys ... ai was my NBA ...

lovely story dude...I do hope at some point I'll get to meet him. Definitely one of my bball idols of all time...No one on the island of St. Lucia can't say that I didn't put up for this dude!...Biggest supporter out there!!! I do hope JT can get him out of the decision...but seriously how could people laugh and talk samck about AI for whatever reason!? I just don't get it...This guy has done more than enough to prove he's worthy of praise...he messed up, we all mesed up, but for sure it was all passion, all love...sighh

just adding my little experience with AI, he is, was and always be my favorite player of all time
This was back when he was first traded to the pistons, he had his first game against the nets. I bought 2 pretty good tickets and one of his PE shoes to thenets arena trying to get an auto, you can always
buy an auto'ed shoe, but getting it in person is different, at least to me
got to the game a little early, so we tried to go to the courtside trying to catch him during the shoot arounds. happy to see him there, but the securitywasn't allowing nobody to approach the players. so it was us and about at least another 50 or so trying to get him to sign something. by this time theshoot around was over, the players are heading towards the tunnels back to the locker room, behold Ai was the only player to stop and sign for the fans nearthe tunnel (the only true super star out of that whole group of role players actually managed to stop, while the nobodys walked on). Obviously the kids startedswarming him and i guess it was a controlled chaos cause nobody wanted to fall over of the fences on the side of the tunnel. He must have signed some 20 or soautos when i finally got a chance to hand the shoe to him, and by this time he already had a blue marker in his hands from some kid earlier. The shoe was blackand i was like damn this auto is not gonna show up but whatever at least he was nice enough to sign it. and be hold here comes AI said something like"this is not gonna work, you got a different color?" and there goes me handing out my purposely bought, gold - metallic 10 dollar fade proofmitsubishi marker like a jkidd assist. and the man signed it with a smile casue he knew it looked good
I knew i probably make this seemingly little thing sounds a bit dramatic, but it you are a bonafide NBA star, would you really care about howyou signed an auto for somebody you never met before and probably will never meet again? I am ashamed to say i wouldn't care if i was him and this isprobably true for 90% of the people out there.

And obviously in life you win some and you lose some, and sometimes when you win you actually lose. Since i bought a shoe hoping to get tosigned, i bought another shoe (the red olympic hyperdunk made for yi) as well trying get yi to sign them. this was the yi's second year (first in jersey)and people actually had some hope for him. For you guys who knew the arena, people we are trying to get to nets players usually wait by the tunnels where theplayer would drive out after the game. there were like 15 or so people waiting, and after chatting with thos guys up a bit, they seem to always to there afterevery game and knew everybody's signing habits. they were saying how VC, Jkidd and Yi (a second/third tier player for god's sake
) never signs and would just drive through. A bit later VC and Jkidds (in his nicevanquish) drives through and nobody really made a fuss casue they knew what to expect. Then here come this boy yi with his New range Hse trying to do the samething, and my girl (after waiting 15 or so minutes in the jersey cold winter) wasn't having none of that. She started banging on the side of the RR andafter 6 seconds or so yi finally opened the drive side window and asked with an attitude what and if we wanted an autograph. ( the funny thing is if he had achick on on the passenger side and he was in a hurry i would understand from a dude's point of view (word to mikki morre always had 3 or 4 cheerleaderlooking chicks in his open top pimped out 80's buick), but this bum yi had a 5'5 derrick coleman looking black dude with a stoneface on like he is notgetting his business from yi soon enough because of us. Long story short, i wanted to throw out the HDs afterward and ........... yeah......... weare chinese (and that's the only reason i wanted this bum's auto was to support him)

