Alt-White Rally: Charlottesville, VA

I went out to eat today and I was amazed by the convos I heard White folk were engaging in. Most of them were condemning the Riot and Trumps inaction.

I would hope that the majority of Americans, regardless of political views would condemn Nazis and a terrorist driving a car into people.

A lot of people lack morals but even those with little morals aren't going to take the side of Nazis with swastikas.
I'm really hoping that the events that transpired over this weekend sway a lot of moderate whites to start actively supporting racial equality.

If riots and innocent people dying over a ****ing confederate statue don't make you realize how ridiculous the plight of the "alt-righter" is, you're a lost cause.
Why would they be against something the benefit from??? They ain't trying to give up some of their White privilege. Some are but the majority aren't.
I would hope that the majority of Americans, regardless of political views would condemn Nazis and a terrorist driving a car into people.

A lot of people lack morals but even those with little morals aren't going to take the side of Nazis with swastikas.
Shiii I've been out and heard crazy ish before.
Why would they be against something the benefit from??? They ain't trying to give up some of their White privilege. Some are but the majority aren't.
Brah, not really. Maybe for upper class white, but not the lower 80%.

The major form of oppression to minority groups in this country is not physical anymore, it is economic. Even with criminal justice, it is the underlying profit motive of locking up black and brown bodies that is what drives it

After the Civil Rights Act, many white American turned away from New Deal style policies because now they had to allow black people to participate.

The majority of white Americans (conservatives and moderates put together) turned toward neoliberalism because they felt it would hurt minority communities and the white middle class would stay strong. They supported tough on crime policies because drug epidemics only take root in mostly urban areas.

Letting go of white supremacy would be one of the best things white people could do for their communities. They deny themselves health insurance, decent schools for their kids, a better tax code, and a fair justice system (if you are white and poor, the justice system will still ravage you). All because they know fixing these issues will disproportionately help black and brown folk. But still, most of the gains by magnitude, would still be felt by white Americans, because they are the majority.

White supremacy is like a drug slowly killing the white middle class. While many realize that they need to quit it, many others are too addicted to the high. Even if it is destroying them too.
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2020 US Census creates an artificial rise in Employment

Trump doesn't want to run again

Pence Runs in his place

USA sees how good the numbers look....

Pence gets elected....

I move to Mexico, and live life as a Sober Tequila Farmer
Imagine if Dashawn and
Brah, not really. Maybe for upper class white, but not the lower 80%.

The major form of oppression to minority groups in this country is not physical anymore, it is economic. Even with criminal justice, it is the underlying profit motive of locking up black and brown bodies that is what drives it

After the Civil Rights Act, many white American turned away from New Deal style policies because now they had to allow black people to participate.

The majority of white Americans (conservatives and moderates put together) turned toward neoliberalism because they felt it would hurt minority communities and the white middle class would stay strong. They supported tough on crime policies because drug epidemics only take root in mostly urban areas.

Let go of white supremacy would be one of the best things white people could do for their communities. They deny themselves health insurance, decent schools for their kids, and a fair justice system all because it will disproportionately help black and brown folk if those things are fixed. But most of the gains, by magnitude, would still be felt by them.

White supremacy is like a drug slowly killing the white middle class. While many realize that they need to quit it, many others are to addicted to the high. Even if it is destroying them too.
yea they ain't trying to let the coloreds eat like them. Becky hardly even supports affirmative action in college admissions. Trump's presidency is in response to fears that Coloreds were getting too many benefits from Obeezy.
Imagine if Dashawn and

yea they ain't trying to let the coloreds eat like them. Becky hardly even supports affirmative action in college admissions. Trump's presidency is in response to fears that Coloreds were getting too many benefits from Obeezy.
#ChadHazelton'sLifeMatters too brah
Why would they be against something the benefit from??? They ain't trying to give up some of their White privilege. Some are but the majority aren't.

Because some of our parents tried raising us with morals and to teach us the mistakes from the past. Both my mom and dad went to high schools where there were frequent white vs black riots and those are some of the first stories I heard growing up that really stuck with me. They taught me from an early age how wrong that racial divide was AND STILL is today, even if it's not as obvious as it was back then. I'm not religious anymore but they did tie a lot of religion into it to help explain it to me when I was so young.

I've had to distance myself from most of the people I grew up with because as I got older and traveled more around the world, it became easier to see which people were closet racist or had subtle prejudices against anyone who wasn't like them (white). I found myself being the guy who would call people out for using the N word, they thought I was joking. When they realized I was serious they would say things like "oh there's a difference between (ending in ga) and (ending in er)" or "black people use it why can't I". Still gave them the stone face because I just can't believe I would have to explain it to their dumb***.

I wish I could articulate how ******* heated this **** going on in 2017 makes me. I mean we are really all sitting here talking about nazis in 2017. And these are just the ones that feel bold enough to show their faces. There's wayyyyy more that won't ever say **** outright unless they are behind closed doors with other white people they can trust. I've called out a few people by asking them "would you say this **** if a black person were in the room right now?"

I could literally rant all day about this but I just get angry and want to get the **** out of this backwards ****hole of a country. The fact that these WS have a voice at all sickens me and makes me want to get violent. Like, I've actually been called out for being racist against white people. My response was "is there something wrong with that? We are the root for every ******* problem not just the USA, but most of the world has ever seen"
Mayabe these White supremacist riots will force more people of color to vote.
I could literally rant all day about this but I just get angry and want to get the **** out of this backwards ****hole of a country. The fact that these WS have a voice at all sickens me and makes me want to get violent. Like, I've actually been called out for being racist against white people. My response was "is there something wrong with that? We are the root for every ******* problem not just the USA, but most of the world has ever seen"

Because some of our parents tried raising us with morals and to teach us the mistakes from the past. Both my mom and dad went to high schools where there were frequent white vs black riots and those are some of the first stories I heard growing up that really stuck with me. They taught me from an early age how wrong that racial divide was AND STILL is today, even if it's not as obvious as it was back then. I'm not religious anymore but they did tie a lot of religion into it to help explain it to me when I was so young.

I've had to distance myself from most of the people I grew up with because as I got older and traveled more around the world, it became easier to see which people were closet racist or had subtle prejudices against anyone who wasn't like them (white). I found myself being the guy who would call people out for using the N word, they thought I was joking. When they realized I was serious they would say things like "oh there's a difference between (ending in ga) and (ending in er)" or "black people use it why can't I". Still gave them the stone face because I just can't believe I would have to explain it to their dumb***.

I wish I could articulate how ******* heated this **** going on in 2017 makes me. I mean we are really all sitting here talking about nazis in 2017. And these are just the ones that feel bold enough to show their faces. There's wayyyyy more that won't ever say **** outright unless they are behind closed doors with other white people they can trust. I've called out a few people by asking them "would you say this **** if a black person were in the room right now?"

I could literally rant all day about this but I just get angry and want to get the **** out of this backwards ****hole of a country. The fact that these WS have a voice at all sickens me and makes me want to get violent. Like, I've actually been called out for being racist against white people. My response was "is there something wrong with that? We are the root for every ******* problem not just the USA, but most of the world has ever seen"

Mayabe these White supremacist riots will force more people of color to vote.

Maybe it will get more white people to stop turning a blind eye to actual racism instead of distractions and the result of it like Kaepernick.

We're expected to end and stop racism, as if it's our fault and we're the cause. When we're not the ones who started or practice it. And that's just the amongst people who think it actually exist.
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