Alt-White Rally: Charlottesville, VA

By the way, I'm pretty sure most of you have noticed, but based on his last name, this clown Peter Cvjetanovic would've been sent to the gas chamber during Nazi era Germany. Slavic people were literally considered to be subhuman by both Hitler and Mussolini, yet this idiot is claiming to be a Neo Nazi :lol:

The whole American Nazi thing is ridiculous given that it basically pretends that World War II didn't happen :lol: How did these inbreds make it past elementary school history?
By the way, I'm pretty sure most of you have noticed, but based on his last name, this clown Peter Cvjetanovic would've been sent to the gas chamber during Nazi era Germany. Slavic people were literally considered to be subhuman by both Hitler and Mussolini, yet this idiot is claiming to be a Neo Nazi :lol:

The whole American Nazi thing is ridiculous given that it basically pretends that World War II didn't happen :lol: How did these inbreds make it past elementary school history?

This guy woulda been begging his neighbors to hide him in the attic.

Buncha dumb ****s these people are

Memorial for Charlottesville victim Heather Heyer placed in Piedmont Park during rally Sunday.

Protesters in Atlanta angry with white supremacist violence in Charlottesville marched to Piedmont Park Sunday night, spray painting a statue of a Confederate soldier and chanting slogans decrying President Donald Trump.

With five judges confirmed, another 30 pending and 123 seats left to fill, according to one group tracking the numbers, Trump has the opportunity to revamp the judiciary branch and carve out a legacy for himself that could stand the test of time.

It can’t be overstated the impact the individuals he’s appointing will have on millions of people across the country and their children for a generation or two,” said Dan Goldberg, legal director at the liberal Alliance for Justice.

The Supreme court only hears about 80 cases a year. 99 percent of cases end in the federal courts of appeal or at the trial level.”

If you cared to examine who Trump is placing in those judge spots, you would see how minorities already lost.

The Senate has already confirmed two of Trump’s judicial nominees to the Cincinnati-based 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals — Kentucky natives Amul Thapar and John Bush.

Trump has more than 130 judicial vacancies to fill on the federal courts. The number is unusually large because Republicans blocked dozens of Obama appointees — including uncontroversial ones — in the final years of the Democratic administration. And now the new administration is moving to fill the same seats that were kept open, sometimes for two and three years.

Among the posts Bush said he now regrets is one that equated the U.S. Supreme Court's 1857 Dred Scott decision, which upheld slavery, with the Court's 1973 Roe v. Wade decision legalizing abortion. Specifically, Bush called slavery and abortion "the two greatest tragedies in our country."

Questioned by a skeptical Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., Bush maintained that he nonetheless would have no difficulty as a judge in upholding Roe.

When Feinstein reminded Bush that he was under oath, Bush replied, "I understand that. My role as a circuit judge is to apply the law of the Supreme Court."

Democrat Al Franken of Minnesota chimed in, asking Bush about blog posts that cited alt-right reports containing conspiracy theories and false information, such as the claim that President Obama was not born in the U.S.

In a testy exchange, Franken pressed Bush on how he decided which sources to rely on for information, pointing to one source which Franken called a "white nationalism" propaganda organ filled with "hate speech."

Bush dodged the question several times, until Franken asked bluntly if Bush "felt free to put posts out that cited sources that you knew were not credible."

"No," Bush replied. "I'm not saying that. I'm saying that as a blogger, I was making political statements."

While Bush adopted an apologetic tone, a second nominee, Damien Schiff, was far more confrontational.

Schiff, a senior attorney with the conservative Pacific Legal Foundation in California, is nominated to sit on the U.S. Court of Federal Claims. He has a long record challenging everything from environmental regulations, to health and safety laws, to gay rights laws.
I'm shocked Pence spoke up

There seems to be a disconnect in the white house. Pence seems to want to have a career after Trump and wants to distance himself.

Kind of weird you said that, Michael Rapaport (Remy) roasted the White Nationalist

The same guy who attacked Kaepernick's form of protest. He's just after attention.
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By the way, I'm pretty sure most of you have noticed, but based on his last name, this clown Peter Cvjetanovic would've been sent to the gas chamber during Nazi era Germany. Slavic people were literally considered to be subhuman by both Hitler and Mussolini, yet this idiot is claiming to be a Neo Nazi :lol:

The whole American Nazi thing is ridiculous given that it basically pretends that World War II didn't happen :lol: How did these inbreds make it past elementary school history?

Russian neo-nazis never made sense to me because so many of their people were killed fighting nazis.

The raw statistics of the war are nothing short of stunning. On the Soviet side, some seven million soldiers died in action, with another 3.6 million dying in German POW camps.
That's what happens those alt right losers also make up a bunch of the police force, senators, judges, etc. Why would the police arrest their own?

Yep, exactly my thoughts. It shows how many police are in these groups.
Seeing a clip of these militia men acting like they were about do something was hilarious and sad at the same time.

That Peter Cvjetanovic guy trying to defend himself is stupid. I saw a twitter thread of people who had class with the guy. Ridiculous.

This weekend was crazy.

Oh, and I saw the end of the Presiden't speech 'condemning' the actions from Saturday and avoiding the reporter's questions at the end. :smh:

How can you ignore that and stay silent? It's ridiculous.
Some really think your local Bloods, Crips MS13 etc are gonna play bodyguard at some anti-Nazi protest
*MJ gif*
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