Allen Iverson is retiring...Vol: Lets make it a tribute thread, 1996-2009

This should be a celebration of one of the best.

Instead, a whole lot of basketball fans - myself included - couldn't care less. And rightly so.

He was a great, great player but he never adapted his game enough to win.

Who didn't see this coming? I thought his career was over the minute he was traded to Denver in 2006.

Sure, he was still productive. But he was never going to be The Man in Denver, and a second fiddle Iverson is a reduced Iverson. That trade was the beginningof the end of his career.

Still, for his great moments, he's much appreciated. And even though his Reebok line has been one of the worst shoe lines in history, even it has somedecent memories.
Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

RIP to his career.

He deserved a lot better treatment than he got from the NBA imo.

For sure...really did leave him out to dry without giving him a PROPER chance....he definitely screwed up with some of his anics no doubt, I'm not going tobe blinded and bias, really acted stupid and I believe gave up on the Grizz too soon...but as he said "it wouldn't be a problem if we werewinning"....and in Detroit and Memphis for his stints, they didnt!!!! This guy had too much of a resume and garnered enough resect around the league to beshrugged off as a nuisance who just didnt get his way. Really hate to see how this ended.....but its my belief, he'll be back...just need some more time toreflect, he'll be back...

You'll be missed AI...BIGGEST SUPPORTER OUT THERE!!!....and the turning point for me was Michael Curry....damn fool!

HoF door on the horizon...
Originally Posted by DoubleRdipin

Originally Posted by KayCurrency

Originally Posted by DoubleRdipin

its unfortunate , but it happens to if the others in the NBA will follow: IE Shaq, Mcgrady, Fisher, Rasheed Wallace

Every player you named can still put up numbers in todays game....
I don't call averaging between 12ppg-15ppg to be spectatular, hell their are guys on the bench you can muster up those stats.. I would too if I played 30-35 mion a game.. Totally Sub Par...

This dude was the epitome of a great player and a horrible teammate, all rolled in one. I will always respect the dude for what he did on the court though.There's no denying that he was one of the greatest to ever do it.

I just wish he would stop feeling himself so damn much. But it is what it is...if this is what's best for him and his family, then so be it.
Yeah, does this mean that Reebok is over now, or is NY's Galinari going to carry the torch (LOL)?
Originally Posted by Classy Freshman

I can't front I'm kind of sad. I feel like he isn't as appreciated as he should be because his love and passion for the game was overshadowed by his selfishness. I'm thankful I had the opportunity to watch him live on many occasions, and on TV every night on Comcast. Thanks Allen

Well put....Get back soon Allen, this aint right
Originally Posted by celtixhalfshell

all heart (and pride SMH).....i wish him well post nba wise

cant wait for rat-faced weasel bryant to be gone....thatll be the day.
not to go off topic but did anybody notice this?
is this a Yuku bug or is KayCurrency that quick lol

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11/25/09 7:53 PM
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Originally Posted by clkru

Yeah, does this mean that Reebok is over now, or is NY's Galinari going to carry the torch (LOL)?

NFL buddy....NFL

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11/25/09 7:53 PM
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Yeah, does this mean that Reebok is over now, or is NY's Galinari going to carry the torch (LOL)?
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Originally Posted by Al3xis

Allen Iverson spoke pretty openly about the NBA and charity. "I just look forward to doing it. I don't need all the publicity that comes with it. I don't need that. When it's time for me to get toward that gate, either He [is] gonna say, 'Come in,' or He [is] gonna say, 'Turn around.' And a camera won't decide whether I get in or not."

When tons of NBA stars passed on the Olympics in 04, who took it as an honor? Allen Iverson. Yet he's still even scrutinized for his appearance on the team.

With some rumors about financial trouble, for him to just retire now...the man must have some pride to just want no parts of the bench. In some strange way, I respect that.


..he'll be missed.

like this post
Originally Posted by Lazy B

Jalen Rose and Jamal Mashburn just went in on NBA Shootaround.

Mash: "Outside of 5-6 teams in the NBA the rest have no reason not to sign Iverson. They are on the brink playoff teams that are in desperate need of scoring and AI brings it. Also from a business standpoint he's only asking for $3 million. Teams are saying they are building for the future but most of these teams have no future."
EXACTLY! this whole thing about rookies over vets in this new-age nba is ridiculous....i understand trying to nuture assets and get themready...but Rodney Stuckey and Mike Conley over Allen Iverson....for a future!?...a future to more lottery dates in June.... COME ON!
Correct me if I'm wrong, but since when has Iverson been all 'kids come first' type of dude? Didn't he drive around the projects of Philly inhis Rolls Royce with his bodyguard to boast?

Just sayin'. Stuff like that made a good amount of people not like him.
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