Again I know those 2 different players shouldn't be judged on as people just based on those brief enounters, but again i hope this littlestory give all the iverson haters a little scope on AI as a person (as all you guys can see by my post count i hate typing, and spend my rare day off from thehedgefund industy - the thanksgiving holiday, to actually type up this essay for a discussion board, is trully something else). As far as how i feel towardAI's career, i personally think it was great and one of the best ever. I was not old enough to experience the greatness of penny hardaway beisdes theyoutube videos, but some of my older friends have told me it was sad to see penny drag his half broken body of the bench just to play 10 and score 4. and itseems like greats of my time like shaq, mcgrady, carter and even kg are headed down toward that path. and also let's not forget chris webber, truly one ofthe greats at the pf position and it was sad the way he went out. i believe GREAT PLAYERS DESERVE GREAT ENDIINGS, NOT ON THE END OF SOMEBODY'S BENCH.It's true allen iverson never won a title, but he repesented the struggle a player or a person has to go through in order to achieve. in the end, ALLENIVERSON REPRESNETED THE FIGHT, not necessary the outcome, and that's why i believe he is, was, and will always be great. yes tyronne Lue won a ring, but hewill be remembered because of Iverson
This is truly the end of an era that's beyond just basketball. the NBA today is just not watchable beside maybe kobe. Teams not longer have asoul (the sixers traded theirs when they traded iverson), there are too many so called "stars" in the league where they have done absolute nothingbut average 20 for a season. It comes down to the NBA CAN NOT JUST MAKE A STAR, STARS HAVE TO BE RECONGNIZED BEYOND BASKETBALL. Sure lebron is a great player,but i personally feel he has no personality, more like the bastard child of divid stern and nike trapped in a great athlete's body, and that image is beingadapted to every other player in the league, just look at melo.
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

This is what Eric Snow is saying.

1. Allen doesn't WANT to come off the bench for a championship contending team. He feels going to a team that is already close to winning a championship is cheating. Much like GP and Big Malone did (attempted to do) with LA. He said that he and AI had convos while in Philly about this. AI said he doesn't understand how dudes just sold their soul to these teams because they really DIDN'T win a championship they just went to a team that had a good chance.

2. If Allen is going to come off of the bench then show him WHY he needs to come off the bench. If he is better than the person in front of him then he feel disrespected if he is asked to come off the bench. Especially if the team is a losing team (MEM)

And I also agree with (I think it was grittyman or Marley who said it) in that why should Iverson ACCEPT coming off the bench if he knows he's MUCH better than the guy he's starting for?

I havent been able to write up something as eloquent as this since I heard the news last night but merely rant and air my displeasure mainly with the Detroit and Michael Curry situation which I also believed was caused Allen's career to be derailed. You hit every nail on the head here in this post and most definitely dude was unfairly criticised.....its someting to see people in this thread say "good riddance" and things of that nature, call Iverson what you want and magnify the last 2 years as you wish, but the now cliche of Iverson being arguably the best player "pound for pound" will always resonate with me and for many and for the Hall of Fame!...and that in itself, does speak volumes about this guy's game. You have to respect this guy's ability to get to the hole and threat he was any time he had the ball....a volume shooter he was, yes...but thats due to his restrictions in height and size..HE DID WHAT HE HAD TO DO TO GET IT DONE!

I lost my respect partly for the detroit franchise after he left, but I really do blame it on Curry who had no clue how to play his X's and O's....had no plan on how to utilise a team with 5 all-star caliber players to get them to the destination they needed to go...nothing made me miss Flip Saunders more than seeing this guy roam the lines and indirectly belittle AI the way he did.....he was damn clueless! Thanks Joe Dumars for realising that and firing his scont!

Definitely my favourite player (well I have 3 all time, MJ, Penny and AI), I modeled my game so much after him during the late 90's onwards...benefitted me alot as well, as my relentless play earned the "oooh's and ahhh's" and the call "Iverson" anytime I drove to the hoop and did acrobatic layups....AI definitely is STILL a strarter in this league and like Jamaal Mashburn said....maybe apart from 5-6 teams who probably dont need him on their roster, other team has no real reason not to hire AI and allow him to properly compete for a starting spot...all they cry about is future and a good bit of them have no future!...Pure nonsense if you ask me! I will say again though like in my previous posts I do believe he acted very childish with the situation in Memphis and should've been patient, cuz I don't see how maybe by now he wouldnt be starting...he should've used the bench minutes to get the rust off his game and remind people of who he is, he did say he needed tis to be like a Rookie season again and prove the doubters wrong...he shouldn't have left...But I do believe his actions to not stand for that crap was justified...Long live AI!...get back soon....cuz a bunch of us know u will...this cant be the end!

