Alt-White Rally: Charlottesville, VA

Maybe it will get more white people to stop turning a blind eye to actual racism instead of distractions and the result of it like Kaepernick.

We're expected to end and stop racism, as if it's our fault and we're the cause. When we're not the ones who started or practice it. And that's just the amongst people who think it actually exist.



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This is my favorite quote from MLK, wanted to include the rest of it.

"I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I cannot agree with your methods of direct action"; who paternalistically believes he can set the timetable for another man's freedom; who lives by a mythical concept of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait for a "more convenient season." Shallow understanding from people of good will is more frustrating than absolute misunderstanding from people of ill will. Lukewarm acceptance is much more bewildering than outright rejection.
Ol Remy from Higher Learning looking b**** ***.

"It's my world"


It's comedy reading all these people online trying to defend nazis right to exist. these the same people that wanna ban Muslims cuz they MIGHT be terrorist and hispanic folks cuz "crime" and "our" jobs but I'm supposed to respect some nazis cuz first amendment.

Better eat my ****, balls and all. **** these goofy haircut having culture-less losers.
These folks thought this was just Comic Con for racists. Nope. Glad they're getting outted and losing jobs. Their fun weekend should come with heavy consequences. Hopefully we'll see some arrest. Probably not though.

It's comedy reading all these people online trying to defend nazis right to exist. these the same people that wanna ban Muslims cuz they MIGHT be terrorist and hispanic folks cuz "crime" and "our" jobs but I'm supposed to respect some nazis cuz first amendment.

Better eat my ****, balls and all. **** these goofy haircut having culture-less losers.

Thats the funniest part to me. They wanna justify all this BS but if someone speaks spanish to their mother in the airport and they wanna wild out on em :smh:

Clowns for real
you wont believe how many people think the black panthers are out to murder innocent whites,

the naacp is just out to divide the country by calling everyone racists and BLM are black supremacists.

look at all the alt-whites playing the victim and distancing themselves from that loon in the dodge.

theyre blaming the cops for not doing their jobs and not keeping order and also ANTIFA and BLM for everything they created.

these are the same folks blaming immigrants for their poor work ethic and yelling out affirmative action for not being qualified for jobs.

"Thousands gathered to protest in the streets Charlottesville, Virginia Saturday, among them was 20 year-old Reno resident Peter Cvjetanovic."

Dude flew all the way from Reno to Charlottesville. You know how expensive of a flight that it is? Dude could've gone on a real vacation to somewhere nice but chose to spend his money on becoming the face of a trash cause instead. Dirty *** inbred :lol:
Unsurprisingly, hicks on facebook are responding to "We have white supremacists in the White House" with "well, we had the Muslim Brotherhood in office for 8 years. Stop crying"
How is hate groups legal in this country, that should be a crime in itself.

Free speech goes too damn far. I don't give a @#$@ if it's unconstitutional or not; there's no reason you should be able to legally promote language and actions that endanger other groups in this country. If these clowns want to abuse freedom of speech, it should be taken away from them
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