Alt-White Rally: Charlottesville, VA

Wowwwwww. This needs to go viral. Don't let them hide. I've already forwarded it to couple of people I think can shine a light on it. Please do the same.

Yeah this is essentially trying to figure out ways to covertly recruit others into a hate group.

Very ISIS-y. Terrorist gon terrorist.
This is a good watch and it's on Netflix. Really shows what these lunatics are capable of.

do the cops ever protect black panthers and BLM like they protect the klan and escort them around town?

I’m glad we all get to see good white folks speak out honestly and say what a lot of us wish we could with that platform.

It’s really helping me, because I’ve quickly lost faith in most white Americans over the past few years.

First thing I saw from the rally was white people throwing hands with white people. Warmed my heart :pimp:
I went out to eat today and I was amazed by the convos I heard White folk were engaging in. Most of them were condemning the Riot and Trumps inaction.
People sleep on leftist Whites, but them cats get down when they have to.
I'm really hoping that the events that transpired over this weekend sway a lot of moderate whites to start actively supporting racial equality.

If riots and innocent people dying over a ******* confederate statue don't make you realize how ridiculous the plight of the "alt-righter" is, you're a lost cause.
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