This ........ It's sad that things had to end this way ...... hopefully it doesn't ....... Either way AI will be missed
Lou Williams is out 8 weeks for the Sixers
...I think he burned his bridges with the Sixers' front office though.
Originally Posted by mumixpd
i know everyone is prolly not gonna read this, but i did

thats a great experience that he actually gave a damn about what color sharpie he used.
at the guitarist/vocalist from my favorite band who signed my friggin vinyl inblack (because his gray one ran out of ink). but i didnt give him a hard time cause he was drunk as !@#!
we just had a laugh bout it

i really liked ai. i wanted him to retire right after his stint with the pistons since the summer but now that he is gone i wish he could come back
Originally Posted by Lazy B

Originally Posted by LilStarZ07

do yall even watch my man ai play? he consistently has 6+ assists every game he plays starter minutes ...
They don't watch him play that's the thing. They base what they think off of what the media dictates.

His years in Denver:
06-07 24.8 ppg 7.2 apg
07-08 26.4 ppg 7.1 apg
08-09 18.7 ppg 6.7 apg

This is why I don't even engage in discussions with people anymore. People roll off a bunch of soundbites that come from the media. Straight programmed.
Originally Posted by LilStarZ07

do yall even watch my man ai play? he consistently has 6+ assists every game he plays starter minutes ...
His assists numbers aren't indicative of his style of play. He is a perimeter player dominates the ball so he should have a high volume ofassists. Doesn't mean he is a creator for others. Many of those assists come from a pass being the last option.

AI is my man but it bothers me when folks bring up his assist numbers
Originally Posted by lynchpin33

I hate how it is going for Bubba. I was telling people when he was dominating in the early 2000's that when he hit 33 or 34 it was going to be real bad, because of the type of game he played. He can still start but where can he play on a contender his type of game and be successful lets look

spurs - that runs thru timmy and then tony and manu, so it would definitely have to be off the bench. Pop seems like a guy who does not want to deal with that type of ball player and neither does the organization, so a no go here.
i totally disagree, someone who watches every spurs game every year, I gotta say I think iverson can fit in with the spurs...

if you look at the minute distribution across the players...EVERYONE plays...POP will play you if your contributing..

pop has had maybe 5-7 different starting line ups this year.

he plays bogans, finley, hill, manu, mason, and sometimes even MALIK f'ing HAIRSTON at the starting 2 guard...

i think if iverson came into spurs he would get the starting position beside tony...



i really do think POP will let iverson play, 1) because he is a smart coach and will know how to motivate him and know how to integrate him 2) he reallydoesn't discriminate who starts..whoever is contributing that person will start

the other day he benched ginobili most of the fourth quarter cuz he was playing bad...

iverson would get 22-27 minutes a game, some nights even 30 + when pop rests duncan, parker, and ginobili...and he would be a big contributor also.

only problem is...i think duncan would veto that trade like he did with vince carter last year...and i dont think the spurs want to make such a big move...buti dont think it is such a big move because its early in the season..and if it doesn't work out they can (sadly) just waive him like any other team...

doubt the spurs have the balls to make the move...i hope so badly they do.
ill take AI on the heat.... when wade is on the bench we can def use him on the floor with beasley
Originally Posted by ExtRaOrDinaRy SwAg

I think AI could fit in with Cleveland, he's better than Mo Williams, Delante and GIbson. One of those three guys could be switched out with Iverson and they'd have a proven clutch player, not someone who fizzles in the bright lights like they did last postseason. But AI would have to accept second fiddle to Lebron and not go out there gunning it. Him with Lebron could make the Cavs an uptempo team like they need to be, the halfcourt style clearly hasn't worked out.
He'd better not. It's not about being better than those players but being able to help the team more than them.

