Alot can be said about a person depending on whether or not they give a courtesy wave in traffic.

I wave all the time but I doubt many people see it since my tint is so dark
Truth. It urks me when I'm being nice and letting you pull out of the spot and you don't acknowledge. (Going to myself I should have just went and been a #%@@)
one of my hugest pet peeves... if not the hugest. can't stand not gettin a courtesy wave, esp when i impede my progress to let them in.
I always wave. Or I make my passenger wave if I'm busy, you know, driving.

I hate when people dont wave though. I give them an, "Oh, well excuse me." And then I just tailgate them until they decide to turn.
i HATE when i don't get the wave...if i get the chance i'll probably get back in front of you and slow down
Originally Posted by CDub Yo

This, as well as being acknowledged for holding the door open.

co-sign. i can't believe some people really just walk on by without even acknowledging my presence.

at least a head nod man! give me that at least. usually when things like this happen I start to think about things like racism and whatnot
Originally Posted by dgk3188

Originally Posted by CDub Yo

This, as well as being acknowledged for holding the door open.

co-sign. i can't believe some people really just walk on by without even acknowledging my presence.

at least a head nod man! give me that at least. usually when things like this happen I start to think about things like racism and whatnot

When its a youngin I just figure maybe he feels he's "too cool".
I've been tempted to follow the person and confront them about the lack of a return wave.

I feel bad because people can't see the wave through the tint in the back sometimes, so I've rolled down my window to throw it if they're behind me.
I always let people in front of me usually and open the door for people. and say thank you or wave when it is done for me
I always give the wave, and when I let someone in or let someone cross the street and they don't wave I regret my act of kindness
guilty of not waving

Recently moved to Houston and it's rare that somebody will let you in. So after fighting traffic and finally forcing my way in why wave?

sue me
mostly ghetto, prejudice, and uppity people don't wave cause they have no manners and don't know any better. Also, me, I don't give a driver of a foreign car a chance to give me a courtesy wave because I never give them a break, especially if the car is new
I always let people in while merging not that serious I don't expect a wave. especially here in NYC and it doesn't bother me. I do wave sometimes when the person does stop to let me in or let me out of a spot.

I hate when people dont wave though. I give them an, "Oh, well excuseme." And then I just tailgate them until they decide to turn.
I just slow down and watch you swith lanes furiously.
what I dislike is watching a person not letting another person cut when they know the lane is ending, why?

as far as the wave goes, I really don't care if they wave or not. But I do say thank you when I can.
Originally Posted by HigherGround

what I dislike is watching a person not letting another person cut when they know the lane is ending, why?

This annoys me when on the highway.  On the streets though, if you try and make up your own lane you will not get in front of me.
People were trying to cut in front yesterday while waiting to get into my campus' parking lot, I made sure I was no more than 2.5 inches way from dudes bumper in front.
I always wave and hate it when others don't. Kind of related, I also hate it when you hold the door open for someone and they don't say thank you or nothing
i get hella heated when i dont get a return wave. im always throwin out waves, head nods, and thank yous so i expect some back.
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