And I think that's he's proven repeatedly in the last couple of years that he can't do that.
Some extra pics of my dude...(paying homage)



(who said he couldn't high school)

















(%$%'n on Mike again.)
Originally Posted by mumixpd

Originally Posted by bundy9

Originally Posted by LilStarZ07

Originally Posted by Al3xis

he'll be back. Big John's gona knock some sense into him.
a little story ...

im at the capital classic (i think thats what it is/was called where the best high school bball players play an all star game from this area) at the old wizards joint before verizon ... this is when bogans was a senior ...

im sitting in the stands and i hear this deep voice talking, so i turn around ... John Thompson ... whos he sitting next to? Allen Iverson ... im in awe that my favorite player of all time college/pro is behind me ... so i slowly turn back around cuz i dont want to act pressed ESPECIALLY cuz ai was that dude in the streets
... i hear thompson say "hey, its ok kid, its ok" ... i must have had some type of face on when i turned around prior cuz he was talking to me ...

so i slowly turn back around and he invites me up to sit next to him ... now the whole time in my mind im trying hard as *+** not to talk to iverson cuz i dont want to come off as being THAT fan ... so we are talking about the game of basketball and what not and JT tells me (i was a small dude) that anythings possible in the game of basketball if you want it bad enough, and points to ai as proof ... i look at ai and said "naw coach, you dont learn that or work to get to that, thats special" ... ai turns and daps me up and says "i appreciate it homie" ... John Thompson says "well you have that right" and we all laughed and continued watching the game ...

i finally got over the shock/awe of sitting next to my idol and just cut it up with him and JT for the entire game ... ai wasnt this impersonal dude or some cold shoulder type star ... maybe it was because JT was sitting next to him but dude was just normal ... at one point someone dunked something serious and we both got up and cheered and he turned to me and dapped me up just like any of my boys would have done ...

so hopefully you are right and JT gets him back on the court somehow ...

ai is my favorite player of all time ... i wore #3 in high school ... begged my mom for every pair of questions/answers that ever came out when i was younger ... i have all his jerseys ... ai was my NBA ...

lovely story dude...I do hope at some point I'll get to meet him. Definitely one of my bball idols of all time...No one on the island of St. Lucia can't say that I didn't put up for this dude!...Biggest supporter out there!!! I do hope JT can get him out of the decision...but seriously how could people laugh and talk samck about AI for whatever reason!? I just don't get it...This guy has done more than enough to prove he's worthy of praise...he messed up, we all mesed up, but for sure it was all passion, all love...sighh

just adding my little experience with AI, he is, was and always be my favorite player of all time
This was back when he was first traded to the pistons, he had his first game against the nets. I bought 2 pretty good tickets and one of his PE shoes to the nets arena trying to get an auto, you can always
buy an auto'ed shoe, but getting it in person is different, at least to me
got to the game a little early, so we tried to go to the courtside trying to catch him during the shoot arounds. happy to see him there, but the security wasn't allowing nobody to approach the players. so it was us and about at least another 50 or so trying to get him to sign something. by this time the shoot around was over, the players are heading towards the tunnels back to the locker room, behold Ai was the only player to stop and sign for the fans near the tunnel (the only true super star out of that whole group of role players actually managed to stop, while the nobodys walked on). Obviously the kids started swarming him and i guess it was a controlled chaos cause nobody wanted to fall over of the fences on the side of the tunnel. He must have signed some 20 or so autos when i finally got a chance to hand the shoe to him, and by this time he already had a blue marker in his hands from some kid earlier. The shoe was black and i was like damn this auto is not gonna show up but whatever at least he was nice enough to sign it. and be hold here comes AI said something like "this is not gonna work, you got a different color?" and there goes me handing out my purposely bought, gold - metallic 10 dollar fade proof mitsubishi marker like a jkidd assist. and the man signed it with a smile casue he knew it looked good
I knew i probably make this seemingly little thing sounds a bit dramatic, but it you are a bonafide NBA star, would you really care about how you signed an auto for somebody you never met before and probably will never meet again? I am ashamed to say i wouldn't care if i was him and this is probably true for 90% of the people out there.

And obviously in life you win some and you lose some, and sometimes when you win you actually lose. Since i bought a shoe hoping to get to signed, i bought another shoe (the red olympic hyperdunk made for yi) as well trying get yi to sign them. this was the yi's second year (first in jersey) and people actually had some hope for him. For you guys who knew the arena, people we are trying to get to nets players usually wait by the tunnels where the player would drive out after the game. there were like 15 or so people waiting, and after chatting with thos guys up a bit, they seem to always to there after every game and knew everybody's signing habits. they were saying how VC, Jkidd and Yi (a second/third tier player for god's sake
) never signs and would just drive through. A bit later VC and Jkidds (in his nice vanquish) drives through and nobody really made a fuss casue they knew what to expect. Then here come this boy yi with his New range Hse trying to do the same thing, and my girl (after waiting 15 or so minutes in the jersey cold winter) wasn't having none of that. She started banging on the side of the RR and after 6 seconds or so yi finally opened the drive side window and asked with an attitude what and if we wanted an autograph. ( the funny thing is if he had a chick on on the passenger side and he was in a hurry i would understand from a dude's point of view (word to mikki morre always had 3 or 4 cheerleader looking chicks in his open top pimped out 80's buick), but this bum yi had a 5'5 derrick coleman looking black dude with a stoneface on like he is not getting his business from yi soon enough because of us. Long story short, i wanted to throw out the HDs afterward and ........... yeah......... we are chinese (and that's the only reason i wanted this bum's auto was to support him)

Again I know those 2 different players shouldn't be judged on as people just based on those brief enounters, but again i hope this little story give all the iverson haters a little scope on AI as a person (as all you guys can see by my post count i hate typing, and spend my rare day off from the hedgefund industy - the thanksgiving holiday, to actually type up this essay for a discussion board, is trully something else). As far as how i feel toward AI's career, i personally think it was great and one of the best ever. I was not old enough to experience the greatness of penny hardaway beisdes the youtube videos, but some of my older friends have told me it was sad to see penny drag his half broken body of the bench just to play 10 and score 4. and it seems like greats of my time like shaq, mcgrady, carter and even kg are headed down toward that path. and also let's not forget chris webber, truly one of the greats at the pf position and it was sad the way he went out. i believe GREAT PLAYERS DESERVE GREAT ENDIINGS, NOT ON THE END OF SOMEBODY'S BENCH. It's true allen iverson never won a title, but he repesented the struggle a player or a person has to go through in order to achieve. in the end, ALLEN IVERSON REPRESNETED THE FIGHT, not necessary the outcome, and that's why i believe he is, was, and will always be great. yes tyronne Lue won a ring, but he will be remembered because of Iverson
This is truly the end of an era that's beyond just basketball. the NBA today is just not watchable beside maybe kobe. Teams not longer have a soul (the sixers traded theirs when they traded iverson), there are too many so called "stars" in the league where they have done absolute nothing but average 20 for a season. It comes down to the NBA CAN NOT JUST MAKE A STAR, STARS HAVE TO BE RECONGNIZED BEYOND BASKETBALL. Sure lebron is a great player, but i personally feel he has no personality, more like the bastard child of divid stern and nike trapped in a great athlete's body, and that image is being adapted to every other player in the league, just look at melo.

To this I will respond with the famous tattoo on AI's shoulder...."Only the Strong Survive!"
Nice sharing that story and
at Yi of all persons to act like he'ssomething so much whilst not even in his own country! I would understand if he was in China and acting like that, but in the US, where people think of you as asoft, over-exaggerated PF...
!...And the lovely thing about AI is,not only was he just humble as these accounts show, he did it not wanting ANY attention...his "Crossover Foundation" has done some great things, agood bit unkown to the prying eyes of the media....I've seen a video of AI literally crying his eyes out just to know he touched a youth and changed hislife...the dude has a HUGE heart and it showed with this semi-retirement and his antics to show he was one who stuck withwhat he believes, no matter what people will think, ths might be a major reach...but thats Martin Luther-like to exaggerate my point...If this is therecognition AI deserves in little communities like this to voice out how good he was not only as a player and a person, to hopefully (but not possibly) makepeople, media and even teams realise how much more of an asset they pushed to a side, I'm all for it! I really do hope I get to meet this dude one day,apart from Jordan and Penny, he made me want to be a baller and love the sport as much as I do..."Only The Strong Survive!"
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

.His assists numbers aren't indicative of his style of play. He is a perimeter player dominates the ball so he should have a high volume of assists.
Can't we say the same thing about Lebron, Wade, or any other player who dominates the ball?

The player who possesses the ball the most, should have the best stats right?
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